Activities of RCPLIP - PORAKA and CPLIP - PORAKA Vinica

Opened social club for people with intellectual disabilities and CPLIP office - PORAKA Vinica

Eighty persons with intellectual disability, members of the Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Vinica have their place for socialization in the centre of the city beginning with 10th of May 2019

The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Vinica, with support by Municipality of Vinica and the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA on 10th of May 2019 opened its office and a Social club for persons with intellectual disability. The Social club will function twice a week with a support of a professional person – psychologist.
The premises in which this service will function and is intended for some of citizens in Municipality of Vinica is financially supported by the Municipality and equipped with support of the Republic centre for Support of persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, and donations from the business sector in Vinica.

“It is a great pleasure to open a Social club today in cooperation with CPLIP – PORAKA Vinica and Municipality of Vinica. For more than ten years, we have been looking for premises, opportunities where a Social club could function, and finally the mayor understood our needs, and we found opportunities to open this club, which will include persons with intellectual disability over 18 years of age. The Social club will work twice a week with a psychologist, and besides socialization, there will be workshops in which these persons will develop certain skills. I hope that in time, this Club will grow into a day centre for persons with intellectual disability over 18 years of age, “said Dr Vasilka Dimoska, Secretary General of the Republic Centre – PORAKA.

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