PORAKA Radovish observed 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on local level. On 30.11.2023, a creative workshop was held at the Day Centre with pupils from the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov” on two topics. The first one was for artistic expression and creating drawings on New Year’s theme, and the other one for decorating New Years handicrafts. The same day, the local Women’s Club from the Urban Community 2 were guests at the Day Centre and together with the users, they conducted horticultural activities at the Day Centre’s courtyard. On 1.12.2023, the users of the Day Centre visited the newly opened Creative Centre NEXUS together with the volunteers from the Red Cross in Radovish and took part in a musical workshop. Moreover, they had the possibility to see a studio with many cameras, microphones, speakers and the learn about their function. Video story was prepared from the whole visit and the workshop, which was presented at the event for observing 3 December. Traditionally, on 3rd of December, the Humanitarian organization VERICA organised Radovishka etno sofra, and all the collected funds are intended for the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovish, as well as for two other citizens from Radovish who need medical treatments abroad. Parents of users at the Day Centre took part in this event with their own home-made food. On 4.12.2023, at the premises of the Day Centre, an event for observing 3 December was held together with supporters of the work of the Day Centre and PORAKA Radovish. PORAKA’s President, Mrs.Violetka Srbakova, emphasised the significance of including persons with intellectual disability in all spheres of society life, and also the needed support from the citizens, the business sector and the municipality. Mrs.Tatjana Kostadinovska spoke about the importance of 3 December and about the activities of PORAKA Radovish and the Day Centre, that were conducted in the past year. Several users of the Day Centre, together with pupils from the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov” performed two scenes from “Malata sirena” play, which will have its premiere at the beginning of next year. As a token of appreciation, PORAKA gave Acknowledgements to institutions and individuals that have supported the work of the organization and the Day Centre in the past year.
In addition of the observance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, this year PORAKA Demir Hisar observes a jubilee – 45 years since its establishment. In the period before observing these two dates, PORAKA Demir Hisar organised a literature and art works competition for the pupils from the primary and secondary schools in the municipality. The main event took place on 24.11.2023 at the premises of PORAKA Demir Hisar and was held under the auspices of the Mayor of Municipality of Demir Hisar, Mr.Najdovski, with support from the Municipality Council. The President of PORAKA Demir Hisar emphasised that 2023 is significant for the organization since there are three important events that are observed: 60 years since the establishment of the Republic Centre – PORAKA, 45 years since the establishment of PORAKA Demir Hisar and 31 years since the declaration of 3 December as an International Day of Persons with Disability. The Mayor of Municipality of Demir Hisar stressed that PORAKA Demir Hisar is a proven stakeholder and has carried out many activities for creating a society in which persons with intellectual disability and their families will have a dignified life.
PORAKA Shtip implemented numerous activities, which followed this year’s UN theme for observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On 22.11.2023 at the Secondary School “Dimitar Miraschiev” an inclusive workshop was held titled: “Together till a finished product” together with the pupils from this school. During the workshop they all made textile products. In cooperation with the Red Cross in Shtip on 24.11.2023, the users of the Day Centre had a training for first aid which was tailored to their possibilities and also learned about the different activities of the Red Cross. The members of “Be Fit and Active” together with the users of the Day Centre were part of the workshop “Life skills”. During the workshop the participants had the possibility to gain knowledge, skills and to hear some guidelines to healthy lifestyles. On 28.11.2023 the users of the Day Centre had the opportunity to visit Dr.Organdziski Hospital in Shtip. They received useful information regarding the importance of taking care of their own health, ways of improving personal health and made free of charge laboratory analyses. On 29.11.2023 the users of the Day Centre visited Versaj Café, where they were welcomed by their friend, also a user at the Day Centre. He was engaged at the café as a waiter and barmen for the whole day and besides serving the guests he had the opportunity to talk to all of them. At the invitation of the Mayor of Municipality of Shtip, a representative from PORAKA Shtip took part in a meeting, where together with several institutions and organisations from the disability sector in Shtip, discussed the future activities that will enable persons with disability to better integrate in society life. Additionally, the Mayor awarded vouchers to the organisations that participated at the meeting. On 3.12.2023 meeting was held at the Union of Disability Organisations in Stip. The advisor from the Equal Opportunities Department and the Head of the Mayor’s Office attended the meeting, in which the problems faced by persons with disability in their everyday life were discussed. On 4.12.2023 workshop was held with pupils and the inclusion team from the Primary School “Goce Delchev” where different handicrafts were made. At the premises of the Red Cross in Shtip, on the 6th of December, the users of the Day Centre took part in a creative workshop for making New Year’s cards.
