Employees from Makedonski Telekom and T-Mobile from Macedonia, Montenegro and Hungary ran on the Skopje Wizz Air Marathon for persons with intellectual disability

Employees at the Makedonski Telekom and T-Mobile Macedonia participated at the Skopje Wizz Air Marathon held on 11 may 2014. Twenty employees from Deutsche Telekom companies in Macedonia, Montenegro and Hungary ran with high motivation to finish the race because for every kilometer ran of the marathon runners, the company donated 1.500 MKD for the day center for persons with intellectual disability.

The press conference held on 17th of April 2014 was the place where Makedonski Telekom and T-Mobile Macedonia announced the news.

“Participating on the marathon is not only personal satisfaction, but also a great responsibility, because the amount of the donation for persons with intellectual disability will depend on our determination and endurance. But, that represents an added motive and the team from Telekom and T-Mobile will give their best to finish the race” – said Dimitar Kovacevski, Communication Director in Makedonski Telekom, participant on the marathon during the press conference. Nineteen employees will participate in the half-marathon of 21 kilometer and one in the marathon of 42 kilometers. If all finish the race, the total donation for building a new day center in Kapistec, Skopje, shall be 11.000 Euros. The donation will be realized through the Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Skopje, which represents the rights and interests of these persons on the territory of City of Skopje.
“PORAKA Skopje is actively involved in the reform processes of the social policy and social protection relating the rights of persons with disabilities in our country. The day center for adolescents and adults with intellectual disability, within PORAKA Skopje, successfully operates for 14 years, as a social service for support of these persons and their families” – said Vlado Krstovski, President of PORAKA Skopje.

The capacity in the existing day center in Skopje is filled for several years, which clearly states the need to open new day centers in Skopje. To our satisfaction, this need has been observed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and City of Skopje, and we reached an agreement on joint actions in establishing a new day center in Skopje. During 2013, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, in cooperation with City of Skopje and the Republic center – PORAKA, identified possible facilities for the new day center, but they need renovation and equipment in order to meet the standards for this type of service. For this process to be successful, we need support to create another dignified place for persons with intellectual disability in Skopje.
Makedonski Telekom is the first company that decided to be a part of this action and to support the creation of the new day center for persons with intellectual disability in Skopje. The donation from Makedonski Telekom is strictly determined for adaptation, renovation and equipping the new social service. We express our gratitude and we highlight that this donation has significant importance for us, for several reasons.

The first reason is the aim of the donation. With this donation Makedonski Telekom contributes towards improving the quality of life for a group of persons with intellectual disability, who will receive direct support and an opportunity for higher quality of life at the new day center.

For the persons with intellectual disability themselves, the new day center will provide daily support, training for independent living skills, occupational programmes, educational programmes and social activities. At the same time, the day center will provide support to the families, by including their members with intellectual disability on daily basis, they will have the opportunity to improve the family functioning and possibilities for employment of the parents, which will increase the modest family budgets.

The second reason is that this positive example made by Makedonski Telekom contributes to motivating the entire community and encourages development of social values: solidarity, humanity, respecting differences and raising public awareness towards persons with intellectual disability.

The third reason is that this donation is on initiative of the employees in Makedonski Telekom, which speaks for the high level of corporative social responsibility of this company. It is very welcomed and we hope to be an inspiration for other companies and businesses.

We thank the employees in Makedonski Telekom, especially to those that will participate on Skopje Wizz Air Marathon and dedicate the race to persons with intellectual disability. They are a positive example for all of us and confirm that there are people in Macedonia that are ready to give their contribution in the process of equalization of opportunities for persons with intellectual disability.

Skopje Wizz Air Marathon was held on 11th of May 2014, and twenty employees from Deutsche Telekom companies in Macedonia, Montenegro and Hungary ran with high motivation to finish the race because for every kilometer ran of the marathon runners, the company donated 1.500 MKD for the day center for persons with intellectual disability.

“The challenge and motivation for all of us was great to successfully finish the race. Although there were moments when it was not easy to run the needed 21 kilometer, but our determination was crucial to endure to the end and to gather the highest amount of the donation aimed for persons with intellectual disability. We hope that our efforts will be an example for other colleagues since the wellbeing of our citizens and the community is one of the key philosophies in Makedonski Telekom and T-Mobile”, said Dimitar Kovacevski, Communication Director in Makedonski Telekom and a participant in the marathon.

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