Under the motto: “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”, the National Council of Disability Organizations in Macedonia and its member organizations, observed the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in the Home of Humanitarian Organizations “Dare Dzambaz”.
The President of the Republic of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, took part in the observance, who pointed out that besides all measures taken by the most important institutions at the moment, we need greater individual responsibility.
The President of the National Council of Disability Organizations in Macedonia and President of the National Union of Deaf and Hard on Hearing People in Macedonia, Tomica Stojanovski, stressed that the observance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities began in 1992, with the UN General Assembly Resolution 47/3.
“The activities for observing this day are aimed to promote the understanding the problems of persons with disabilities and to mobilize support for dignity, justice and wellbeing of these persons”, said Stojanovski.
The observance of this day, as he pointed out, offers possibilities for encouraging changes in the attitudes towards persons with disabilities and to remove the obstacles for their full participation in all aspects of life.
“Nothing About Us -Without Us” is a known acronym of persons with disabilities for equal and dignified life, and the National Disability Organizations in Macedonia use this acronym to raise the awareness regarding the benefits arising from the inclusion of persons with disabilities in every aspect of the political, social, economic and cultural life in our country”, added Stojanovski.
The President Stevo Pendarovski noted that our country ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities almost decade ago and emphasized that as a country we still lag behind with its full and consistent implementation. He also said that it was high time to implement the provisions of the Convention, especially Articles 5 and 9, i.e., the right to equality and non-discrimination.
“The institutions, with direct support and involvement of the representatives from disability organizations, need to approach the implementation of the mentioned articles more effectively. Moreover, it is necessary that persons with disabilities and their organizations are included in monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention, and appropriate modalities must be found for your participation in the monitoring process, so that it is not just a formality.
During the meeting with representatives from the organizations for persons with physical disability, deaf and hard on hearing persons, organizations of persons with intellectual disability, blind persons, the President Pendarovski said that the dynamics with which state institutions work on removing the physical and mental barriers and implementation of the inclusive education, and thus overcoming the deeply rooted stereotypes, must be increased.
“Institutions that work with persons with disabilities must have the adequate human, financial and technical resources. At the same time, compromises must not be made and to postpone the processes regardless the economic, political or as at the moment, health challenges and difficulties” underlined President Pendarovski.
In a situation of COVID-19 pandemic, as President Pendarovski added, the most vulnerable categories of our citizens are at danger, and they need support, solidarity and care. In that direction, concluded President Pendarovski, “Besides the institutional measures, which are most important at the moment, greater individual responsibility and engagement of every citizen is needed. We all, as individuals, can contribute with our behaviour, proactivity and responsibility”.
During the meeting, the representatives of the disability organizations – members of NSIOM, pointed the problems and challenges that they face in everyday life. Above all, they pointed out the inaccessibility of the facilities, the inaccessibility of education, the unemployment of persons with disabilities, the low benefits from the state, the lack of appropriate aids.
As part of the improvement of certain conditions faced by persons with disabilities, President Pendarovski expressed his promise that he would not sign the Decree for the Law on Construction, if it does not implement the main suggestions of persons with disabilities, which provide the new facilities to be accessible for persons with disabilities.