Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje
The activities of the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje are being conducted in accordance with the working programmes aimed at gaining independent living skills. Apart these everyday activities, several creative workshops have been conducted. Some of them were for celebrating Easter. The users worked on understanding the Easter fast, its duration and distinguishing food of animal and plant origin. Several workshops were conducted, in which the users made Easter baskets, garlands and Easter decorations made from different materials. They also planted Easter grain and had the opportunity to observe the process of germination, sprouting and growth of the plants. Traditionally, on Holy Thursday the users decorated Easter eggs on their own. They also prepared symbolic Easter gifts for each other from the decorations that they have made at the Day Centre.
As a result of the cooperation with Theatre Pi, during May, several workshops for acting and dancing were realized. These workshops were initiated and led by Talitha Nyland, professional dancer and Charissa Kock, educator and dramaturg, associates of Theatre Pi from the Netherlands. Through concentration, movement, and coordination exercises, established with rhythmic music and relaxation music, the professionals led the workshops with the users. The final product of the workshops is planned to be included in the next project/performance of Theatre Pi and PORAKA.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis
The activities in the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis continue to be implemented according to the working programme.
As a final part of the project for the Theatre Play “The Wizard and the Friends”, implemented by the Centre of Culture “Aco Karamanov”, and in cooperation with pupils from the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov” and users from the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis, one-day excursion to Skopje was organized. The aim of this recreational excursion was to visit the ZOO in Skopje, as well as building cultural habits by visiting the National Opera and Ballet.
Within the project “Volunteer message” the users of the Day Centre together with members of the Red Cross in Municipality of Radovis had horticultural activities in the yard of the Day Centre. They all worked hard to prepare the land in the jardinieres, to clean, dig and plant the seedings. This activity ended with cleaning the whole yard. Couple of days later, the users had a workshop for making Easter decorations together with volunteers from the Red Cross and pupils from the primary schools in Radovis. On 24th of April, under the auspices of the Mayor of Municipality of Radovis and the Centre of Culture “Aco Karamanov”, the manifestation “Selection of the most beautiful Easter egg, song and creation 2022” was held. The users of the Day Centre took part in this event with their own handicrafts.
On 28th of April, the users of the Day Centre had the possibility to meet new friends Gjorgji and Tanja Ichevi from Herbalife Nutrition, who gave them healthy products with different flavours and supplements for boosting the immune system.
On 3rd of May, as a part of the project “Volunteer message” several activities were implemented together with volunteers from the Red Cross in Radovis and international volunteers from the Volunteers Centre – Skopje who came to visit Radovis. They all took part in different activities through games at the Day Centre. This was followed by a visit to the Monastery Complex “St.Gjorgjija” in Oravica.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip
The programme activities at the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip were regularly implemented in accordance with the foreseen program. Apart the regular activities, the users of the Day Centre have been included and implemented activities with different associates of the Day Centre.
The users of the Day Centre took part at the athlete race organized by UGD Sport on the occasion of 15 years of the University “Goce Delcev” – Stip. The organizers praised the users of the Day Centre, who also successfully finished the race, which once again proves the importance of mutual support.
On 7th of April, the World Health Day, a workshop on the topic “Healthy teeth” was organized in cooperation with the University Library “Goce Delcev” and a dentist. The users of the Day Centre got useful tips on proper care of their teeth and had the possibility to see how to brush them properly.
The project “Sport and recreation for all” began with its implementation, and Bojana Maneva, member of the Macedonian national team in karate and a fitness coach, will be conducting the activities in cooperation with PORAKA Stip and supported by the Council of the Municipality of Stip. This project has the goal of introducing physical activities to persons with intellectual disability, users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip, and improvement of their psycho-physical health. They will have the opportunity to train in a gym and with the appropriate equipment and through games, to gain a habit of exercising and to show their sports talent.
In honour of 24 May – “Saints Cyril and Methodius, Slavonic Enlighteners’ Day”, the University Library “Goce Delcev” observed this day with creative and literary workshops. PORAKA Stip as an associate to the University Library took part in this year’s celebration. The first creative workshop was held on 18th of May and the users of the Day Centre had the possibility to learn and make different letters, and to listen to literature texts.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep
The activities of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep have been realized as foreseen in its programme for work. At the beginning of April, the Day Centre organized a visit to the local market so that the users may make a difference regarding the storage places of different products, and thus easier to find them.
