Partnerships RCPLIP - MESSAGE

Art workshops and humanitarian exhibition

In the past two months, the beneficiaries of the day centres of PORAKA in Skopje were part of number of workshops for painting on canvas, conducted by the pupils Eva Lazarevska and Eda Avmedovska from PSU Yahya Kemal” – Skopje on their initiative.
During the workshops, the beneficiaries had the possibility to express their creativity, and to socialise with Eva and Eda.
The art works created by the beneficiaries were presented at a humanitarian sales exhibition, which was organized by Eva and Eda and took place at the Cinematheque of Macedonia on 27.12.2017.

The funds raised from the sold painting are intended for the day centres of PORAKA in Skopje. We express our gratitude for the wonderful initiative, which can serve for many people as a positive example, and show that if desired, one can cooperate and socialize with persons with intellectual disability.

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