Activities of the local branches of PORAKA on the occasion of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar organized and conducted several activities for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. During 4th and 30th of November, a competition was held for artistic and literature works on the subject: “Do not leave us alone”. On 3 December, PORAKA Demir Hisar in cooperation with the secondary school “Krste Petkov Misirkov”, primary schools, and under the auspices of the Mayor of Demir Hisar, held an event on the theme: “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. Large number of stakeholders in the disability area took part: representatives from the local self-government, schools, institutions, NGOs, business sector, members of PORAKA Demir Hisar and other citizens. Mr.Ljube Dimcevski, president of PORAKA Demir Hisar welcomed the participants, and presented the activities of the organization in the previous year. The best literature and artistic works were presented during the event. The awarded pupils received diplomas and modest awards, books and school materials, provided by PORAKA Demir Hisar and poets and writers from Demir Hisar: Mr.Slavko Krstevski, Mr.Zlatko Boshevski, Mr.Zoran Kotevski, Ms.Biljana Solunchevska and Mr.Mende Solunchevski. PORAKA Demir Hisar also gave acknowledgements for successful cooperation in realization of the programme activities of the organization. At the end of the event participants had the opportunity to see the exhibition of art works made by pupils from primary and secondary schools in Demir Hisar.

The members of the Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Stip, observed 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, by visiting the secondary school “Iskra” in Stip, where some of them have finished the secondary education. On 4th of December, in its premises, PORAKA Stip organized social event for the members of the Social Club. Also, quiz competition was organized about the previously acquired knowledge among the persons with intellectual disability. Associates, friends and supporters visited the persons with intellectual disability and brought them modest gifts. The representatives from “Bargala” shoe factory donated personal computer, and UMS of VMRO-DPMNE a printer. The Church “Sveti Nikola” and the secondary school “Iskra” also brought modest gifts. The observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was covered by the local media.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Debarobserved the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 2nd December. On the observance, apart from the members of PORAKA Debar, many associates from Macedonia and Albania and representatives from Croatian factory SINERGA based in Struga took part. Mr.Bekim Ame, president of PORAKA Debar and Mr.Malik Alajbegu, secretary, emphasized the importance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities and presented the activities of the organization in the past year, which were accompanied by a video presentation. The event continued with recital and songs by persons with intellectual disability from Debar and Centar Zupa, members of PORAKA Debar. During the programme of the event the associates of the organization, including members of local self-government, expressed their satisfaction from the cooperation with PORAKA Debar, and presented future plans for further deepening of joint actions in order to promote the rights of persons with intellectual disability on the territory of municipalities of Debar and Centar Zupa. Afterwards, on behalf of the company SINERGA – Horvat Zagreb, the members of PORAKA Debar received jackets and t-shirts. Moreover, the president of PORAKA Debar gave acknowledgements to individuals and institutions for successful cooperation. The event finished with an exhibition of art works made by persons with intellectual disability. The event was covered by the local media.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Strumica , as every year, observed 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This year the day was observed together with Red Cross Strumica. Both NGOs cooperated in organizing a charity event, which was held on of 3rd of December at the Home of ARM (Army of Republic of Macedonia). Representatives from these organizations exhibited handmade greeting cards and ornaments for sale, and jointly made efforts to organize rich entertainment programme which featured young folklorists, singers and poets. The funds gathered from the charity event are aimed for persons with intellectual disability, more specifically, the funds will be used for the Social club of PORAKA Strumica. The same day, the Mayor of Strumica, Mr.Zoran Zaev, held the traditional meeting with persons with disabilities at the Home of ARM. Participants on the meeting discussed the problems and needs that this group of citizens face in their everyday living, and which may be proposed for the Budget of Municipality of Strumica for 2015, as well as for their inclusion, socialization and ways for facilitating their everyday life. Members of PORAKA Strumica took part in this meeting and they discussed and commented on the conditions at the day center for children with intellectual disability in Strumica. The Mayor said that they would take measures and activities to meet the requirements of PORAKA Strumica.