Several activities were aimed at celebrating Easter. The users had the possibility to express their creativity when making Easter decorations with different materials. Helen Doron English – Prilep, English Language School, invited the users of the Day Centre to attend an adapted workshop in English, and as a token of appreciation they gave the school several of their Easter decorations. In May, the users of the Day Centre visited the Police Station in Prilep, where they had the opportunity to learn about the police work.
Several members of the Judo Club Seishin visited the Day Centre and together with Hristijan Stojkoski, user at the Day Centre, demonstrated different judo techniques, in order to emphasise the importance of the sport in the psychophysical development. Also in May, at the amphitheatre of Mogila, the users of the Day Centre watched the play “One upon a time … about arts”, played by pupils of the Secondary School “Riste Risteski-Ricko”.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica
The activities for gaining bigger independence of persons with intellectual disability at home are regularly conducted at the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica. Additionally, several other activities were conducted, related to observing important events and holidays. On the occasion of 2 April, the World Autism Awareness Day, PORAKA Strumica, together with the Mayor of Municipality of Strumica, Kostadin Kostadinov, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Jovanka Trencevska, as well as other NGOs, took part at an event for raising the awareness about the autism and persons with autism.
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica, together with pupils from the Secondary School “Dimitar Vlahov” from Strumica and Europe House Strumica organized and conducted an interesting competition. At the Etno Restaurant “Kaj Viktor” in Bosilovo, whose owner is a parent of a person with autism, they took part in a cooking competition and decorating the prepared food.
With the message “Let’s discard the stereotypes and raise awareness of our potentials and possibilities” PORAKA Strumica organized an Easter Bazaar. Couple of creative workshops were held at the Social Club for making different handicrafts on the topic of Easter Holidays before the Bazaar. On 23rd of April, at the small park across TC Global, in the centre of Strumica, this happening was held, and people had the possibility to buy the handicrafts made by the users of the Social Club. Each year the citizens increasingly recognize and value the work of persons with intellectual disability and that is very satisfying. The collected funds will be used to equip the Social Club with materials for realization of the programme activities.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica regularly realised activities in which the users were gaining cognitive, practical and social skills.
On the occasion of the Easter Holidays, the users of the Social Club in cooperation with pupils from the Secondary School “Vanco Prke” and the Primary School “Goce Delcev” and volunteers from the Red Cross in Vinica, conducted several creative workshops for handicrafts with Easter Holidays motives.
Also, activities for preserving and promoting one’s own health, its importance and hygienic habits that affect it were conducted as well as activities for recognising and handling money through various games.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola regularly realized its programme activities in the past period. The occupational activities were continuously conducted, as well as activities for personal hygiene, the hygiene at the premises of the social club, sports and recreational activities, i.e., maintaining and promoting the physical health as well as conversations for psychological support and working habits.
During April, the emphasis was put on the Easter traditions and making Easter decorations. On 15th of April at Magnolija Square, PORAKA Bitola organized an Easter Bazaar. The task of showing the handicrafts themselves, telling how they were made, trying and learning to sell, was successfully completed by the users. The collected funds will be used for purchasing working materials for activities at the Social Club. On Holly Thursday, several users of the Social Club attended the traditional painting of Easter eggs at SN Osiguritelen Broker AD Bitola.
In cooperation with the Restaurant Gold Felicija – Bitola, on 29th of April, a couple of users from the Social Club visited the Home for Elderly People “Sue Ryder” and the Home for Elderly and Ill in Bitola and gave them Easter eggs.
Some of the users from the Social Club took part at the workshop aimed for persons with disabilities, organised by the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola. Together with professors and pupils from the Secondary School “Taki Daskalo” they were fashion designers and enjoyed in combining the clothes and in drawing fashion accessories.
One-day educational visit to Kalista, Vevcani and Struga was organized on 10th of May. The users enjoyed the beauties of Ohrid Lake, listened to legends about the origins of the numerous cave churches in Kalista, and got to visit some of these caves. The educational visit ended with a walk along the quay of the river Drim in the centre of Struga.