For the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities PORAKA Prilep organised different activities, which were conducted in several days and in different locations. On 30.12.2023 visits to the Memorial Museum “11 Oktomvri” and the Memorial Museum “Kuzman Josifoski – Pitu” were realised. The users of the Day Centre had the possibility to learn about the past and the important historic moments of developing the Macedonian State and Municipality of Prilep. The users had the opportunity to visit the Biochemic Laboratory “Maksim and the Dentist practice “D-r Kalcoski”, where they listened to advice for improving their own health, and also to make biochemic analyses and a dentist check-up. On 4.12.2023 a culinary workshop was held at the premises of the Day Centre together with the members of VMRO-DPMNE’s Union of Women. They also had the possibility to play interactive games. Through different performances, the users of the Day Centre took part in an inclusive event “Inclusive Art”. It was held on 6.12.2023 in the restaurant Altan, in which users of the Day Centre “Dzunica”, users from the day centre for persons with cerebral palsy, pupils from the Secondary School “Mirche Acev” and volunteers from the Red Cross also took part. On 7.12.2023, in cooperation with the association Prerodba, a workshop for creating traditional cutlery from clay was realised at the premises of the Day Centre. Inclusive event – painting on canvas and redesigning second-hand clothes into authentic was realised in cooperation with the Secondary School “Gjorche Petrov” on 11.12.2023. The paintings and the clothes will be displayed at the Art Gallery in the Home of Culture “Marko Cepenkov” in Prilep at the beginning of next year. In order to see the work in a factory and to be introduced to the production process, on 13.12.2023 the users of the Day Centre visited the factory for production of automobile parts Akomplast and WIK, factory for household electrical appliances.
PORAKA Bitola, in accordance with the theme and programme for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, produced the inclusive theatre performance “Begalka” based on the play by Vasil Iljoski, which was staged ate the National Theatre in Bitola on 4.12.2023. Eight members from PORAKA Bitola took part in the performance, four of them had leading roles, and the others were included in supporting roles and participated within their possibilities. The observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities represented an opportunity for joint and inclusive event – i.e. pupils and teachers from primary and secondary schools were included, and the National Theatre in Bitola, the Folklore Association Pletenka, AF Goce Delchev, also contributed to the event.
PORAKA Veles created and realised this year’s activities for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, in accordance with the UN guidelines. Starting from November 2023, PORAKA Veles and the Ballet Studio Anabela from Veles signed a memorandum for cooperation, which provides opportunities for the members of PORAKA Veles to attend classes at this studio. The aim of these classes is to create a dance group that will prepare an inclusive dance routine in the para-dance category. On 30.12.2023 a creative workshop was held at the day centre for persons with disabilities, in which the participants made ceramic bowls. These works will be displayed at the New Year’s Bazaar in Veles.
PORAKA Kriva Palanka observed the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with couple of activities. In November, a competition for art and literature works was organised on the topic: “United in action to rescue and achieve the SDGs for, with and by persons with disabilities“ in which the schools from Kriva Palanka and Rankovce took part. The main event was held on 1.12.2023 at the premises of the Day Centre for persons with disability in Kriva Palanka, where the significance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was discussed, as well as the activities that PORAKA Kriva Palanka realised in the past year. At the same time, the prizes for the best three art and literature works were awarded at the event.
