Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKA

Activities of the social services of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep

 The programme activities in the Day Centre of the Republic Centre - PORAKA in Prilep have been implemented as foreseen in the past period. Different activities were realised with the users aimed for gaining and improving the independent living skills. Within the social activities numerous actions were conducted in cooperation with other people and organisations.

Students from Faculty of Pedagogy – Bitola, from the study programme for Social and Rehabilitation Pedagogy, realised their faculty practice during March with previously agreed activities. This type of activities is new and different for the users and provide possibilities for making new contacts and building closeness with unknown people. At the same time, these activities also represent a good opportunity for the students to see the work and the activities at the day centres, as well as the approach in working with persons with intellectual disability. Upon the invitation from the Municipality of Prilep, the users attended a musical event on 21st of March at the Park of the Undefeated, on the occasion of Spring Day and the opening of a new inclusive park. To mark the World Down Syndrome Day During this event, the users gifted paper bracelets to the participants.

Activities with the teacher Vera Poposka were organized once a week in the past period. On 28th of March recreational walk was realized and on 4th of April, the users had a walk and a picnic at the Park of the Undefeated. For celebrating Easter, on 25th of April, a workshop was organized for making decorative egg baskets, and an educational workshop 16th of May. Also, several workshops were organized for horticultural landscaping of the yard at the Day Centre. The users cultivated the land in the yard using various tools and then they planted flowers in car tires.

 During April and May, several workshops were held with pupils from the Secondary School “Gjorche Petrov”. On Good Friday, the users visited the St. Archangel Michael Monastery in Varosh, the oldest Prilep’s settlement. On 28th of May, together with the pupils from the same school, the users were practicing safe and independent pedestrian crossing and roundabout pedestrian crossing.

Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis

The activities in the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovish were realised according to its programme for work. Apart from these activities, numerous activities were realised with the associates of the Day Centre. A team of medical staff from the Health Centre in Radovish visited the users of the Day Centre on 15th of March and performed a complete systematic examination by taking blood samples, blood pressure measurements and ECG examinations. Also, they gave the users useful health care information as well as steps for remedy eventual further health problems.

 On 21st of March, at the premises of the Day Centre, the users marked the World Down Syndrome Day together with volunteers from the Red Cross in Radovish and pupils with Down syndrome from the Primary School “Krste Petkov Misirkov” in Radovish and from the Primary School “Sv.Kiril I Metodij” from Oraovica. Through different interactive and competitive activities, the users of the Day Centre, the pupils and the volunteers sent messages that persons with Down syndrome should be accepted and supported in everyday life. The same day, on different locations in the city, a promotional video was made. The persons with Down syndrome found themselves in the role of sellers, then they all had fun activities in the city park, followed by different activities in the premises of the Red Cross in Radovish. On 30th of March the theatre play “The Little Mermaid” had its premiere at the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov”. This is the second play where the users of the Day Centre had the opportunity to show their possibilities on the stage.

  On 30th of March the theatre play “The Little Mermaid” had its premiere at the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov”. This is the second play where the users of the Day Centre had the opportunity to show their possibilities on the stage.

 At the beginning of April, Hortikultura Sadnici from Radovish donated seedlings for horticultural landscaping of the outdoor area of the Day Centre. The users actively participated in planting the seedlings and watered them regularly.

On 12th of April, the users took part in a tactical demonstration for mobilisation in case of fire at the Primary School “Krste Petkov Misirkov”. The exercise was carried out in cooperation with the fire brigade, the police, the emergency unit at the Health Centre in Radovish, as well as with the volunteers from the Red Cross. On the sigh of the alarm from the fire truck arriving in the school yard, the teachers mobilised the pupils outside the school building in a safe, non-panic manner in order to let pupils know how to move to be safe. The volunteers from the Red Cross demonstrated how to give assistance to persons hurt in fire, and all participants had the possibility to ask questions.

