Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje
Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje have been implementing its foreseen activities in the past period as planned. The activities for developing cognitive, social and practical skills of the users were regularly realised. On 13th of June at the schoolyard of the Primary School “Kiro Gligorov” the users of the Day Centre in Kapishtec were part of the joint gathering with the artist Zivko Popovski – Cvetin, who held a poetry reading, drawing and exhibition under the motto “Cvetin’s corner of peace and humanity”. During the event he gave five drawings with different design to the Day Centre in Kapishtec, which are his trademark.
Throughout the summer period the users of both Day Centres continued to actively work at the garden in the Zelena Arka – Bostanie. The users were actively involved in weeding and cultivating the land, planting vegetable crops. Part of the activities in the garden were also nurturing the previously planted crops. As a part of the activities at the Day Centres, the users prepared light meals from the various vegetables picked from the garden.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip
The activities at the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip were realised in accordance with the foreseen programme activities. Apart from these activities, several creative workshops were implemented as well. During June there were couple of workshops for creating different figures from recycled materials. These workshops offered possibilities for some of the users to learn how to organise their free time in the afternoons and weekends by performing interesting activities at their homes. At the beginning of July, in cooperation with Zegin – Shtip, a medical examination of the users at the Day Centre regarding risks of osteoporosis was organised and held. At the same time, the users also received useful information for protection and promotion of their personal health. The cooperation with the Red Cross in Shtip continued in the past period as well. The Day Centre together with the Red Cross, took part in the humanitarian action of the Pensioners Association “Avtokomanda” and donated clothes for the socially vulnerable citizens. Towards the end of August, together with the Youth Club of the Red Cross in Shtip, there was a workshop for making origami, that was held at the Day Centre.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis
In the past period, the users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovish continued to realise the everyday programme activities for gaining independent living skills. Part of those activities were aimed at preparations for the winter season. The users harvested fruits, which they grow in the yard, then cleaned and washed them, put them in freezer bags and arranged them in the freezer. These fruits will be used for making warm drinks during the winter. The users continued to gain practical skills for work in the kitchen, i.e., preparation of simple meals, warm drinks and independent use of electrical appliances. Activities for maintaining the yard and watering the plants were also regularly implemented.
Due to the hot weather and extremely high temperatures in this period, social activities were not realised, nor activities with different associates of the Day Centre.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep
The activities of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep were continuously implemented in the past period according to the planned programme for work. Different activities for advancing and gaining skills were realised with the users. Also, numerous activities were realised with associates of the Day Centre. One of those activities was the visit to the Secondary School “Gjorche Petrov” where the users had the opportunity to see the final fashion show prepared by the pupils of this school. Unlike last year, this year the creations worn by the models and the ambient music played during the show, symbolised the culture of the hippie movement. The event itself had a different character in regard to other events that the users had the opportunity to visit, so they followed the whole event with curiosity and great attention.
In the period from 10th of June till 14th of June and 19th of August and 26th of August, on their own initiative, pupils from the Private Secondary School “Yahya Kemal College” realised their student practice at the Day Centre. Through different creative workshops, many activities and techniques were implemented to improve the creative and manipulative abilities of the users. According to the pupils, this opportunity for direct involvement in the activities, helped them to break their own prejudices and stereotypes regarding persons with intellectual disability.
In the spirit of tradition and nurturing traditional beliefs, on the occasion of the religious holiday Ivanden, an educational workshop was held with the members of the Pensioners Association of Prilep. During the workshop, there were discussions about customs related to this holiday, and the users had the possibility to try homemade light lean buns – kravajchina, that the pensioners brought.
During the summer period, most of the workshops that were realised with the teacher Vera Poposka were aimed to empower users to independently take care of the flowers in the yard. These types of activities offered possibilities for the users to plant and water flowers, to use different agricultural tools. The effect of these activities was especially visible during the summer vacation, when two of the users, on their own initiative, took care of the flowers in the yard. In September, together with the teacher Vera Poposka, the users had a recreational walk to the “Burial Mounds of the Undefeated” in order to improve their physical condition.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola
The Social Club of the Republic Centre - PORAKA in Bitola realised its activities according to its foreseen programme for work.
