Activities of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Activities of the social services of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje

The Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje implemented numerous activities in the past period, which are result from the renewed cooperation with eminent institutions in the area of health and education. In April and May, both Day Centres were visited by students from the Medical Faculty (Faculty of Medicine) in Skopje, members of the European Medical Students Association of Macedonia – EMSA. Within these visits, students had the opportunity to be introduced to the users of the Day Centres. This cooperation is of particular importance since it contributes towards raising awareness and improving the approach of the future medical personnel towards persons with intellectual disability. According to the students, this opportunity for involvement in the activities of the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje significantly improved the perceptions towards persons with intellectual disability. The implemented activities are also posted on the official Facebook and Instagram page of EMSA and the Republic Centre – PORAKA.

Students from the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy within the subject “Social work with persons with disability” on several occasions in April and May carried out their practice at both Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje. These visits presented opportunities for the students to be introduced with the work as well as the activities in the day centres, the characteristics, and the approach in working with persons with intellectual disability. Information was also shared regarding the rights and services available for these persons. As for the users of the Day centres, this also represents a good opportunity for socialising and breaking existing prejudices regarding the possibilities for their full integration in the society.

As a result of the long-term cooperation with Theatre PI and the actors Zlatko Mitreski and Makedonka Ilievska, preparations for a new multimedia project are being realised at the moment according to the novel “We, the Sparrows” from Jordan Radickov. Workshops with the actors were realised in the Day Centres once a week in the past period. During the workshops, the participants read parts of the novel, made birds from different types of material, made drawings…

Within this cooperation and with support from Art Brigade, on 1st of April a humanitarian event was held in “Brutalisk” in Skopje. The aim of this event was to raise funds for new drums for our user Dino Ramo, which was achieved. In addition to several names from the music scene, Dino also performed. On 3rd of April, Dino and Zlatko took part in the morning programme on Telma Television to talk about the event.

On 12th of August at the Sports Centre Boris Trajkovski the first Inclusive Fair “Sport for All” was held. Representatives and users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje took part at the event. The event is a part of the project “From Knowledge and Inclusion to Empowerment and Participation” with the goal of strengthening the participation of persons with disability in sport, and included panel discussions, a fair where possibilities for active sports activities for persons with disability were presented by several sports federations and clubs, as well as practical demonstration od different sports disciplines.

In the past period, several workshops were organized that are part of the cooperation of the Republic Centre – PORAKA with the “Half Way There” Association from Serbia and SUMERO from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The topics were discrimination, stereotypes, and prejudices towards persons with intellectual disability. Within the same project, workshops on topics culture, tradition, customs, and religion were also held.

Towards the end of May and beginning of June, the users and the educators from the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA had the opportunity to meet employees from the partner organisation Lebenshilfe Tirol.


Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip

The activities at the Day Centre of the Republic Centre PORAKA in Stip are being realised according to the foreseen programme activities. Apart from these everyday activities, numerous creative workshops have been realised as well. Part of them were aimed at topics referring to observing important religious and national holidays. At the beginning of April several workshops were held for observing Easter Holidays. Discussions were held about the fasting for Easter, its duration and recognising differences between food of animal and plant origin. Workshops were held in which numerous Easter decoration were made from different materials. Traditionally, the users also made Easter eggs. On the occasion of the holiday of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius, there was a discussion about the significance of these saints in spreading the Slavic alphabet and culture. Additionally, as a part of the project activities “Intercultural Learning for All”, several workshops were realised discussing the topics about discriminations, prejudice and stereotypes that are still present in our communities regarding persons with intellectual disability. These ere followed by workshops on the topics of culture, tradition, customs and religion. On 14th of June, the users visited Kadin Ana Mosque and Saint Nikola church in Stip, and had the possibility to learn more about the Muslim and Orthodox religion.

