Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Held a workshop on SWOT analysis and operational work of the local organizations of RCPLIP - PORAKA

One of the permanent programme activities of the Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA since its establishment is coordination and providing professional and methodological support to its local organizations and services.

For years back, the Republic Center – PORAKA organizes and holds workshops where the SWOT analyses of the local organizations are being reviewed and discussed. The SWOT analysis is a structured planning method for the future strategies of the organization, and at the same time a very useful tool for assessing the current situation within the organization, with all its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and the threats that come from the environment where the organization acts. This year, the Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual disability – PORAKA held the workshop for reviewing the SWOT analyses and the ongoing operational activities of its local organizations from 29th September till 1st of October 2017 in Hotel Continental, Skopje, where two representatives of each local organization took part.
The first two days of the workshop were entirely dedicated to reviewing the SWOT analyses of the local organizations. Each of the participants had the possibility to present the prepared SWOT analysis and to discuss the real situations in the organization and within the municipality that the organization is being faced with, and at the same time to emphasize the difficulties faced by persons with intellectual disability and their families in the community. Additionally, the participants presented the ongoing activities in their organizations, as well as activities that will be implemented in the following period, which will lead to improving the quality of life for persons with intellectual disability and their families. PORAKA’s team, and the other participants gave comments and advice regarding the work of each local organization, whilst emphasizing the positive examples of successful activities. The sublimate that arose from the analysis of the work of each organisation was that we should think about taking different approaches in the design and realisation of the activities. It is necessary to think about new types of activities in order to advance the cooperation with the local authorities, and with the other stakeholders in the community.
The last day of the workshop was used for presenting the activities that the Republic Center – PORAKA realised within different projects and trainings. The representatives of the Republic Center – PORAKA who took part in the trainings presented their gained knowledge and shared their experiences.
The final activity during the workshop was presentation of the implemented activities within the project “Early Inclusion through mutual learning”, a project in which PORAKA is an equal partner, and is being implemented on European Level. The presentation had the objective to introduce the participants with the implemented activities and the activities that are planned for the following period.

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