Apart the regular activities that foresee gaining independent living skills, several interesting activities were held outdoors. The users visited the nearby markets where they bought products for maintaining home and personal hygiene. Thiis activity was followed by several workshops in which the users discussed the ways of using these products, and also, they had opportunities for their practical use.
Several activities were realised for preparation of refreshing drinks and light meals. For that purpose, the users, firstly, discussed which products are needed, and then they were buying them from the nearby markets. The Folklore Association Pletenka invited the users to attend their annual concert and get to know part of the Macedonian folklore and narrated tradition.
Also, the users of the Social Club had the opportunity to attend the concert of the Chamber Orchestra – Bitola, where they had the opportunity to meet the young music stars, as well as the actors and musicians from the Chamber Orchestra.
The second workshop within the project “Creative, fun workshops for encouraging reading amongst persons with disability – good practices” was realised in cooperation with the National University Library “Sv.Kliment Ohridski” at the premises of the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola. The users had the opportunity to have fun and in a humorous way to be introduced and recognise the character traits of people by reading fables. As a result of the cooperation with Pragma Production, an organiser of concerts throughout Macedonia, the users received free tickets to three concerts which will be held in Bitola.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Gevgelija realised many different cognitive, educational and practical activities in the past period. Part of these activities were preparing decorative candles in different colours. On the invitation of the Association for development, education and environmental ethics POLIMAT 13 from Bogdanci, several users attended the event The Astragalus Day, where they had the opportunity to display and sell their handicrafts. Part of the users, also, had the possibility to attend the event “Together in nature” organised by the Foundation Ice Begov and the Mountaineering Society Kozhuf from Gevgelija.
The participants had a 2 km long hike on an inclusive hiking trail. On the patron saint’s holiday of the Municipality of Gevgelija, some of the users and their parents attended an evening concert, Also, in the middle of July, several users of the Social Club and their parents attended a one-day excursion to the place “Rajska dolina” on Vardar River in the Municipality of Demir Kapija. This excursion was supported by the local agency Dori from Gevgelija.
During July, new activities were introduced at the Social Club called The Waste is not Garbage. The activities will include discussions about the waste, selection and its re-use. For this purpose, plastic packaging and bottle caps will be collected and handed over to a local waste recycling company. During the whole past period, the users also had relaxing activities like playing interesting board games.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica
The activities at the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica were implemented according to the foreseen programme for work. The emphasis was put mostly on the summer period and the hot weather. Therefore, part of the activities were discussions about dehydration and sunburns, as well as sharing advice and experiences in order to avoid these situations. There were also discussions about the danger of fires and the ways in which they are caused, and the users talked and listed the protective measures. During the creative workshops the users made drawings with summer motives. Several activities were dedicated to learning about the Universe and the planetary bodies. The users were making a model of a spacesuit that astronauts wear while traveling to space. The practical activities were aimed at maintaining hygiene, but also the personal hygiene during the summer period. There were also activities for preparing light meals followed by discussions about the types of fruits and vegetables that are growing in the summer. During the past period, the users played both educational and social games.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica regularly implemented its programme activities in the past period. Numerous cognitive and educational activities were realised on the topics related to the summer period. There were discussions about appropriate clothing during summer, how to store food and what food to eat during this period. The users watched educational videos about ways to cool their bodies and the indoor space during hot weather. Several workshops were realised regarding good and appropriate behaviour at home with the family and outside, in different situations with different people. The practical activities were regularly implemented. Each of the users, in accordance with their abilities, participated in exercises using the equipment available in the Social Club. Apart these, there were several creative workshops where the users of the Social Club made handicrafts related to summer topics.
In cooperation with the Association “Govor na srceto”, the users of the Social Club participated in creative workshops held in Municipality of Bosilovo and made different handicrafts. At the beginning of July, the users participated at the first “BAZAR FEST Bosilovo 2024” where they presented their works from the creative workshops. The users of the Social Club regularly played board games and watched educational videos on their own choice.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Kavadarci
The programme for work was regularly realised in the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Kavadarci. In the past period, various cognitive, educational, practical and recreational activities were implemented. Some of them were creative workshops in which the users made different arts with the support of couple of volunteers. The users were very dedicated to their work in maintaining the hygiene of the premises and the yard at the Social Club, as well as in watering the plants. Additionally, several activities for personal hygiene were also realised. Part of the activities were playing interesting board games.