Additionally, the users of the Day Centre took part in activities implemented in cooperation with other stakeholders in the Municipality. One of these activities was the first city run on flat track in Stip that was held on 30th of April. Invited by the Association SUPERIOR RUN, the users together with their parents and educators took part as volunteers at the first city run on flat track in Stip. The activity was held under the auspices of Superior Dispatch. On 13th of May, the Association SUPERIOR RUN gave Acknowledgements to the supporters of the event, among which were the users of the Day Centre. At the end of May, the users and the educators had the opportunity to meet employees from the partner organisation Lebenshilfe Tirol.


Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep

Apart from the regular activities implemented in the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep, in the past period numerous activities and workshops were also held. Several creative workshops were held for Easter, and the holiday was symbolically celebrated with the traditional egg painting. Sprots and recreational activities were organized during April and May that were aimed at stimulating the competitive spirit and encouraging healthy habits. The re-established cooperation with the Zumba studio Active Zone has been significant in the past period since the users had the opportunity to practice Zumba twice a week with a licensed trainer.

Workshops were held during May and June on topics about discrimination and types of discrimination, as well as on topics of culture, tradition, and customs in cooperation with pupils from the Secondary School “Gjorce Petrov”. These workshops are part of the project “Intercultural Learning for All”, which the Republic Centre – PORAKA is implementing together with the Association “Halfway There” from Serbia and SUMERO from Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis

The Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis implements its activities for gaining independent living skills according to the foreseen programme for work. Apart from these activities, many workshops and activities related to important holidays and dates are implemented, as well as different activities with the partners of the Day Centre. For the Easter Holidays the users made decorations at the Day Centre, but also there were two workshops with the volunteers from the Red Cross in Radovis. Additionally, there was a workshop with pupils from the Primary School “Krste Petkov Misirkov” as well, where participants made Easter decorations from collage and crepe paper. On 28th of April, on the occasion of the patronage of Primary School “Nikola Karev”, and at the invitation of the school’s director, the users of the Day Centre together with their parents took part in the Food Fair. At their stand, the users and their parents presented themselves with dishes which were successfully sold by the end of the event.

The workshops for the plat “Little Mermaid” are also implemented as planned. The users together with pupils from the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov” are regularly practicing the text of the play.

Moreover, the workshops on topics about discrimination, stereotypes and prejudices regarding persons with intellectual disability, as well as the workshops in topics related to culture, customs, traditions and religion were implemented in the past period. These workshops are part of the project activities “Intercultural Learning for All” that are being realised by the Republic Centre – PORAKA, the Association “Halfway There” from Serbia and SUMERO from Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola

The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola realised its programme activities as foreseen. At the beginning of April, many of the activities were aimed at celebrating Easter. There was a workshop for discussing religion, traditions, and customs that Macedonians are practicing for the Easter Holidays. This was followed by workshops for making Easter decorations aimed for presents to different associates to the Social Club. Furthermore, there was an inclusive workshop “Colours and joys for Easter” with pupils and their teacher Vesna Gagalevska from the Primary School “Todor Angeleski” and students from the Faculty of Education from Bitola. Representatives of PORAKA Bitola had a meeting with the Mayor of Municipality of Bitola, and discussed the problems and needs of persons with intellectual disability. This meeting also reaffirmed the cooperation between the Municipality and PORAKA Bitola. Before Easter, the users of the Social Club took part in a joint event with the residents of the Home for Elderly People “Sue Ryder” – Bitola. The users demonstrated responsibility and cooperation with the residents of the elderly home and helped them make Easter eggs. For observing 1st of May, the users took a walk on the meadows around Bitola, and the sunny weather in May offered possibilities for outdoor activities and sports and recreational activities.

The established cooperation with the Faculty of Education at the University “St.Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola continued in the past period as well. Students from the study programme for Social and Rehabilitation Pedagogy took part in direct work with the users at the Social Club within the implementation of the programme activities. On 23rd of May, the long-term cooperation with the Primary School “Trifun Panovski” was confirmed by signing a memorandum of cooperation.


Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica

The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica implements its foreseen activities followed by numerous creative workshops. During March and beginning of April, the users were preparing Easter decorations in several workshops.

Under the motto “Let’s eliminate stereotypes and raise awareness about our potentials and possibilities”, the Social Club held an Easter Bazaar on 8th of April in the small park just across the shopping centre “Global” in Strumica, where the Easter decorations made by the users were sold at symbolic prices. Additionally, the users of the Social Club took part at the Easter happening held on 15th of April at Goce Delcev Square right in front of the Home of Culture “Anton Panov” in Strumica, organized by the personnel and the users at the Institute for protection and rehabilitation “Banja Bansko”, which was attended by the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Jovana Trencevska.

The users were very pleased to be invited to the new home of Aleksandra Paskova, user at the Social Club, on the occasion of moving to a new home. Everyone had a great time at the party.

The planned activities for realizing creative workshops and for gaining social skills for greater independence in everyday living continued in May and June as well. They included protection from natural disasters: fire, flood, and earthquakes, how to react and approach in these situations, then developing awareness for sorting waste and protecting the environment by sorting the waste glass, plastics, paper, etc.


Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica

According to the planned programme for work, the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica continuously implemented its activities in the past period. Different activities for gaining independent living skills were realised as well as creative workshops.

During April, most of the activities in the Social Club were related to the religious holidays Easter and Ramadan Eid. The creative workshops for making Easter decorations were implemented together with pupils from the Secondary School “Vanco Prke”. These decorations were presented at the Easter bazaar and were sold with symbolic process. The gathered funds shall be used for the needs of the Social Club. Also, there was an activity at the Social Club for making Easter eggs. For Ramadan Eid, the educator and the users talked about the meaning of this holiday and traditional baklava and halva were served. The users of the Social Club observed the Earth Day by planting flowers at the premises of the Social Club.

During May, the Social Club had activities for observing the month of psychological health. There was one workshop for discussing one’s feelings when being insulted, the behaviour of other people towards us, how to react when being insulted. The users told different pleasant and unpleasant situations that they faced. Additionally, the Social Club observed the 15th of May, the Family Day. There was a workshop for discussing the importance of the family in everyone’s life, and the users also made drawings of their own families. There was a workshop for observing 24th of May, the holiday of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius where the users, in accordance with their possibilities, were trying to recognise the letters, wrote their names and read different texts. Moreover, there were several recreational activities such as puzzling and different games with cubes, as well as activities for maintaining personal hygiene and the hygiene at the premises of the Social Club.


Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija

The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija continuously implemented its foreseen activities in the past period. The first workshop in April was aimed at the International Day of Persons with Autism. The following workshops were aimed at celebrating Easter. There were discussions about hoe this holiday is being celebrated in our country, which customs are related to Easter, but also there were workshops for making Easter decorations. Two workshops were held with recreational activities. The first one was “Find the hidden treasure” in which each user had the task to hide certain object in the room and the others had to find it. The workshop was aimed at developing space orientation skills. And the second one was memory card game with characters from different cartoons, and the users had to recognise those characters and name them.

Several workshops were realised during May, in which the users made plaster figures. On one of the workshops, there were discussions about Ss. Cyril and Methodious and the users also were trying to name the letters of our alphabet, to write their names and to make letters from plasteline. Moreover, there were workshops aimed at developing the practical skills, so the users were preparing warm beverages like tea and coffee.

The cooperation with other stakeholders in the municipality continued as well. PORAKA Gevgelija took part at a public debate organized by the Red Cross in Gevgelija “Each Child with his/her own authenticity”. The event was regarding early diagnostics of atypical development in children of a younger age. Professionals in the field and parents of children with disability took part at this event.

PORAKA Gevgelija also took part in a public debate titled “Mapping persons with disability above 15 years of age in Municipality of Gevgelija” organised by the Municipality of Gevgelija, the Centre for Social Work in Gevgelija, the Disability Organizations in Gevgelija and the Centre Mother Theresa.


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