Activities of the local branches of PORAKA for observing 3 December, the International Day of persons with Disabilities

The observance of 3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, involved members of PORAKA Stip together with their parents and the personnel. In the morning they visited the Secondary school “Iskra” in Stip, where some of them have finished the secondary education. The event for observance of the day had informative and entertaining part. During the afternoon the observance continued at the premises of the Home of Disability organizations, where guests were the Mayor of Stip and representative from the shoe factory “Bargala”. Tana Nikolova presented this year’s theme: “Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society and development for all”, and persons with intellectual disability and their parents were informed about their rights arising from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Mayor of Stip expressed his satisfaction regarding the opportunity to meet persons with intellectual disability and hear about their problems in everyday life. He also expressed his support for our organizations and offered further support and assistance. The representative from “Bargala” donated TV to PORAKA Stip, representatives from “Sveti Nikola” Church donated t-shirts to persons with intellectual disability, and the personnel from “Iskra” donated packages. PORAKA Stip awarded the factory “Bargala” with acknowledgement for their long and unselfish support to the programme activities of the organization. The local media covered the activities.

PORAKA Radovis observed 3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The programme for observance followed the guidelines given by UN under the motto: “Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all”. Recognizing local experiences regarding the barriers faced by persons with intellectual disability in their unequal access to services in the fields of education, employment, health care, transportation etc. the programme activities for observing 3 December were aimed towards breaking barriers and better access to these services. On 1st of December the beneficiaries of the day center together with their parents visited the monastery “Sveti Gjorgi” in Oraovica and saw the beauties of this complex which has been renovated by the vice general director of Bucim Mine. On 2nd of December, in cooperation with the school “Kosta Susinov”, the beneficiaries were included in one class of sports education and culture together with pupils from this school. It was an opportunity for the beneficiaries to show their possibilities in sports and recreation, and at the same time to socialize with the pupils. The class took part at the sports hall, which our beneficiaries are visiting for the first time. On 3rd of December, in the premises of PORAKA Radovis the observance of 3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities was held. Many guests from the local community were present: the Mayor of Radovis, the Mayor of Konce, representatives from the Council of Municipality of Radovis, the vice general director of Bucim Mine together with the management team, the president of Red Cross of City of Skopje, representatives from public institutions in Radovis, schools, NGOs and parents of persons with disabilities. Tatjana Kostadinova spoke about the importance of 3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities and their inclusion in all spheres of live. Also she spoke about the Jubilee – 50 years of active work of the Republic Center – PORAKA, network of local organizations in our country that represents the rights and interests of persons with intellectual disability. Acknowledgements were given to individuals and organizations that contributed to the permanent functioning of the day center in the previous year. Also, exhibition was organized with handicrafts made by the beneficiaries. The event was covered by local media. Members from Lions Club also took part in observing this day and on 4th of December visited the day center where they had the opportunity to see the service and donated slippers for the beneficiaries.

PORAKA Debar observed the international day with activities supported by cultural ensemble from Debar and Reka and guests from Struga. The beneficiaries of the day center in Debar participated in the observance with their own programme as well. Organizations that cooperate with PORAKA Debar from Pogradec and Librazde, Albania, were part of the observance as guests. Moreover, an exhibition was held and cocktail has been organized for persons with intellectual disability. Teachers from three schools in Debar gave their contribution at the event with folk songs and dances, as well as the members of PORAKA Debar. At the end of the event, acknowledgements were given to individuals and organizations that contributed in the work of the organization in the previous year. Mr.Nim Opre donated modest gifts to members of PORAKA Debar. The event was organized at the Center for Culture with support of the director.

