Starting from 2000, the Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA is actively involved in the creation of conditions for implementing the reform process of deinstitutionalization, i.e. prevention from instititutionalization through creation of community-based social services for support of persons with intellectual disability and their families.
The activities of the Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA in this area are aimed at two directions: towards providing continuity in the work of the social services (Social Clubs and Day Centers) for persons with intellectual disability and towards creating conditions for promotion of other types of services. In the past fifteen years, the work in the social services runs continuously and gives positive results.
Considering the importance of the social services, one of the main priorities of the Republic Center – PORAKA is maintenance and advancement of their work, both in regards to the programme and in equipping with suitable equipment for performing the programme activities.
This past year, the Republic Center – PORAKA intensively worked in partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the City of Skopje on creating a new social service (Day Center in Skopje) but also on support in renovation and equipping the other social services run by the Republic Center – PORAKA.
For this purpose, the Government of the Republic of Macedonia assigned to the Republic Center – PORAKA finances in amount of 500.000 Denars intended for the purchase of equipment for social services under the decision number 42-9823/1 from 21.12.2014.
After the analysis of the needs in the social services of the Republic center – PORAKA (Day centers and Social Clubs for persons with intellectual disability) and in consultation with representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Republic Center – PORAKA opted for the following priority equipment:
– 7 treadmills aimed for improving the condition and psychomotor coordination;
– 7 static bicycles aimed for improving the condition and psychomotor coordination;
– 20 desktop computers aimed for training in using computers.
The purchased equipment was deployed and delivered to the local organizations of the Republic Center – PORAKA where social services are operating.