During 2021, in a situation with COVID-19 pandemic, the main priority of the Republic Centre – PORAKA is providing support to the users of the day centres for persons with intellectual disability and their families, i.e., continuing the realisation of the adapted programme activities of the day centres.
The Republic Centre – PORAKA has conducted all necessary preparations for working with physical attendance of the users in the day centres for persons with intellectual disability: the premises and the equipment have been disinfected, the adequate protective equipment has been purchased, a schedule for work with the users in groups has been made and the protocols for working in day centres for children/persons with disability are consistently followed.
Regarding that some of the families of the users in the day centres, and taking in consideration of the epidemiologic situations and the possible risks for their children, did not agree to be included in direct work with physical presence, the day centres continued to perform adjusted individual educational programme in home using telephone, internet and video communication.
he adapted programmes for psychosocial support and the adjusted individual educational programmes are unified and are being conducted in each day centre within the Republic Centre – PORAKA’s network. Within the realisation of the individual educational activities, the everyday communication with the users and their families continued.
The priority was to engage the users, i.e., to give guidance and tasks for conducting activities that would maintain their skills and possibilities. Within the psychosocial support priority has been given to support, advise, reasoning, encouragement for easier understanding and dealing with the situation we are all in. Different types of communication have been used that are suitable for the users and their parents/guardians, including telephone calls and video communication if the user/parent/guardian are using Viber, FB Messenger, Zoom or other application. Special attention has been given to those users who are more independent since they are in greater risk of inappropriate behaviour, i.e., not respecting the official recommendations and limitations.
The Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje
Within its programme activities in the past period, the day centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje began to conduct workshops with its users and the members of the Centre for Performing Arts and Education – Theatre Pi from Skopje.
Under a working title of the performance “Nothing bothers me”, in the past period one or two workshops have been conducted every week in different locations in Skopje, always adhering to the measures for protection from COVID-19, recommended by the relevant authorities. The first part of the performance should be realized at the end of June, with an exhibition of photographs made by the users and accompanied with a musical concert. The workshops are planned to continue in September with preparing a multimedia performance if the epidemiological situation allows it. The aim of these events is to breakdown the stereotype regarding persons with intellectual disability and their inclusion in everyday life.
Among the other activities at the day centre, we would emphasise the permanent celebration of all important dates through online workshops and exhibitions with all users who are included in the psychosocial support and those who come to the day centre every day. In the past period we celebrated, among the others, Easter, Ramazan Bajram, St. Cyril and Methodius, and the Day of the Albanian Alphabet, the Day of the Alphabet etc. We have prepared short video stories that were shared with all users, parents, and our supporters.
Day centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis
The activities at the day centre in Radovis were regularly realized in the past period, in accordance with the protocols for work during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The foreseen programme has been conducted with involvement of different workshops for observing the important dates and holidays.
The Minister of Local Self-Government, Goran Milevski, together with the Mayor of Municipality of Radovis, Gerasim Konzulov, and representatives of the Centre for Development of the South-East Region, visited the day centre of the Republic centre – PORAKA in Radovis on 5th of May 2021. The visit was relaised within the promotion of the project “Creating conditions for better social inclusion of people with disabilities in the South-East planning region”, in which four day centres in Radovis, Gevgelija, Strumica and Valandovo were included, and was funded by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for development and cooperation. The project has contributed to raising awareness for the inclusion of persons with disabilities on the social life in the region as well as improving the daily stay on the day centres through the purchased equipment and the gained knowledge that will provide long-term changes regarding their working capabilities and inclusion in the labour market. The purchased equipment for the day centre included a screen printer, Potter’s wheel, painting materials, as well as sports equipment for Boccia, static basket, tricycle.
