PORAKA Strumica organized humanitarian manifestation for observing 3 December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The creations prepared during the serial of creative workshops that PORAKA Strumica realized in 2017 were presented at this event. The guests at the event bought the handicrafts for a symbolic sum, and the money collected will be used to equip the Social Club of PORAKA Strumica with the necessary didactic materials for work. At the event, a cooking competition was also organized, with members of PORAKA Strumica, pupils from the Primary School “Vidoe Podgorec” and members of Etno Vesta Zena participating. They all prepared meals, salads and desserts. Additionally, the volunteers from the Red Cross – Strumica and pupils from the Primary School “Nikola Vapcarov” performed a mini-show, the dancers from “Trimeri” had a performance as well as pupils from Primary School “Vidoe Podgorec”. These short performances passed a message for respecting the principles of equality, non-discrimination, inclusion, fairness and solidarity. Members of PORAKA Strumica joined in at the last performance and through a song for equal opportunities, together with their friends, delivered the message of equality. At the end of the programme, an exhibition was officially opened, on which, besides the handicrafts from the members of PORAKA Strumica, handicrafts from the Day centre for children with special needs from Strumica and Primary School “Nikola Vapcarov” were exhibited as well. The three teams were declared as winners in the cooking competition since they all showed dedication, skills, creativity and cooking abilities.
PORAKA Demir Hisar organized several activities for observing 3 December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In the period from 20 October to 20 November 2017 a competition for artistic and literary work was held among the pupils from primary and secondary schools on the topic: “See the child, not the disability”. On 23 November, members of PORAKA Demir Hisar had a meeting with the Mayor of Municipality Demir Hisar and discussed about the successful cooperation they had so far as well as continuing it in the following period. Under the auspices of the Mayor, on 01.12.2017 PORAKA Demir Hisar organized an observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities at the premises of its Social Club. There were representatives of the local authorities, schools, teachers, members of PORAKA Demir Hisar, volunteers, parents and other citizens. The president of PORAKA Demir Hisar presented the activities of the organization in the past year and spoke also about the importance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Moreover, the best literary works were presented, and the winners were rewarded with diplomas and books provided by PORAKA Demir Hisar and the Library at the Home of Culture in Demir Hisar. Acknowledgements were given to associates of the organization who with their contribution promoted the work of PORAKA Demir Hisar in the past year.
PORAKA Tetovo conducted different activities to observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On 01.12.2017 in the Primary School “Lirija” an event for observing 3 December was organized. Guests were parents and other pupils, citizens and representatives from the local self-government. They also had the opportunity to see artistic exhibition set by the pupils of the school. At the end of the event there were refreshments donated by restaurant Mitpoint and the school. On the same day, in the primary school “A.S.Kikis” pupils from the special classes organized an exhibition and programme for observing 3 December. The beneficiaries of the Day centre for children with special needs in Tetovo also had prepared an exhibition with handicrafts and there was a discussion about this day and the meaning it has for persons with disabilities. The State University in Tetovo organized sports activities for pupils from the special classes in Tetovo and Gostivar on 02.12.2017 and on 04.12.2017 the Faculty for Philosophy had a public debate with different stakeholders in the field of disability. Representative of the Islamic Religious Community gave packages of food to the pupils from the special classes.
PORAKA Gevgelija observed the International Day of Persons with Disabilities with holding a meeting on the theme: “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all”. Participants were different stakeholder on local level in the field of disability. The importance of successful implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was emphasized with special regards to living independently and being included in the community, accessible community-based services, education, health and employment. The participants at the meeting had the opportunity to see the handicrafts of the beneficiaries at the Social Club in PORAKA Gevgelija. Local media covered this event and informed the public regarding 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
PORAKA Debar organized a public debate to observe the International Day of persons with Disabilities. At the debate there were representatives of the local self-government, public institutions on local level, NGOs and associates from Albania. The public debate began with presentation of the activities realized by PORAKA Debar in the past year, which also included a video presentation and a documentary film regarding the rights of persons with intellectual disability. During the debate pupils from the Primary School “Said Najdeni” had a performance. Also, there was a discussion about current needs of persons with intellectual disability on local level and participants shared experiences with the associates form Albania. At the end of the debate, they all had the opportunity to see the exhibition with handicrafts by persons with intellectual disability.
PORAKA Bitola had several activities that observed 3 December. On 01.12.2017 members of PORAKA Bitola were guests at the Primary School “Gorgi Sugarev” and attended and art programme prepared by the pupils. Exhibition of handicrafts was set at the premises of the Social Club in PORAKA Bitola and Bakery Aleksandar, Pub Konekt, Aurum, GT Pastry and Oskar restaurant donated food and drinks. On 05.12.2017 in cooperation with Red Cross in Bitola, at the premises of the Social Club, there was a blood donating action. The cooperation with Red Cross in Bitola continued in the following days as well, by realizing several workshops for Christmas cards and decorations.
