With the opening and starting the work of the social club, the activities of PORAKA Prilep broadened and expanded as well. One of the regular activities of PORAKA Prilep is celebrating the religious holiday Vasilica. Also one of the beneficiaries celebrated her birthday.
CPLIP – PORAKA Prilep participated at the Carnival “Prochka” organized by the local self-government. The members of the organization presented their joint mask and on transparent carried the message “Give a hand for support”.
Another activity that the beneficiaries of the social club in PORAKA Prilep carried out was planting flowers. This activity was held on 29 January and the parents took part as well. The pots where the flowers were being planted are made of plastic, and the beneficiaries made them previously at their homes. After the flowers were planted, persons with intellectual disability cleaned the premises together, which is one of the regular activities at the social club.
Representatives from the military barracks visited the social club of PORAKA Prilep. They had the opportunity to be introduced with the work of the organization and the social club, and to spend more time with the beneficiaries. At the end of the visit, they donated funds aimed for the work of the social club. Actually, they bought cards and flowers made by persons with intellectual disability, which will be gifts for their colleagues on the occasion of 8th of March.
On 20 March 2015 the social club of PORAKA Prilep had joint activity with the primary school “Strasho Pindzur” from Malo Konjari on the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day. They painted colorful socks that symbolize the 21 chromosome. Afterwards, they had a party. The pupils from the primary school had the opportunity to learn more about the Down syndrome and reasons for the occurrence.
While the children were having a party, at the other room of the social club there was a public debate attended by parents, special educators, patronage nurses, psychologist and sociologist. The debate started with parents sharing their experiences, then the patronage nurses gave their insights and discussions relating the children born with risk and their follow-up. They also pointed out the necessity of development counseling service, which would help in detection, following and treatment of children born at risk.