Observance of 3rd of December,
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities
Within its programme for observance of 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, PORAKA, on 2nd December in the premises of the Day Center – PORAKA Skopje, held a presentation of the report from the conducted research within the campaign for prevention from maltreatment of children/persons with intellectual disability “Life as a save adventure”. At the same time the Manifesto from the European Conference held in Skopje “Towards Community Living: current realities – future challenges” has been promoted. On this event, speeches were held by:
- Cedomir Trajkovski, President of PORAKA;
- Dr.Vasilka Dimoska, Program Manager in PORAKA
- Vlado Krstovski, Program Assistant in PORAKA.
Within the presentation, and regarding 3rd of December, The International Day of persons with Disabilities, PORAKA presented plaques and acknowledgements to individuals, institutions and organisations that gave their contribution in realisation of the human rights for persons with intellectual disability in the Republic of Macedonia in 2010.
Acknowledgement was given to Mr. Zoran Dzorlev, as an expression of recognition for the cooperation and support given in organizing the European Conference “Towards Community Living: Current realities – future challenges”. Plaques were given to:
- National Democratic Institute, as an expression of recognition for the support given to the programme activities of PORAKA in advancement of the legal opportunities for persons with disabilities in 2010.
- City of Skopje, as an expression of recognition for the support in the provision of the continuity of the work in the Day Center PORAKA Skopje and for the support in organising the European Conference: “Towards Community Living: current realities – future challenges.
- DMBUC “Ilija Nikolovski-Luj” as an expression of recognition for the cooperation and support given in organizing the European Conference “Towards Community Living: current realities – future challenges”.
- EASPD – The European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities, as an expression of recognition for the cooperation and support given in organizing the European Conference “Towards Community Living: current realities – future challenges”.
- Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar, as an expression of recognition for successful work and realisation of the programme activities in the Municipality of Demir Hisar in 2010.
Also, PORAKA awarded the “3rd of December” Award to Mrs. Violeta Dimoska, as an expression of recognition and gratitude for 40 years of successful work and creation of conditions for dignified life of persons with intellectual disability and their families in the Republic of Macedonia.