PORAKA Strumica observed 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, as well. The organization realized two large activities on the day. The first one was the visit to the primary school “Vidoe Podgorec” in Strumica. Pupils, teachers, school’s defectologist and speech therapist prepared suitable programme for the members of PORAKA Strumica and the observation of the day. The aim of this visit was to emphasize the meaning of inclusion within primary schools and the opportunity for children with intellectual disability to grow, learn and socialize in an environment with their peers. The second activity was a visit to Red Cross Strumica. Previously, members in the social club of PORAKA Strumica gathered a donation in clothes and gave it to Red Cross Strumica. This presented a message that persons with disabilities are also humane and advocate for equality and humanity. Furthermore, the young members of Red Cross Strumica prepared gifts for PORAKA Strumica members. Also they all painted pictures, had fun, socialized, made photographs and through different educational and entertaining activities observed the international day of persons with disabilities. PORAKA Strumica participated on a meeting, which was organized by the Mayor of Strumica. The Mayor, every 3rd of December for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities holds meeting with representatives of NGOS from Strumica. This year’s meeting helped in recognizing the actions taken by the local authorities for improving the lives of persons with disability in the municipality and also what need to be done in the future for advancing their rights and their acceptance as equal citizens of the community. The NGO representatives stressed out the most common problems faced by persons with disabilities in realization of their rights, and the Mayor expressed readiness for cooperation and support of the NGO sector in implementation of different actions and projects, which will lead to better lives for persons with disabilities.

PORAKA Tetovo began the activities for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities as a participant in a happening organized by “Vesta Zena” from Tetovo. The happening was held on 29th November under the motto: “We are all equal”. During this event members of PORAKA Tetovo socialized with the other guests, had interesting time with a clown and at the end received suitable gifts. On 2nd of December at the Home of Culture in Tetovo an exhibition “Little Great Photographers” was open. 18 children from special classes in the primary school “Lirija” took part with 22 photographs. The exhibition was open for three days. The same day, starting at twelve o’clock at the primary school “A.S.Kikis” pupils from regular classes had a performance for pupils from special classes and their parents. The Mayor of Tetovo was present on this event. On 3rd of December, members from PORAKA Tetovo had a meeting with the Mayor of Tetovo and discussed the problems and needs of persons with intellectual disability. Moreover, at 16:00 at the premises of the primary school “Lirija” there was a humanitarian happening followed by a performance with pupils of this school, and also a sales exhibition with handicrafts made by pupils. The Mayor of Tetovo was present at this event, along with the Head of the Department for Public Activities and others. The funds will be allocated for purchasing teaching materials and improvement of working conditions for pupils from special classes. On 4th of December pupils from the special classes in “Lirija” and beneficiaries from the Day center in Tetovo took part at an exhibition organized by NOVA.

PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica together with the association “Beli Gulabi” organized humanitarian event for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The funds were aimed for a visit to Berovo. On 5th of December members from PORAKA Makedonska Kamenica had a meeting with the Mayor of Makedonska Kamenica and discussed about the problems faced by persons with intellectual disability and the opportunities for overcoming them. Also, the members received modest gifts.

PORAKA Demir Hisar, in cooperation with the Home of Culture and other institutions in the municipality, under auspices of the Mayor of Demir Hisar, organized official ceremony celebrating three significant events. At the Home of Culture “Ilinden” on 26.11.2013 at 13:00 began the celebration of 50 years since the establishment of the Republic Center – PORAKA, 35 year since the establishment of PORAKA Demir Hisar and 21 years since the declaration of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. At the beginning the guests saw a short film aimed for persons with disability. Regarding the 35 years of active work of PORAKA Demir Hisar and 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, spoke the president of PORAKA Demir Hisar. Also, the Mayor of Demir Hisar gave a speech and he stressed the cooperation and support given to the organization in realization of its programme activities. On behalf of the Republic Center – PORAKA, the President gave a speech who emphasized the cooperation with PORAKA Demir Hisar. He also presented the activities for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Publication has been published about the 35 years of active work of PORAKA Demir Hisar titled: “35 years caring for you”. The publication includes the 35 years of work of the Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar. It was promoted by the president of the commission for education and sports. Within the celebration of these jubilees, a competition has been opened for literary and artistic works on the subject: “We are stronger with you” aimed for the pupils in the municipality. As a token of the given support in creating, acting and cooperating in realization of human rights and other rights for persons with intellectual disability in the period between 1978 to 2013 in the municipality of Demir Hisar special acknowledgement was given to Jovan Trajkovski-Jovce, Ljube Dimcevski from Demir Hisar and Violeta Dimoska from Skopje. On the occasion of the jubilee and 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, individuals, institutions, civil organizations and enterprises received acknowledgements as an expression for the contribution in advancement of the rights of persons with intellectual disability. During the celebration the members of cultural ensemble “Ilinden” had their performance, which contributed to enrichment of the programme. At the end of the event, the guests saw the exhibition of art works made by pupils from primary and secondary schools in Demir Hisar.