On 19th of April, members of CPLIP – PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica visited the Day Centre. They all got to know each other by sharing experiences and activities within the social services. Also, they had the opportunity to listen to some guidelines from the representatives of the Internal Affairs Service in Radovish, who were also guests at the Day Centre. The topics were about the traffic, traffic rules and traffic safety regulations. Furthermore, they talked about the image of the police in uniform, the work tasks and obligations of the police in maintaining public order and peace, as well as help and assistance in different situations. The volunteers from the Red Cross helped during the event in understanding the topic more easily through play and mutual interaction.

 On 28th of April, the users of the Day Centre, together with pupils from the Primary School “Nikola Karev” and volunteers from the Red Cross had sports and recreational activities in the school’s sports hall.

Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip

 The Day Centre of the Republic Centre - PORAKA in Shtip regularly performed its programme activities in the past period. Additionally, numerous other activities were realized together with other organizations and individuals on a local level. During March, at the premises of the Day Centre, preparations and rehearsals were held for an event organised by a long-term member of CPLIP – PORAKA Shtip, on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day. The event was held on 21st of March in the NI-ULibrary “Goce Delchev”, in which an exhibition was set with paintings made by Darko Trajkov, person with Down syndrome, and the users of the Day Centre took part with their performance, along with the other participants. On 22nd of March, the users of the Day Centre took part in an event organised by the Municipality of Shtip, where they had the opportunity to present themselves on the topic “No for discrimination”. At the same event, one of the users participated in a competition for making products from recycled materials and was awarded a prize by the Mayor of Municipality of Shtip for winning second place.

As a result of the established cooperation with the Red Cross in Shtip, several joint activities were held in the past period. On 9th of April there was an eco-action at the yard of the Day Centre. On 29th of April, the users together with volunteers from the Red Cross in Shtip visited the Kinoverzum Shtip and watched the movie Noah’s Ark. On 10th of May, the young volunteers of the Red Cross in Shtip visited the Day Centre and donated a magnetic board, computer keyboard, tablet and two pairs of headphones. The funds were gathered at a previously organised basketball tournament.

On the occasion of the patron saint of the Catholic Church in Shtip, Holy Annunciation, on 7th of April, some of the users visited the church and attended a solemn mass. The had the opportunity to share their handicrafts with the people present at the mass. Invited by the organisers of the race Superior Runs, the users of the day centre took part as volunteers during the event. They were positioned on four different parts of the race and held posters with motivating messages and made refreshments for the runners. 

Several activities were held with the Ni-ULibrary “Goce Delcev”. On 14th of May, an inclusive workshop was held to honour the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, Participants were the users of the Day Centre, pupils from the primary School “Vancho Prke” and pupils from the State Secondary School for education and rehabilitation “Iskra”. They all had the opportunity to present themselves with literature and art inspired by the work of the holy brothers, and together they created a poster “Alphabet tree”, a symbol of literacy, but also of equality, acceptance and support.          

There was, also, an exhibition on 30th of May, set at the lobby of the Centre of Culture “Iljo Anteski – Smok” in Tetovo with drawings in Arabic technique made by Vera Cafovska, user at the Day Centre, and paintings made by Darko Trajkov, member of CPLIP – PORAKA Shtip.

The Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje

The activities in the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje were conducted within their working programme. As a result of the continuous cooperation with the Faculty of Social Work and Social Policy in Skopje, two first-year students realised their social practice at the Day Centre in Aerodrom every Friday, starting from March till half of May. Also, within the subject “Social work with persons with disability”, students from third and fourth year conducted their practice at both Day Centres. In May, a group of students at the Faculty of Social Work and Social Policy from Budapest, Hungary visited the Day Centres.

As a result of developing the cooperation with the educational institutions at the municipalities Aerodrom and Centar in Skopje, several activities were held. At the Day Centre in Kapishtec on 25th of March gardening workshop was realised. Pupils from the Primary School “Kiro Gligorov” together with the users transplanted rooted seedlings with flowers and prepared seedlings of horticultural crops. Furthermore, a group of users attended the event for celebration of the patron holiday of this school on 19th of April. On 15th of April, at the premises of the Secondary School “Lazar Tanev” users of both Day Centres participated at a culinary workshop preparing different sweets. Besides gaining new skills, the users had the opportunity to socialise with the pupils of this school. Several users from the Day Centre in Aerodrom attended the exhibition of final projects and maquettes made by pupils from the Secondary School “Zdravko Cvetkovski” on 22nd of April in the Youth Cultural Centre in Skopje. The exhibition was a part of the manifestation “Sredno Lend”. 