PORAKA Strumica observed 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with several activities. The first one was the creative culinary workshop together with the Secondary School “Dimitar Vlahov”. During the workshop the members from PORAKA Strumica and the pupils made different desserts. The second activity was organised together with the Primary School “Vidoe Podgorec” where all participants painted the fence, benches, and the goal posts on the school’s outdoor yard. Also, a joint activity was held with members of the retirement club in Strumica. As a part of the planned activities, members of PORAKA Strumica visited the Mayor of Municipality of Strumica. During the visit, the programme activities and strategic goals of the organisation were discussed, as well as the implementation of the project “Friendly places for persons with disability”. Due to larger promotion of the idea for transforming and creating disability-friendly places in the community, meetings with different companies were held, in which representatives of PORAKA Strumica presented the idea, the online platform and the guide for creating accessible places. At the same time, hand-made frames and acknowledgements were given to different stakeholders that supported the work of PORAKA Strumica in the past year. The following activities for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities will include participation on New Year and Christmas Bazaars organized by the municipality of Strumica.
PORAKA Skopje realised various activities for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Joint workshop with students from the Faculty of Fine Arts was realised, in which the users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA from Skopje (Kapishtec) painted the front facade wall at the Day Centre. Within the permanent programme of City of Skopje – Department for Sport and Youth, the users of both Day Centres and their parents actively participated in sports activities organized on 1.12.2023 at the Secondary School “Zdravko Cvetkovski”. On 2.12.2023 the users of the Day Centres watched a movie at the “Milenium” Cinema, and distributed information materials. Information materials were also distributed in the Offices of the Municipalities of Aerodrom and Gjorche Petrov, and the Primary Schools “Gjorgjija Puleski” and “Ljuben Lape” in Municipality of Aerodrom. Dr.Slavica Gjurceska – Gorjanska, dentist in VITA DENT – Skopje held a workshop on 7.12.2023 at the Day Centre in order to raise awareness about oral hygiene and demonstrated the proper technique for brushing the teeth. During December, the users at the Day Centres together with pupils with typical and atypical development from the schools in Municipality of Gjorce Petrov, and led by Theatre Pi, prepared a theatre play – labyrinth theatre “Daleku od nas”, which was performed on 14.12.2023. A culinary workshop was realised on 15.12.2023 together with pupils from the Secondary School “Lazar Tanev”. This workshop was a great opportunity to present the activities of the Day Centres to the pupils.
For the observance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disability. PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica organised an event at the Home of Culture in Makedonska Kamenica. It was organised together with the Cultural Ensemble “Vera Jocikj”, the Secondary School “Mile Janevski – Dzingar” and the Primary School “St. Cyril and Methodius”. During this event the members of PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica had the opportunity to show their art skills.
PORAKA Vinica realised a number of activities for the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The users of the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica had a creative workshop with the users of the Day Centre for persons with disability where they made different New Year’s decorations. An exhibition was opened on 20.11.2023 at the Home of Culture “Tosho Arsov” in Vinica. This exhibition was the first one in which the users form the Social Club took part. Members from Mobilnost Vinica and from the Day Centre for persons with disability also took part. Workshops for preparation of New Year’s decoration are being realised, which will be presented at the New Year’s bazaar. At the same time, there is an action for collecting clothes, shoes and bedding that will be donated to the users at the Special Institute – Demir Kapija.
PORAKA Kavadarci realised several activities to observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Several members of PORAKA Kavadarci met the Mayor of Municipality of Kavadarci, Mitko Janchev and discussed the problems and needs of persons with intellectual disability in their everyday living. Also, they discussed about opening new social services on local level. А Meeting was held in cooperation with the Centre for Social Work, where the members of PORAKA Kavadarci had the opportunity to learn about the news in the legislation and the new anti-crisis measures that affect the persons with disability. Another meeting was held with representatives from the Health Insurance Fund where participants discussed the news in the health and health insurance area. Creative workshop was held at the premises of PORAKA Kavadarci, in which the members of the organisation had the possibility to show their artistic talents. Sports and recreational activities for the members of PORAKA Kavadarci were organised in cooperation with the Sports Hall “Partizan”.
PORAKA Delchevo observed the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with couple of activities. Those included art workshop organised by the Municipality of Delchevo, joint musical and sport activities in which persons with disabilities and pupils from the primary schools in Delchevo took part, as well as a socialising event at the Day Centre for persons with disability in Delchevo.