The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Radovis began with implementation of a project “Day center for persons with intellectual disability”. One of the objectives within the project “Day center for persons with intellectual disability” implemented by PORAKA Radovis and supported by Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM), is raising public awareness regarding the rights and needs of persons with intellectual disability. In order to realise this objective, one of the project activities is holding thematic lessons “What is Intellectual Disability?”, which are conducted in the primary and secondary schools in Municipality of Radovis.
On 28.05.2012 thematic lessons were held in the secondary school “Kosta Susinov” with pupils from first year. The goal of this thematic lesson was to introduce pupils with persons with intellectual disability, their needs and possibilities, to explain the difference between intellectual disability and mental illness and to break down prejudice and stereotype towards persons with intellectual disability. The pupils already knew many of the information presented because they had a classmate with intellectual disability. The pupils shared their experience about accepting the pupil in the class and the ways they are helping her in learning and performing the everyday curriculum as well as her acceptance by the others in the school.
On 30.05.2012 a thematic lesson was held in the primary school “Nikola Karev” with pupils from the fifth grade. The interest of the pupils and the teacher for this type of lessons was immense. They had a lot of questions regarding the characteristics of persons with intellectual disability, how to recognize and help them. The emphasis was put on education for children with intellectual disability, as well as to the work with adults included in the day center of PORAKA in Radovis, as a social service and their training for independent living.