In cooperation with the City Cinema “Milenium”, on 13th of April, the users and their parents watched the animated movie “Dogs at the Opera”.

 The users from both Day Centres were also engaged in the Green Ark – “Bostanie”. This year they tried to conduct the production process of garden crops independently. From sowing seeds for different types of vegetables to preparation of the soil for planting, weeding and watering. Towards the end of May and beginning of June they had the opportunity to consummate the first garden products. The activities at “Bostanie” were recorded by the photo camera of Mrs. Linda Trajkovska, professor of photography. The idea is to eventually make an exhibition of the photos from these activities titled “Garden to Table”.

 The actors from “Theatre Pi” held acting workshops regularly at the premises of both Day Centres. On several occasions they had an assistance from an external associate from Bulgaria who demonstrated new and interesting techniques. We are eagerly expecting the play “We, the people”.

For the second year in a row, the recycling of plastic packaging at wending machines has been a continuous activity, and in the past period, the users from both Day Centres participated in it.

 There has been an active work on arranging the outdoor space of the Day Centre in Kapishtec during May. Users, some parents and the educators actively participated in this process.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica

 The Social Club of the Republic Centre - PORAKA in Strumica, on the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day, held a joint workshop with the users from the State Day Centre in Strumica and sent messages for support for these persons in everyday life.

 The same day, 21st of March, the users of the Social Club together with their parents took part in the activities organized by the Primary School “Vidoe Podgorec” in which the Mayor of Municipality of Strumica also participated. Everyone had the possibility to plant flowers and socialise. At the end of March, a creative workshop was conducted together with the volunteers of the Red Cross in Strumica. During the workshop the users and the volunteers made 15 paintings which were exhibited in Europe House – Strimica.

During April several interesting activities were realised as well. One of these activities was a creative workshop organised at the etno restaurant “Kaj Viktor” for the World Autism Awareness Day. Apart the users of the Social Club, the volunteers if the Red Cross in Strumica also participated in the workshops, as well as members of the association “Govor na srceto” and members of the Centre for active ageing from village Turnovo. Another workshop was also organised at etno restaurant “Kaj Viktor” on 26th of April. Together with the members of the association “Govor na srceto” and the Centre for active ageing they made Easter eggs and Easter decorations. The following day, these decorations, as well as other handicrafts from the users of the Social Club, were exhibited at the pre-Easter bazaar “Lazarova Sabota”. The gathered funds will be used for purchasing materials for work at the Social Club. At the end of May, the users visited the folklore ensemble “Folklorna niza” and had the opportunity to learn about several of the traditional Macedonian dances, and also to sing and dance together with the members of this ensemble.

 The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Strumica observed 50 years of active work on 20th of April. The event was organised at the etno restaurant “Kaj Viktor” where many previous and active members and associates took part. Several old members of the organisation recalled its previous activities, as well as the developments in the first decades of work. The President of CPLIP – PORAKA Strumica spoke about the long-term work of the social club as a social service, then about the support given by the Republic Centre – PORAKA, the Municipality of Strumica and the other associations, business partners and individuals. At the end of the event, the participants enjoyed the songs and dances from "Folklorna niza" from Strumica.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija

The Social Club of the Republic centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija realises its activities in accordance with its programme. During March, numerous educational and practical activities were conducted. There were discussions about the International Women’s Day, and the users of the Social Club made cards, which they gave to their mothers. Activities for setting and decorating the dinning table, preparations of fruit and vegetable salad, as well as serving and tasting the salads were also conducted. Creative workshop was held for the World Down Syndrome Day and messages were sent for greater inclusion of persons with Down syndrome in society life. The users of the Social Club had the possibility to spend a day in nature together with the members of the Association of Pensioners in Gevgelija and the Apolonija Foundation.

Part of the practical activities were aimed towards celebrating the Easter holidays. There were discussions regarding its meaning and different decorations were made. Members od the Association of Pensioners participated on one of the creative workshops and donated working materials for the Social Club. Also, Easter eggs were painted on one of the workshops and put in the Easter decorations which were previously made.

