Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Information about the project “Towards European Values: Persons with Disabilities as Equal Citizens”

In September 2015., Serbian Association for Promoting Inclusion- SAPI started the project “Towards European values – persons with disabilities as equal citizens” in partnership with organisations from 7 countries: Serbia (Center for Society orientation- COD, Association “Halfway there” Pancevo, School with dormitory for students with hearing and speech impairments “11th may” Jagodina, Association with mental disabilities NIS, Inclusive center, Novi Sad), Italy (RITTMEYER REGIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND OF TRIESTE), Slovenia (Institute for the deaf LJubljana), Croatia (JOSIP MATOS Primary school, Vukovar), Montenegro (Association of parents of the children with disabilities “Ray of hope“ Pljevlja), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Republic center for support of persons with intellectual disabillity „PORAKA“ Skopje) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Social educational center – SEC, Banja Luka).

The project aims to contribute to the full integration and civic participation of persons with disabilities in society, in accordance to European values and principles.

The specific objective of the project is to develop a model of the empowerment of persons with disabilities, with special focus on people with intellectual disabilities, so that they can take an active role in creating an inclusive society and to influence policy making processes at national and European level.

The project will use the experience and knowledge in the field of inclusion and civic empowerment of persons with disabilities across the EU member states and candidate countries, in order to strengthen democratic participation of all citizens, including those on the margins of society. More specifically, the project is focused on organizing educational workshops, debates and dialogues for and among people with disabilities in 7 countries (Serbia, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina), including service providers and self- advocates in relation to self-advocacy, volunteering, integration in employment and social entrepreneurship.

All thematic areas will be processed through the exchange of best practices from all participating countries. Strong transnational component of the project will be reflected in the equal representation of providers and persons with disabilities in all project activities from all member countries.

The project lasts for one year and it is financed by the EU through the Europe for Citizens program.

For more information, please visit the official website of the Serbian Association for Promoting Inclusion and Facebook page dedicated to the project.

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