PORAKA Skopje had many activities for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. On 2nd of December, in cooperation with the primary school “Ljuben Lape”, a football match was held between beneficiaries of the day center in PORAKA Skopje and pupils from this school. On 3rd of December workshops has been organized with the youth of the Red Cross of City of Skopje, the beneficiaries of the day center for children with cerebral palsy and musicians. On 4th of December the beneficiaries of the day center PORAKA Skopje had guests from HERA and Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje. The representatives from the bank were introduced with the work of the organization and the day center, took part in the activities together with the beneficiaries and donated kitchen equipment and hats for the beneficiaries. Workshop with students from the Faculty of Fine Arts, department of Graphics was realized on 5th and 6th of December. At this workshop the already prepared materials on the subject “New Year Cards” were printed. These materials will be exhibited of the nest exhibition set by the Faculty in order for the wider public to see the works of the beneficiaries of the day center. On 25th of December, a workshop was held with students from the Faculty of Fine Arts, department of Sculpture.

PORAKA Vinica observed 3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities with an event held on 18th of December in order to show that persons with intellectual disability exist before and after 3 December, i.e. 365 days in the year. Participants were representatives from primary schools, the secondary school, members of the organizations and other citizens. Exhibition was set in the Home of Culture with pictures from the artistic competition on subject: “The sun shines for us as well”, and also handicrafts from the beneficiaries of the day center in Vinica. During the event, the awards for the most successful pupils at the literary competition were given, which has been launched with the theme “We are all the same regardless the differences”.

PORAKA Kavadarci launched a literary competition at the primary schools in Kavadarci on the theme: “Break barriers, Open Doors: for inclusive society for all”. The literary works will be published in cooperation with printing house at the municipality. On 3rd of December an exhibition was held prepared with handicrafts made by persons with intellectual disability at the Home of Culture in Kavadarci. On 4th of December, members from PORAKA Kavadarci had a meeting with the Mayor of Kavadarci. During the meeting it was discussed about the 50th anniversary of the Republic Center – PORAKA, where PORAKA Kavadarci is a member. Also, discussion was about the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the Mayor was asked to join in the implementation of this Convention, especially in contributing to breaking the barriers for inclusion of persons with intellectual disability in their environment.

PORAKA Kriva Palanka organized the observance of 3 December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 02.12.2013, when 130 pupils from the three primary schools had performances for the beneficiaries of the day center. Afterwards, they all socialized, danced and sang. The event was covered by the local media. Also, on this day, acknowledgements were given to the winner of a previously launched competition for artistic works, as well as for the teachers who worked with them. On 13.12.2013 PORAKA Kriva Palanka organized visits to families with children with intellectual disability, donated gifts for them and discussed about the rights given according to the UN Convention on the Rights of persons with Disabilities.

PORAKA Gevgelija observed 3 December, International Day of Persons with Disability under the motto: “Break Barriers, Open Doors: for an inclusive society and development for all”. Therefore, on 26.11.2013 at the Home of Disability Organizations in Gevgelija a public debate was held, where the job advertisement for employing persons with disability was presented. The representative from the Agency for Employment presented the job advertisement and it was discussed with representatives from the Center for Social Work, parents of persons with disabilities and the local media. On 29.11.2013 at the premises of the Social Club of PORAKA Gevgelija activities were held for drawing and preparation of cards. On 3.12.2013 working meeting was held among parents of persons with intellectual disability, representatives of the Center for Social Work, child protection and health department. The discussions were regarding the news introduced in the existing legislation, which will be realized during 2014.

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