On the third day of Easter, the users of the Social Club attended a liturgy at the church Sv.Kiril organised solely for the members of CPLIP – PORAKA Gevgelija.

 Additionally, the users of the Social Club participated in the opening of the new inclusive park in Gevgelija “Ice Begov” and planted flowers as a part of the activities for the opening ceremony. They also attended a street play, organised by the Association “Poddrshka”, on the topic of discrimination, gender-based violence and domestic violence. Towards the end of May, activities were realised for observing the day of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodious. Invited by the Apolonija Foundation, the users attended at the Community Caravan ant the city square in Gevgelija. During all the workshops, different games are also conducted, such as playing darts, bowling in improvised conditions, playing cards.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Kavadarci

 The foreseen activities were regularly conducted at the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in the past period. During March, some of the activities were aimed at observing the International Woman’s Day by making cards and discussing the meaning and importance of this day. For observing the Earth Day and the Ecology Day the users planted evergreen trees, and now they are regularly watering them. Also, couple of workshops were held with the volunteers from the Red Cross in Kavadarci, in which they made handicrafts but also, had practical activities, like making pancakes.

The cooperation with the Red Cross in Kavadarci continued in April as well. Several activities were jointly conducted. The first one was an art workshop, which was followed by a musical workshop in which the users were introduced to different musical instruments and to dance to traditional Macedonian music. During April, several workshops were aimed at Easter holidays, in which discussions were held about the meaning of this holiday and different decorations were made. Also, the users had practical activities like watering the flowers and the trees in the yard at the Social Club.

Also, practical activities were realised for personal hygiene, as well as creative workshops for making handicrafts from different materials.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica

The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica realised its activities as foreseen, in the past period. During March, several visits to different institutions were conducted, in which the users had the opportunity to learn about the work of the City Library “Vancho Prke”, the Home of Culture “Tosho Arsov”, and the museum “Terakota”. Several activities on the theme of spring were also conducted, during which they made drawings from different materials, and discussed the characteristics of this time of the year. Also, practical activities were conducted for maintaining the hygiene at the Social Club and personal hygiene.

During April, some of the activities were aimed at celebrating Easter holidays, so the users made different handicrafts on tis topic. Additionally, activities were conducted for observing the Earth Day.

 Во текот на месец мај се продолжи со активности за одбележување на велигденските празници. Се украсуваа велигденски јајца, а потоа изработените украси се подаруваа на граѓаните од Виница кои го посетија социјалниот клуб.

Some of them donated funds which will be used for purchasing materials for work in the Social Club. Several activities were aimed at observing the World Bee Day in which they made bees from plastic spoons and talked about their importance in nature and human health. Also, the holy brothers St. Cyril and Methodious’s day was celebrated with different activities, and also the activities for maintaining hygiene at the Social Club and personal hygiene continued as well.

Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola

The foreseen activities of the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola were regularly implemented. During March, several creative workshops were conducted. One of these workshops was held with the Primary School “Todor Angelevski”. The participants created a Cooperation Tree, which will be updated with every joint activity that will follow.

 During April, several activities were aimed for making decorations with Easter motives. The users made handicrafts that were exhibited at the Easter Bazaar which was held on 27th of April at Shirok Sokak in Bitola.

 The Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola attended the event and participated in part of the activities, expressing his support for inclusion of persons with intellectual disability in the society life. Support was also given by pupils from the Primary School “Todor Angelevski”, other associates, citizens of Bitola and students from the Faculty of Pedagogy in Bitola.

 At the beginning of May, the users of the Social Club visited “Sju Rajder” – Home for elderly people where they held a joint workshop and made Easter eggs. The users of the Social Club participated in activities of the project “Creative and fun workshops to encourage reading among persons with disabilities – good practices”, which is implemented by the National Library “St.Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola, and supported by the Ministry of Culture.

The cooperation with the Faculty of Pedagogy in Bitola continued with its realisation in the past period. During April and May, eight students divided in three groups realised their practice at the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola.

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