New social services opened in the network of RCPLIP - PORAKA

Day centers for people with intellectual disabilities over 18 years of age in Prilep and Shtip

One of the goals of the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA is developing social services in the community according the principles of equalization of opportunities for persons with intellectual disability.
The Republic Centre – PORAKA and the local organization PORAKA Prilep, in cooperation with the Municipality of Prilep, have been implementing activities for transforming the existing social club in Prilep into a Day Centre for persons with intellectual disability. Additional activities were undertaken for reorganization and refurbishment of the premises, i.e. the installation of a new floor in one of the rooms, painting the premises, correcting the windows and electrical installation, as well as renovating and adapting the toilets. Moreover, Municipality of Prilep provided part of the equipment and renovated one closet and the kitchen.
The engaged personnel at the Day Centre has been on a training at the Day Centre PORAKA Skopje. After the assessment and admission process, the Day Centre began to work in the second half of November 2019.
The official opening was held od 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The opening ceremony was also attended by the Mayor Ilija Jovanoski and the President of the Council of Municipality of Prilep, Mile Taleski.
“Today we are at the Day Centre for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Prilep. I would like to congratulate you on the new premises that have been renovated and equipped, and where persons with intellectual disability will have the opportunity to recreate, socialize and educate themselves. I am thrilled to hear a statement from one of the parents who sayd that their child has made progress since attending the Day Centre. The inclusion is more than needed for persons with intellectual disability in order to overcome the prejudice and barriers that they face. These children can receive all benefits from the business community, the ministries, NGOs at municipal level.
As a municipality, we are committed to improving the living conditions of persons with intellectual disability, and in that direction we opened the Day Centre for persons with cerebral palsy last year, and now we are opening the Day Centre for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Prilep so that these persons can become equal members in society”, said Mayor Ilija Jovanoski.
“It is a great pleasure to be here today on the opening of the new Day Centre for persons with intellectual disability above 18 years of age, which is a result of a joint initiative of Municipality of Prilep, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Republic Centre for Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA. I must confirm that it is a huge success for one municipality to open two Day Centres and, as a municipality you all should be proud of your approach in realisation of the rights of persons with intellectual disability. It shows your openness to cooperate with the civil sector, and the fact that we are partners in the opening of this Day Centre and that the Mayor Ilija Jovanoski is with us, not only on 3 December, shows that Municipality of Prilep is always friendly and supportive of our organization. This Day Centre represents dual benefit, first for the beneficiaries themselves, and then for the families and the society”, said Vasilka Dimoska MD, Secretary General of the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA.
The Day Centre has 12 beneficiaries at the moment. It is opened from Monday to Friday from 08:00 till 16:00. An agreement has been signed between Municipality of Prilep and the Republic Centre – PORAKA, through its local organization PORAKA Prilep regarding the work at the Day Centre.

Within the Primary School “Goce Delcev” in Stip, we found spatial possibilities for opening a day centre for persons with intellectual disability. In the past period, the Republic Centre – PORAKA, Municipality of Stip and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy participated in reconstruction, renovation and equipping the premises. After finishing these activities, official opening of the Day centre for persons with intellectual disability above 18 years of age was held on 23.12.2019.
The opening was attended by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Mila Carovska, the Mayor of Municipality of Stip, Blagoj Bocvarski, and the President of the Republic Centre – PORAKA, Cedomir Trajkovski. The Minister Carovska emphasized that the Day Centre in Stip is an excellent example for cooperation between a civil organization, local self-government and the central government.
“The Day Centres that we have opened throughout the country have a great impact in the local community since they help in fulfilling the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, that refer to right of independent living, personal mobility, access to education, health protection, rehabilitation and employment. The development of this type of services on local level follow the individual needs of every child and person with disability and their families. These services represent a bridge to other support systems. Only in this way we can provide full inclusion of persons with disability in society”, said Carovska. “This is an excellent opportunity for persons with disability to be in contact with the society and the community, with possibilities to gain certain skills.
At the end of the day, these persons need to feel self-realized. All this means a second phase in the development of social protection in our country. The local self-government, the central government and civil organizations are key partners in opening these services” said Minister Carovska.
“The triple partnership between Municipality of Stip, the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA gave great results. In only three meetings we succeeded to realise something very important. At the first meeting we agreed, at the second meeting we saw these premises and agreed to make renovations, and today at the third meeting we are opening this day centre” said Mayor Bocvarski.
“These services represent a beginning for independent life for persons with intellectual disability. They also have the right to make choices, have the right to decide how and where to live. This Day Centre in Stip, as well as the other services that we have opened, will provide an example that will be followed by other municipalities”, said Cedomir Trajkovski, President of the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA.
Providing continuity in the work of these day centres enables socialization and integration of persons with intellectual disability and represents a basic precondition for breaking and overcoming prejudice and barriers that they face. We all should work together in direction towards full and real inclusion of persons with disabilities and raising awareness of institutions, and the citizens regarding the need of acceptance and support for persons with disability in all spheres of society life.

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