PORAKA Demir Hisar organized number of activities for the observance of 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities. In the period 15th October – 15th November it held a competition for artistic and literary works on the subject: “Rights to become reality”. Participants were pupils from primary and secondary education. On 2nd of December, under the auspices of the Mayor of Demir Hisar, Mr. Toni Angelevski, a formal academy was held under the motto: “Together for a better world for all – Including persons with disabilities in all spheres of life”. Furthermore, documentary movie was shown “Attempt to move” prepared by Mr. Kiro Angelevski – Sterja, parent of a child with disability. During the academy the best artistic and literary works were announced. Also, acknowledgements were presented for contributing to the realization of human rights for persons with intellectual disability. Moreover, PORAKA Demir Hisar prepared and published an almanac with literary works on several themes from competitions announced in the period 2007 – 2010.
PORAKA Bitola, on 30.11.2011 held a public debate and re-actualized the needs and the rights of persons with intellectual disability, as well as their inclusion in all spheres of life. Another activity was an artistic workshop with pupils from special classes in the primary school “Gorgi Sugarev”. On 2nd December PORAKA Bitola organized formal ceremony and presented the awards to the pupils who participated in the artistic and literary works competition. The pupils from the special classes had several performances for the participants.
PORAKA Strumica started the observance of 3rd of December with action for cleaning part of the City Park together with the ecological society Planetum on 1st of December. Afterwards they visited the kindergarten “Majski cvet” and placed birdhouses made by the members of PORAKA Strumica. On 2nd of December, the Mayor of Strumica had a meeting with representatives of NGOs and he reaffirmed the readiness of the municipality to cooperate with the civil organizations.
PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica, on the occasion of 3rd of December, organized a meeting between the Mayor and persons with disabilities and their parents in the premises of the local self-government. During the meeting, the Mayor presented gifts to persons with disabilities. Also, the members received gifts from the President of PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica. The funds for the gifts were set aside from the donation received from the organization “Etno vesta zena”. On 5th of December PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica organized cocktail in order to celebrate the founding of the organization and opening an office in the premises of the local self-government. Guests were representatives from the institutions in the municipality, other organizations, the Mayor and other interested persons. The formal opening was followed by the reception in the Hall of the Municipality with brief greetings from the Mayor, Mr. Darko Mitevski and the President of PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica, Ms. Maja Ilievska. During the reception documentary film “Adventures of Sara” was shown, which is part of the campaigns led by the Republic Center – PORAKA with its local organizations. The funds for the cocktail were provided by the donation from “Etno vesta zena”.
PORAKA Radovis this year had numerous activities for observing 3rd of December. On 1st of December, beneficiaries of the day center PORAKA Radovis visited the kindergarten “Aco Karamanov” and were introduced with its functioning. On 2nd of December, in the premises of the City Library “Braka Miladinovci” formal observance was organized with presence of all relevant stakeholders in the municipality. The documentary film for the day centers of PORAKA was shown in order to promote services for daily acceptance of persons with intellectual disability. During the event acknowledgements were presented to institutions and individuals who gave their contribution in reconstructing the object aimed for a day center of PORAKA Radovis. Art exhibition was set in the City Library and the collected funds are intended for reconstruction of the object for a day center of PORAKA Radovis.
PORAKA Skopje, within its programme for observance of 3rd of December realized different activities. On 5th of December it organized an Open Day of the day center PORAKA Skopje with attendance of most of the associates and supporters of the day center. During the event, the Republic Center – PORAKA and PORAKA Skopje presented acknowledgements to institutions and individuals as an expression of acknowledgement for the support in their work. In the period between 28th of November and 9th of December in the municipality of Aerodrom an art exhibition was set with works of the beneficiaries of the day center. Workshops and lectures on subject: “What is intellectual disability?” were realized with pupils from the primary schools “Ljuben Lape” and “Braka Miladinovci”. On 1st of December joint activities with the Red Cross of City of Skopje were conducted. The activities consisted of musical workshop and a visit to the rescue station on Vodno. Also, exhibition was set in the day center with handiworks of the beneficiaries in the day center PORAKA Skopje, as well as joint workshop with students from the Faculty of Arts realized on 7th of December.
PORAKA Gevgelija, on the occasion of 3rd of December, organized a working meeting in the Home of the Union of Invalid Organizations. Discussions were about issues concerning persons with disability and their families. Moreover, pupils from primary schools were introduced with the meaning of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On 3rd of December, a television show was broadcasted on the local TV Station and the subject were persons with disabilities, their rights and needs.
This year, members of PORAKA Stip visited the special secondary school “Iskra” where PORAKA Stip received acknowledgement for the long-term and successful cooperation and the members received modest gifts. On 3rd of December, in the premises of the Union of Invalid Organizations quiz competition was organized and also games without borders (tying laces, pilling apples and potatoes). The members received gifts from the municipality and from AD Bargala (shirts with the logo of PORAKA and sneakers).
PORAKA Tetovo had several activities on 2nd of December. In the primary schools “A.S.Kikis” and “Lirija” pupils were introduced with the meaning of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The pupils from “A.S.Kikis” organized performance for pupils from the special classes and their parents. Two representatives of the Executive Board of PORAKA Tetovo had a meeting with the Head of the Cabinet of the Mayor of Tetovo. They discussed about the problems persons with disability face in their everyday life. Mr. Alajdini took the responsibility to seek continuation of the implementation regarding the Local disability action plan for 2012-2015.
This year PORAKA Vinica, on the occasion of 3rd of December, in close cooperation with Museum “TERAKOTA” implemented a project called “Children’s ceramics workshop” with an aim to raise public awareness. The Ministry of Culture financed the project. The workshops were held in the premises of the day center, and participants were pupils from special classes in the primary school “Koco Racin” in Blatec, beneficiaries of the day center, pupils from primary schools “Slavco Stojmenski” and “Goce Delcev”. On 7th of December in the premises of the local self-government a sales exhibition was organized, and the collected funds were donated in the day center in Vinica. During the event, PORAKA Vinica presented acknowledgements to institutions and individuals who supported the work of the organization.
PORAKA Kavadarci had a meeting with the Mayor on 1st of December where they re-actualized the needs of persons with intellectual disability in the municipality, amongst which is opening a day center for adults. Members of PORAKA Kavadarci visited Saint Dimitrija Church and were introduced to its functioning. Lecture from a representative of the Center for Social Work on subject: “Abuse and violence towards persons with intellectual disability” was organized on 6th of December. Also contacts were made with institutions on local level with an aim for their active participation in the domain of their work, which will mean improvement of the life in the community for persons with intellectual disability.
On the occasion of 3rd of December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, PORAKA Veles in cooperation with the special primary school “Maca Ovcarova” organized cultural and entertainment activity in the playhouse “Vinozito” for children with intellectual disability. Workshop on subject 3rd of December was organized, where the parents were also involved. They made different handiworks that were afterwards exhibited in “Maca Ovcarova”. The exhibition was set on 1st of December, and was seen by primary schools from the whole Republic, as well as the Mayor of Municipality of Veles. The members of PORAKA Veles were included in a programme with a title “Healthy food” performed for the visitors that day.