Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKA

Activities of the social services of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis

The activities of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovish have been realized according to the programme for work in the past period. Apart the regular activities, several workshops have been conducted with different stakeholders.

Within the project “Intercultural Learning for All”, that the Republic Centre – PORAKA is implementing with the partner organizations “Halfway there” and SUMERO, workshops have been realized on the topics: culture, religion, and customs. During these workshops the users learned about these topics and discussed them. They spoke of the different religions, the religious holidays, and their celebration, and also about folk dances and clothes of the three countries (Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Additionally, the workshops on the topic nonviolent communication have been also implemented. These workshops offered possibilities for the users to learn about different types of communication. Then, there were workshops on the topic about emotions and how to deal with different types of emotions, and the last one was about public speaking. 

 At the end of June, together with the volunteers of the Red Cross in Radovish and candidates from the programme for personal assistants, the users had the opportunity to enjoy sports and recreational activities outdoors and to feel the competitive spirit.

The workshops for the play “Little Mermaid” continued in the past period as well. During these workshops the users learned the text for the play, but also started with learning the choreography. At the beginning of September, in cooperation with parents of the users, there was a workshop for making home-made pasta.

Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip

The Day Centre of the Republic Centre - PORAKA in Shtip regularly conducts its foreseen activities. Part of these activities are the workshops from the project “Intercultural Learning for All”. Within the workshops for culture, tradition, and customs the users of the Day Centre visited the Kadin Ana Mosque and St.Nikola Church where they had the possibility to learn about the traditions and customs in the Orthodox and Muslim religion. During the workshops for nonviolent communication, they discussed the topics on communication, emotions and practiced public speaking.

In the middle of June, the users visited the factory for packaging production – plastic bottles “Varadi DOO” – Shtip. They had the opportunity to see and hear about the plastic packaging production process in the factory’s production facility. For the World Music Day on June 21, the users attended the concert of the City Choir – Shtip.

The cooperation with the fitness instructor from B.Fit continued in the past period as well. The users of the Day Centre visited City Gym in Shtip, where supported by a trainer from the gym and the fitness instructor from B.Fit, they had the opportunity to see and feel a different type of training and exercises. Additionally, at the beginning of September, B.Fit organized a fitness training for the users in the day centre’s yard.

The cooperation with the Primary School “Goce Delchev” is continuous. At the invitation of the director of this school, on 30.08.2023, the users took part in decorating the school hall for the first day of the new school year. At the beginning of September, Cvetanka Panova, who has a pastry shop, visited the Day Centre, and surprised the users with delicious pastry. On 6th of September, some of the users attended a musical event organised by the Municipality of Shtip.

Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje

All the activities at both Day Centres in Skopje were realised in accordance with the working programme. Within the project “Intercultural Learning for All”, different workshops were held. In June both Day Centres carried out workshops on the topics culture, religion, customs, tradition, and also postcards were made presenting the natural beauties of the three countries. In July, the topics of the workshops were on nonviolent communication. As a part of the activities within the project, at the end of August and at the beginning of September, several culinary workshops were held in the Day Centre in Aerodrom following easy-to-read recipes for traditional Macedonian dishes. The workshops in cooperation with Theatre Pi also continued in the past period. These workshops are part of the new multimedia project according to a novel from the writer Jordan Radickov.

In cooperation with the organisation “Zelenata Arka” starting from September, the users of the Day Centres in Skopje are direct participants in the project “Development of the first urban garden in City of Skopje”. Through cultivation of the land, it will be turned into a garden, and the users will learn how to garden and compost, how to plant crops and produce healthy food. The goal of the joint gardening is for the users to develop different skills, sense of belonging and increasing their self-esteem by sharing experiences and responsibilities among themselves. The weeds were uprooted, the ground was excavated and levelled, the paths were cleaned, the first seeds of lettuce and spinach were sown, and also the first attempt was made to sow parsley and arugula. The horticultural therapy could be a break from the daily city rush.

Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep

The Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep, held workshops on the topics culture, tradition, and nonviolent communication, apart the regular activities carried out in the previous period. Pupils from the Secondary School “Gjorche Petrov” took part in these workshops as well. Also, the users of the Day Centre had the opportunity to visit the Association for humanitarian and social action “Prerodba” and directly see and feel the spirit of the Macedonian tradition.

Starting from July, a new practice was introduced, i.e., each Friday the users are responsible for cleaning the premises at the Day Centre and the toilet, and for hand washing their towels. This activity fulfilled the expected results and therefore will continue in the future. In the past period, the users of the Day Centre had an educational visit to the City Swimming Pool “Markovi Kuli”. During the visit, the users had the possibility to gain basic knowledge for space orientation, safely moving around where there are no pedestrian paths and good manners at the pool. Another interesting activity for the users was gaining skills for using vending machines. More precisely, they had the opportunity to use the coffee vending machines. This activity also offered possibilities for a walk around the neighbourhood of the Day Centre and to practice the space orientation and movement skills.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica

The Social Club of the Republic centre – PORAKA in Strumica actively conducted its programme activities, as well as the creative workshops that are particularly interesting for the users. In July, the users realised practical and social activities like shopping at the green market and markets, repeating and improving the skills for money manipulation while paying at the cash register or at the green market. Activities for maintaining personal hygiene in summer and choosing suitable clothes were realised, as well as what types of food and drinks should be prepared during the summer period. On 2nd of July, the users of the Social Club together with their parents and volunteers had a one-day trip to the Monastery Sveti Gjorgija in Oraovica in Radovish.

