Activities of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Workshop for evaluating the programme for work of the Republic Centre – PORAKA’s Day Centres

Starting from February 2022, the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA reconstructed its programme for work in the Day Centres, which has been agreed at the workshop “Practical activities for advancing the independent living skills for the users in the Day Centres and Social Clubs of the Republic Centre – PORAKA”. The restructuring of the programmes for work in the social services resulted from the need to put more emphasis on developing and maintaining the practical and independent living skills of the users. Strengthening the practical skills is especially important for the users that have lost their parents in the past period, in order to provide their more independent functioning at home, with support by the wider family members. Also, some of the users have been regressing in their practical skills as a result of the pandemic and staying home for a long period of time.

As a part of the programme activities aimed at professional support for advancing the work in its social services for persons with intellectual disability, the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA organized and held a one-day workshop on 19th of May 2023. The workshop was intended for evaluation of the work at the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA with all educators at the day centres and was held at the premisses of the Republic Centre – PORAKA. During the workshop, the Team of the Republic Centre – PORAKA, as well as the educators, gave suggestions for improving the content aspects in the functioning of the Day Centres. At the same time, different difficulties in the work were presented and possible solutions were looked for these difficulties.

The Republic Centre – PORAKA’s Team will continue to provide support to the educators for successful planning and realisation of the programmes for work within its social services network.

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