The Minister Milevski expressed his satisfaction with the successful realization of the project, with hope for further support of these type of projects from the Ministry of Local Self-Government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
The Mayor of the Municipality of Radovis, Gerasim Konzulov, also supported this project, and emphasised that these types of projects are of special importance for the local community and persons with disability since they provide inclusion in working and social environment.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep
The activities of the day centre in Prilep during March till mid-May were realized online on the request by the parents. Psychosocial support was provided on daily basis for the users and their families as well as activities according to their possibilities and abilities. They especially enjoyed listening to music, and one of the users playing the guitar.
Several workshops were organized for Easter in which the users made eater decoration. Special attention was given to including the users in the whole process during the workshops.
With the re-opening the day centre, the users relatively quickly adapted to the way of working in accordance with the protocols. Workshops are conducted that include development and advancement of different skills by using various materials, and the users can express their creativity (manipulation with clay, brush, wool, plastic, etc.) In the past period activities were implemented for renovation of the existing wooden windows and the wooden inventory at the day centre. In accordance with the protocols, we continued the cooperation with the Zumba coach, but this time at the premises of the coach. The classes take place with even grater desire and enthusiasm, especially given the possibility of watching themselves in the mirror and using the exercise equipment. We hope that the cooperation will continue in the future, and that we will have the opportunity to take part in a Zumba event.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip
The activities at the day centre in Stip, in the past period, were realized in accordance with the foreseen programme activities following the protocols for work during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the regular activities, several other activities and workshops have been conducted that resulted from the established cooperation of the day centre, and of PORAKA Stip, with relevant stakeholders at local level.
For the observance of Aprils Fools Day, the Institute for Culture and Arts at the International Slavic University “G.R.Derzhavin”, during March organized a competition for a most creative mask. The virtual exhibition took place on 1 April. Out of total 460 masks from almost every city in the country and several from Croatia and Montenegro, PORAKA Stip won the first place for group mask. Also, during April, two workshops were conducted, the first one was on 14 April on the topic: “Space orientation” held with prof. Slagjana Angelkovska from the Association AS ANIMA. The second one was held on 29 April together with the Association CIVITAS and father Serafim, professor in Ethics of Religions. During the workshop, the participants discussed the history and the importance of the biggest Orthodox holiday Easter.
During May, several interesting workshops were realized that represented real enjoyment for the users. On 11 May online workshop was conducted with Marina Gocevska, preschool teacher at the kindergarten Amici in Kocani. During the workshop, the users had the possibility to show their creative and manipulative abilities and to enjoy in the creation of new decorations. On 25 May, some of the users visited the University Library “Goce Delcev” in Stip and took part in the creative workshop together with pupils from the primary and secondary schools in Stip, the Faculty for Philology – Institute for Macedonian Language at the University “Goce Delcev” and the Academy “Euroart”.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica
The activities of the social club continued to be implemented in accordance with the measures and recommendation of the WHO, realizing the planned activities through individual and group creative workshops. The activities provided support for the users in maintaining the gained skills, habits, and capabilities for a better life and to take their right place I society as adults.
During April, activities were realized for observing the day of persons with autism. Also, workshops were implemented on topics “Spring” and “Easter”. At the practical workshops different visual and auditive equipment was used like tablets and computers.
Special attention in the past period was given to reviewing the official webpage of the Republic Centre – PORAKA: www.poraka.org.mk. The users were reviewing and reading the information, events, news, and photos, and at the same time, they reviewed the local official webpage of PORAKA Strumica: www.porakastrumica.mk.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola
Considering that the COVID-19 Pandemic is calming down and the number of active cases is decreasing, the Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Bitola, in consultation of the Executive Office of the Republic centre – PORAKA, the Executive Board of PORAKA Bitola and the parents of users at the social club, decided to continue its activities with new working hours, i.e., every Wednesday and Friday from 17:00 – 19:30, in accordance with the protocol for work during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Before starting, the social club was disinfected by the Centre for Public Health – Bitola, and the adequate protective equipment has been purchased. The activities began on 26 May with a workshop for creating decorations made from clay. The users showed their interest and desire to create, as well as their great admiration that they are together again in the social club.