The realisation of the summer activities and the creative workshops continued in August, and also several workshops were held within the new project “Disability-friendly places in the community”, financially supported by the Municipality of Strumica.

The planned activities for September were also realised, i.e., the activities for developing cognitive, practical, and social skills, like preparing light meals, deserts, salads, beverages, necessary products for cooking, looking for recipes in different magazines, watching educational video materials and other activities. On 17th of September, the users together with their parents and volunteers had a one-day excursion to Markov Manastir near Skopje. Both excursions were financed by the Mayor of Municipality of Strumica, Kostadin Kostadinov, from the donated funds during the New Year Holidays, as well as from “Vasilevi” from Angelci, Strumica.


Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica

The activities in the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica are regularly realised according to the programme for work. In addition to the activities for gaining cognitive, practical, and social skills, several creative workshops on the topic of summer were held. These workshops were an opportunity for the users to gain knowledge about nutrition and clothing during summer. Social games were also organized, where the users had the possibility to practice teamwork skills and to create stronger connections between them. An integral part of the activities are the meetings with the parents and their involvement in the activities of the Social Club.

 In June, the Social Club organized and realized a visit to the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Makedonska Kamenica. They all created handicrafts during the workshops, but also had a walk around Makedonska Kamenica.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija

The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija realized the planned activities in the past period. In June several activities were held, and couple of them were organised outdoors. The activities started by observing the jubilee of the Republic Centre – PORAKA, and the users made a poster on the topic, followed by discussions about the meaning of the term jubilee, and how it may be observed.

Creative and practical activities were also carried out, i.e., painting plaster figures, preparing coffee and tea. The users of the Social Club were invited and participated in a one-day activity with the Association Kozuf and Ice Begov Foundation. The users successfully walked the 7km trail, and at the end of the trail, they were given medals and had lunch with all the other participants. Once a month, social games are organised. These activities are relaxing for the users make them cooperate and master new skills. Visit to Negorski Banji was also organised, a place for sports and recreational activities, with thermal waters. Initially there was a discussion about the thermal waters and their benefits, and then the users took part in sports and recreational activities.

In August, the activities began with celebration of a birthday of one of the users. The purpose of this activity, among other, was to discuss and show how the users can be included and help in organising different family celebrations. Also, several creative activities were held, which among other, offered possibilities for improving their fine motoric. The nice weather was the reason for a walk to the nearby park where the users discussed the nature changes, but also to have fun through social games in which they learn to take turns and be patient.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola

The activities of the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola have been realised as foreseen in the programme for work. The activities for gaining and improving the everyday living skills are regularly realised as well as different creative workshops aimed at making handicrafts. The sports and recreational activities have been regularly carried out in the yard of the Social Club. Additionally, the users had the opportunity to visit the Museum in Bitola and to learn about the history and the cultural heritage of our country. This visit was followed by a light walk to the City ZOO. The users of the Social Club also had a great time at the concert of the singer Aco Pejovic.

During July, there was a two-day visit to the Monastery Sveti Petar i Pavle, which is situated high in the woods of Mountain Bigla. This visit was an interesting experience for the users filled with numerous activities. They watered the flowers and the grass in the yard of the Monastery, had walks in the woods and gathered mountain tea. Also, they had a creative workshop for making handicrafts inspired by the Monastery. Furthermore, they cleaned the rooms in which they stayed. During their visit, the users visited the monument and the house of Dame Gruev in Smilevo. 


Members of PORAKA Veles held several workshops with members of the Youth Drama studio “Premiera”. During the workshops, the members of the studio learned about the different types of disability and their characteristics. The learned about the behaviour, the life and inclusion in the community of these people. Special emphasis was put on types of violence these persons face in their everyday life, how they experience it, and how it affects their socioemotional development and their quality of life.

Creation of a scenario for a play was the final product of these workshops that addressed all types of disabilities and the types of violence (bullying) that occur daily in school classrooms. Professor Anita Staninova – Mircheva wrote the scenario, and the members of the Youth Drama Studio “Premiera” were the actors. The President of PORAKA Veles, Vesna Basarov, special educator and rehabilitator, worked intensively of the characteristics and building the characters with disabilities in the play.

The play “Silent victims” had its premiere on 07.06.2023 on the small stage at the theatre in Veles. To a great pleasure of everyone involved, the play received many positive reviews. Therefore, on the initiative of the Mayor of Municipality of Veles, and with support from Rotary and Lions Clubs from Veles, the play will be put on the repertoire of the theatre in Veles in the second half of October and will be mandatory for the pupils from 5th till 9th grade.

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