Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


English version


Macedonian version


(easy to read, short version)


(easy to read, long version)

Convention Ratification Act

State answers to a list of questions

Submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

List of issues in relation to the initial report of The Republic of North Macedonia

KPLP General Comment no. 1 - recognition before the law

KPLP General Comment no. 2 - accessibility

KPLP General Comment no. 3 - women and girls

KPLP General Comment no. 4 - inclusive education

KPLP General Comment no. 5 - independent living

KPLP General Comment no. 6 - non-discrimination

KPLP Guidelines - Article 14 right to life and personal freedom

KPLP Guidelines - Article 33 monitoring framework

Initial report to CRPD MK October 2014

Macedonian Coalition submission for the session

Concluding observations UNCRPD (English version)

Concluding observations UNCRPD (Macedonian version)

First draft initial report after the UN Convention final

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