
Our publications
through the years

"Intercultural Learning for All" in Macedonian

"Intercultural Learning for All" in Albanian

Forty years of operation of CPLIP – PORAKA Kriva Palanka

Position paper of EASPD Family-centred Early Childhood Intervention: The best start in life

The impact of the rising cost of living on service providers in the disability sector

Building and strengthening integrated ECI systems: Balkan Report

Report on the Progress of the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities “10 Years Later”

European strategy on the rights of people with disabilities – Easy to read version

What is the corona virus vaccine? – Easy to read information

Disability services in non-EU countries: State-of-play of service provision sector in Albania, Armenia, Moldova, North Maceodnia and Turkey

International Agreement on the Rights of People with Disabilities – Easy Read Version

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