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Tetovo observed 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with several activities. On 2nd of December, members of PORAKA Tetovo had a meeting with the Mayor of Tetovo, Ms.Teuta Arifi, and discussed the problems and needs of persons with intellectual disability. The same day at the Home of Culture in Tetovo an exhibition was open consisting of 56 drawings made by 31 pupils in special classes at the primary schools in Tetovo. The organization “Veshta Zena” from Tetovo brought different food products made by their members. The winner of this year’s competition “Veshta Zena” donated cake for the children. The Mayor of Tetovo, Ms.Teuta Arifi, with her associates took part in this event and noted that will work for a better tomorrow in all spheres of life for persons with disability.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Skopje realized different activities for observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On 24th of November the exhibition of handicrafts and works made by beneficiaries of the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Skopje was open. The exhibition was set at the Faculty of Fine Arts, in Suli an – the Old Turkish Bazaar, in the period of 24.11. till 5.12.2014. This activity was organized by the Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA with support of the Faculty of Fine Arts. The following day members of the Rotary Club Centar – Skopje visited the day center and were introduced with the work of this social service, and of the organization as a whole. The Rotary Club Centar – Skopje donated food products for the needs of the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Skopje. On 26th of November students from the Faculty of Fine Arts – Sculpture study program, together with the beneficiaries of the day center realized a workshop and made handicrafts on the theme of New Year holidays. Pupils from the primary school “Ljuben Lape” hosted the beneficiaries of the day center on 1st of December and had joint sports activities at the sports hall of the school. On invitation of Red Cross of City of Skopje, which organized the event, the beneficiaries of the day center visited the day center for cerebral palsy on 3rd of December. On 5th of December, the Republic Center – PORAKA organized an Open day of the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Skopje. Associates had the opportunity to socialize with the beneficiaries of the day center, and in order to raise the level of recognizing and understanding the needs and problems of persons with intellectual disability, as well as to raise awareness for the positive contributions arising from their inclusion in everyday life of the community. During the Open day PORAKA Skopje gave acknowledgements to its associates and supporters of the work of the organization and the service.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Kriva Palankatook part in observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The main event was held in the day center in Kriva Palanka in the presence of many different stakeholders in the field of disability and other associates of PORAKA Kriva Palanka. The event started with pupils from the primary schools from Kriva Palanka and Rankovce who had prepared a programme with dances, songs, drama section etc. Then all of them continued to dance, play and share different experiences. PORAKA Kriva Palanka gave diplomas to the winners of the previously conducted art competition on the theme: “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. Also, visit to three families with children with disabilities who are pupils in primary school was realized.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Radovis realized different activities for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The programme for observance followed the UN guidelines and the theme: “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. PORAKA Radovis locally sought to affirm and include persons with intellectual disability, beneficiaries of the day center, in activities related to education, culture and social life in surroundings that are accessible and available. On 28th of November the beneficiaries of the day center – PORAKA Radovis visited the factory for producing prayer mats “Dekortekstil”. The beneficiaries were introduced with the production process of prayer mats used by Muslims for praying. Most of the production id aimed for export to Turkey and Afghanistan. The recently opened fast food restaurant “Ri-Hri” invited the beneficiaries on 2nd of December to taste some of their specialities. On 3rd of December, at the premises of the day center – PORAKA Radovis, the organization observed the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which was attended by large number of associates and supporters. During the event, a brief overview about the importance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and about the needs and capabilities of persons with intellectual disability as well as about their inclusion in all spheres of society life gave Ms.Tatjana Kostadinova, social worker at the day center. PORAKA Radovis gave acknowledgements to individuals and organizations that supported the programme activities of the organization and the day center for persons with intellectual disability. The local media that constantly cover all activities and help in transparency of the implementation of programme activities of PORAKA Radovis were present and reported about the event. On 5th of December Ms.Nada Cipuseva, Member of the Assembly of RM from Radovis, visited the day center and was introduced with the activities of PORAKA Radovis and the day center, and also with the needs and problems that the organization is facing in providing the continuity of the work of the social service, which is so far provided only from the Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA. Moreover, sales exhibition was organized with handicrafts made by the beneficiaries of the day center. The gathered funds will be used for the needs of the day center. Related to the observation of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and for the needs of the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Radovis, the Mayor of Radovis donated a personal computer, the vice-general director of Bucim Mine donated two laptops, the director of “Ishrana-Bucim” donated a Christmas tree, and the Mayor of Municipality of Konce donated materials for implementing the programme activities of the day center.