Implemented workshops and public debate in Municipality of Radovis
The Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA in the period January – March 2011 continued to implement activities for creating local disability action plan in Municipality of Radovis. Within the fourth phase of the programme, PORAKA held a series of workshops, where the members of the working group directly worked on creating the local action plan. At the same time, the members of the working group had the opportunity to use the knowledge gained from the training.
The local action plan was elaborated in accordance with the international document “Agenda 22” and also according the principles stipulated in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. During the workshops, the priorities and the needs of persons with disabilities have been considered, primarily in the areas under competence of the local self-government, but also in the areas that are still not decentralised, and still the community can contribute through local actions and lobbying the central government.
The members of the working group gave its contribution in the elaboration of the local action plan by forming the priorities and the activities. At the same time considering that the proposed activities incorporated in the local action plan are real and feasible in accordance with the resources of the local community. Each activity is defined through its goal, task, and institution responsible for implementation, timeframe and financial source regarding the activity.
The campaign was launched with a press conference held on 27.04.2011 in the Home of Humanitarian Organizations “Dare Dzambaz”. On the press conference, the slogan and the motto of the campaign was promoted: “Rights to Become Reality – 100 Days for Ratification”, as well as the activities that PORAKA will take in order for the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability to be finally ratified in the Republic of Macedonia. Also the Pledge Card was promoted, which PORAKA has previously sent it to the political parties. By signing this Pledge Card, the political parties promise to support the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the first 100 days of the new Assembly mandate.
After the series of workshops, presentation with public debate regarding the local action plan was organised together with the councillors from the Council of the Municipality of Radovis, representatives of institutions and other stakeholders. Positive feedback was received relating the strategic document, as well as constructive remarks from the participants.
Why is the ratification of the Convention important to us?
Within the next phase of the programme in Municipality of Radovis, it is planned to start with the procedure for delivering the draft version of the local action plan to the Council of the Municipality of Radovis, which will discuss it on its regular assembly.