Ten national companies that are representatives and promoters of the Macedonian successful businesses received the prestigious Acknowledgement Macedonian Quality 2021, which is traditionally awarded by the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce under the auspices of the President of The Republic of North Macedonia, H.E. d-r Stevo Pendarovski. The event, this year, took place at the presidential residence “Villa Vodno”. The acknowledgement is awarded to national companies that contribute towards the development of the Macedonian economy and affirm the Macedonian quality in the country and beyond.
The acknowledgements were awarded by the President of The Republic of North Macedonia H.E. d-r Stevo Pendarovski and the President of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, Mr. Trajan Angeloski. The winners of the Acknowledgement for 2021 are “Bonives” PZU “Apteki Viola”, “Agens Kamini”, “Kasa Italija”, KMG EOL “Kvazar”, “Vinarija Venec”, “Kompjunet Inzenering”, “Hotel Tims”, “Eko logistic servis”, the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA.
The President of the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce, Mr.Angeloski, said that the success of each domestic company, within our state and internationally, has a wide impact. “The Macedonian Chamber of Commerce has been promoting the quality of domestic companies for years by awarding the traditional acknowledgement for quality. This acknowledgement is a confirmation that the decisions, which these businessmen and entrepreneurs have made over the years have been the right ones, and their engagement and commitment are recognised and valued. This also represents an impetus for continuing the successful work and to represent the state with quality, trust, good practice”, stressed Mr. Angeloski.
The President Pendarovski highlighted the challenges that domestic economy has been facing due to the world pandemic. In that context he expressed confidence that the companies have the adequate response to the crisis and that they will continue with their successful work by upgrading the quality of the products and services they deliver.
“Having in mind the entire situation, the winners of the Acknowledgement deserve special respect because the develop their potential in difficult times and achieve remarkable results while maintaining high quality products and services”, said the President Pendarovski. He continued:
“Respected, it is really ungrateful to compare or evaluate the winners, especially considering that they come from different fields. In any case, we have a wide range of companies from different industries, starting from production, sales, trade services and health services, to a non-governmental organization that provides social servicers to our citizens. I hope that the other nine will not resent me if I single out one of the winners of the Acknowledgement for Macedonian Quality, and it is the non-profit organization that cares for a special category of our citizens. It is the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, that represents the rights and interests of more that 20.000 persons with intellectual disability in the Republic of North Macedonia. Through various activities and programmes, the Republic Centre – PORAKA essentially contributes to raising the quality of their lives. Thanks to the Republic Centre – PORAKA, persons with intellectual disability have greater opportunities for inclusion in social life and easier access to services, day centres and social clubs.
The President of the Republic centre – PORAKA, Mr. Cedomir Trajkovski, emphasized that it is a great honour and pleasure to receive such an Acknowledgement, Acknowledgement for Macedonian Quality. But, at the same time, the incentive that this Acknowledgement brings, also carries a great obligation for further successful work of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in advancing the social services for persons with intellectual disability, as well as realisation of their human rights and full inclusion in society life.