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Gevgelija observed 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities under the motto: “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. PORAKA Gevgelija began the observance of this important day on 28th of November at the premises of the Social Club by implementing a workshop for producing cards and handicrafts. That same day some of the members of the organization visited the Meteorological Station in Gevgelija, where a member of the organization is working. Persons with intellectual disability were introduced with the work of their friend, and with the functioning of the meteorological station. On 2nd of December PORAKA Gevgelija held a working meeting with the parents of persons with intellectual disability and representatives from the center for Social Work and the Employment Agency. The discussions on the meeting were regarding the inclusion of persons with intellectual disability in all spheres of life, with particular emphasize on the theme: “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. It was highlighted that the new technologies developments influence the life of persons with intellectual disability. Therefore, they need to have access to new technologies, including ICT. It was also emphasized that working environments need to be reasonable accommodated, inclusive and accessible for persons with intellectual disability in order for them to participate and contribute with their working force. All that will allow them to be equal and treated with dignity and respect. The local media took part in the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disability by covering the events organized by PORAKA Gevgelija.

The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Vinica, on the occasion of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and with cooperation with the association of physically disabled persons “MOBILNOST” organized a public debate on the subject: “Sustainable Development: The Promise of Technology”. The debate was held on 4th of December in the Home of Culture in Vinica with participation of many stakeholders in the disability area on local level. They discussed the issues concerning persons with disabilities in the municipality, the problems they face, and about the possibilities and ways of overcoming them. The President of the Council of Municipality of Vinica, Ms.Blagica Andonova, in her discussion highlighted the capacities and potentials of persons with disability. Using the right technology and reasonable accommodation, persons with disability can fully perform their working tasks. During the debate it has been emphasized that assistive technology is increasingly being used in schools i.e. in teaching pupils with disabilities. The President of PORAKA Vinica gave acknowledgements to institutions and individuals that supported persons with intellectual disability in the past year. The debate was covered by the local media.

The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Prilep, at the City Library “Borka Taleski” under the motto: “Nobody can forbid the sun to equally shine on all of us”, on 2nd of December held a public debate on the subject: “Integration of persons with intellectual disability in the society”, in order to observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The Secretary of PORAKA Prilep welcomed the participants and presented the aims of this activity. Mr.Asen S.Stamenov, author of the monograph on PORAKA Prilep, spoke about the organization i.e. the beginnings, activities, challenges, falls and successes. Ms.Meri Trpeska, defectologist, talked about the health insurance system in our country i.e. those parts referring to persons with intellectual disability. She presented the benefits, exemptions, treatments, consultations etc. offered to these persons, but also about the challenges these people face after reaching 26 years of age when they are no longer exempt from health participation. Ms.Elena Petreska, psychologist, presented her professional and personal views. She emphasized that persons with intellectual disability are part of our life, so we have to accept them and learn how to listen to their needs. They have the same rights as everyone else, same needs, wishes and it is our obligation to accept them and make them feel as equal part of the society. Ms.Aneta Risteska. PhD in defectology, stressed that intellectual disability is not an illness but condition. She also highlighted the challenges that families face, as well as the attitudes of the environment and the society towards these persons. Ms.Snezana Stojkoska and Mr.Rade Aljakoski, as parents of persons with intellectual disability unselfishly shared their life stories, everyday challenges they face and the way they overcome all barriers because society discriminates and degrades these persons. The public debate was covered by the local media.

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