PORAKA Kriva Palanka observed 3 December, The International Day of persons with Disabilities in the Primary School “Hristijan Todorovski – Karposh” on 01.12.2017. There were representatives present from the local self-government, the centre for Social Work, pupils and teachers from primary schools and parents of persons with disabilities. The beneficiaries of the day centre for persons with intellectual disability in Kriva Palanka had a performance as well as pupils from primary schools. During the event, the President of PORAKA Kriva Palanka awarded diplomas to pupils that took part in the competitions for art and literary works. As in previous years, representatives of PORAKA Kriva Palanka visited couple of families with members with intellectual disability.
In its programme for observing 3 December, representatives of PORAKA Vinica had a meeting with the Mayor of Municipality of Vinica on 01.12.2017 and discussed the needs and problems that these persons and their families face on local level, and the need for opening community based services was emphasised. On 04.12.2017 PORAKA Vinica and the Day centre for persons with disabilities organized an exhibition of handicrafts made by the beneficiaries. The exhibition was visited by the Mayor of Vinica, representatives of the Red Cross in Vinica, “Mak Progres” and other stakeholders on local level. The event was covered by the local media. On 06.12.2017 the Union of Women of the municipal branch of one of he political parties organized a social event for persons with disabilities in Pizzeria “Richi”.
PORAKA Radovis observed 3 December with several activities. On 30.11.2017 the beneficiaries of the Day centre visited the jewellery workshop KIAC – Centar and had the possibility to see different materials for making jewellery as well as the process of making it. On 01.12.2017 at the premises of the Day centre held an event for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. There were representatives from local self-government, Deputy-Director of the mine “Bucim”, representatives from public institutions, NGOs and parents of persons with intellectual disability. During this event, the needs and problems of persons with intellectual disability on local level were emphasised. The present guests had the possibility to see the work of the Day centre and the benefits of these types of social services for persons with intellectual disability. PORAKA Radovis awarded acknowledgements to institutions and individuals who have contributed to in the work of the organization and the social service. Members of PORAKA Radovis were included in an activity organized by the NGO “Etno vesta zena”, which took place in Strumica on 26.11.2017, and the funds raised during the event are aimed for persons with intellectual disability from Strumica and Radovis.
PORAKA Skopje organized different activities for observing 3 December. On 29.11.2017 in “VIP Arena Boris Trajkovski” there was a bowling competition, and on 30.11.2017 and 05.12.2017, with support of City of Skopje, sports activities were realized at the sports hall of the Secondary School “Zdravko Cvetkovski”. On 01.12.2017 beneficiaries of the Day centres of PORAKA Skopje participated in a workshop together with pupils from the private school “Jahja Kemal”. On 03.12.2017 the performance “Kissed by the Sun”, directed by Theatre PI and played by actors-beneficiaries of the day centre of PORAKA Skopje was held. The performance took place on the stage in Mala Stanica, and at the end the President of PORAKA Skopje gave Acknowledgements to associates and supporters of the organization. The same day, members of PORAKA Skopje took part in the public debate “Transformation towards sustainable and resilient society for all” organized by NSIOM. On 03.12.2017 beneficiaries of the day centres of PORAKA Skopje with one of the educators were involved in the activity organized by the Government of RM, under auspices of the Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. Representatives of PORAKA Skopje took part at the NGO Fair held on 06.12.2017 supported by City of Skopje, and organized by the Volunteer Centre Skopje. The beneficiaries of the Day centres of PORAKA Skopje together with pupils from High School NOVA realized a workshop for creating decorative objects.
PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica, in cooperation with the Centre for Social Work organized a public debate under the motto “We are like you, do not look at us differently”, which aim was to raise public awareness regarding the acceptance of persons with disabilities in society and their equal treatment. Members of PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica in order to demarginalize persons with disabilities distributed leaflets that had information about the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Additionally, several workshops were held for preparing cards and handicrafts in cooperation with the Secondary School “Mile Janevski – Dzingar”.
PORAKA Stip organized an exhibition of handicrafts and drawings made by its members at the Public Library “Goce Delcev” on 31.11.2017. At the opening of the exhibition, persons with intellectual disability (members of the folklore school EURO ART Academy) had a musical performance. The President of PORAKA Stip emphasized the support persons with intellectual disability need in order to participate in all spheres of everyday living, and also awarded acknowledgements to the supporters of the organization. On 01.12.2017 there was a meeting with representatives of the local self-government. The needs of persons with disabilities were discussed so that they can be included in society as equal citizens. Several beneficiaries of the Social Club attended the awarding ceremony for the best written literary work on the topic: “My friend with disability” at the primary School “Dimitar Vlahov”. All these activities were covered by local media.
PORAKA Veles, as previous years, participated in Arts workshop in the Special School “Maca Ovcaroca” – Veles, which is inclusive and is organized on republic level. Also, ten children with intellectual disability, members of PORAKA Veles, who had classes in modern dances at the ballet studio “Anabela” were part of a show performed in front of the Mayor of Veles and Veles audience for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
PORAKA Prilep on the occasion of 3 December organized gastronomy workshop led by the chefs Zoran Karapeev and Zoran Krstevski. On 01.12.2017 PORAKA Prilep, in cooperation with the Special Primary School “Kliment Ohridski” and the Association of Macedonian Writers organized an event for observing the International Day of persons with Disabilities. It was held in “Kliment Ohridski, and there ere representatives of the local self-government, schools, public institutions and other citizens. Both events were covered by the local media.