Within its programme for observing 3rd of December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA organized an Open Day of the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Skopje. The Open Day was held on 4.12.2012.
The Open Day was organized to raise the level of recognizing and understanding the needs and problems faced by persons with intellectual disability and to raise awareness for the positive contributions arising from their inclusion in everyday life of the community. The activities performed in the day center PORAKA Skopje were presented during the Open Day, and the guests had the opportunity to socialize with the beneficiaries of the day center.
Within the Open Day, and on the occasion of 3rd of December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Republic Center – PORAKA presented acknowledgements to individuals, institutions and organisations that gave their contribution for realisation and advancement of human rights of persons with intellectual disability in Republic of Macedonia in 2012.
The Republic Center – PORAKA presented acknowledgements to:
- Mr.Spiro Ristovski, Minister of Labour and Social Policy, as an expression of acknowledgement for the cooperation and support to programme activities of the day centers of the Republic Center – PORAKA for persons with intellectual disability.
- Mr.Koce Trajanovski, Mayor of City of Skopje, as an expression of acknowledgement for the cooperation and support to programme activities of the day center for persons with intellectual disability PORAKA Skopje.
- The Council of City of Skopje, as an expression of acknowledgement for cooperation and support to programme activities of the day center for persons with intellectual disability PORAKA Skopje.
- Mr.Robert Velkov, Mayor of Municipality Radovis, as an expression of acknowledgement for the cooperation and support given for renovation of the facility for the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Radovis.
- The Council of Municipality Radovis, as an expression of acknowledgement for the cooperation and support given for renovation of the facility for the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Radovis.
- Mr.Nikolajco Nikolov, Vice-General Director of Mine “Bucim”, as an expression of acknowledgement for the cooperation and support given for renovation of the facility for the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Radovis.
- Mr.Dusko Caminski, President of the Coordinative Body for implementing the Local Disability Action Plan in Municipality Radovis, as an expression of acknowledgement for the cooperation and support given for renovation of the facility for the day center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Radovis.
After receiving the Acknowledgement, Mr.Ristovski, Minister of Labour and Social Policy said: “The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA is one of the most relevant organisations for persons with intellectual disability in the non-governmental sector, therefore, I would like to congratulate on their successful work. I have to say that it is not only the organisation that deserves recognition, but also the personnel that works with persons with intellectual disability because they stimulate their development employing the best working methods, which demonstrates that non-institutional work is far more better solution for these people that institutional care. Here, persons with intellectual disability gain knowledge that helps them in their intellectual development and mobility, and I hope that opening another day center of this type in Skopje, at the other part of the city, will become reality in 2013”.
Mr.Koce Trajanovski, Mayor of City of Skopje stressed: “Today, we are witnessing a great moment, when those to whom we are trying to help, are willing to express their acknowledgement, which has a significant importance for me. The acknowledgement that I received today on behalf of City of Skopje, is given as a part of the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and within the Open Day of the Day center, we are traditionally here with our friends from PORAKA. The City of Skopje has been financially supporting the work of the Center for several years now, and as for 2013, two million denars have been allocated for this purpose. I hope that together with the Minister of Labour and Social Policy we shall fulfil the joint plans and we will succeed in opening another day center for persons with intellectual disability”.
Mr.Robert Velkov, Mayor of Municipality Radovis pointed: “The partnership between Municipality Radovis, the Republic Center – PORAKA and PORAKA Radovis, in 2012, resulted with providing adequate premises for conducting the programme activities of the day center – PORAKA Radovis. The support given to this social service from the Municipality Radovis will continue in 2013 as well”.