The local organizations of PORAKA realized many activities for the observance of 3 December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on local level.
Activities of PORAKA Tetovo
The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Tetovo, for the observance of 3 December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, organised number of activities, which have been implemented during the days around 3rd of December.
In the Primary Schools “Andrea Saveski – Kikis” and “Lirija”, lectures were read regarding the meaning and importance of 3 December. Then, in the Primary Schools “Lirija” and “Naim Fraseri” lectures were held with the teachers on the subject: “Possibilities of persons with disabilities”, with special interest of persons with intellectual disability. On Kurban Bajram, the Muslim holiday, PORAKA Tetovo received 50 packages with food, which were given to families that have a member with intellectual disability.
On 2.12.2010 meeting with the Mayor of Municipality of Tetovo, Mr. Sadi Bexheti, has been held, and the discussion was regarding the needs and everyday problems of persons with intellectual disability and their families.
PORAKA Tetovo, on 1.12.2020 held a meeting with the Mayor of Municipality of Zelino. It was agreed to organise a joint activity for 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Therefore on 3 December, in the facilities of the Municipality of Zelino, a working meeting has been held with representatives from PORAKA Tetovo, the Mayor and the President of the Council of the Municipality with the representatives of the communities in this municipality and the directors of the primary schools. The discussions on this meeting were regarding the rights of persons with disabilities with particular interest towards persons with intellectual disability, especially their rights in the areas of education, social and health protection and employment. There have been discussions about opening special classes for persons with intellectual disability in this municipality. The Mayor promised to cooperate in order to realise the needs of the persons with intellectual disability.
As a part of the activities regarding the 3 December, representatives from PORAKA Tetovo participated on a debate organised by the Tetovo University on the subject: “All different, all Equal”, and on a round table discussion on subject: “Persons with disabilities, problems and prospective” which was realised in the Info Center of the European Union in Skopje, 3rd of December 2010.
Activities of PORAKA Demir Hisar
The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar organized several activities for the observance of 3 December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Competition has been opened for art and literature works on the subject: “We want to be with you” for pupils from the primary and secondary education in the period from 1st of November till 20th of November 2010.
On 3 December, representatives from PORAKA Demir Hisar, had a meeting with the Mayor of Municipality of Demir Hisar, Mr. Toni Angelevski, which opened possibilities to discuss the difficulties that PORAKA Demir Hisar faces, as well as for the activities which have been realized in 2010.
On 3 December, in the Home of Culture “Ilinden” PORAKA Demir Hisar held a manifestation for observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. There were participants from different institutions, NGOs, teachers, pupils from the primary schools and citizens. The President of PORAKA Demir Hisar, Mr. Ljube Dimcevski, welcomed the participants and presented the goals and tasks of PORAKA Demir Hisar. The patron of this manifestation – the Mayor, emphasized the cooperation of the local self-government with PORAKA Demir Hisar, stressed that the support shall continue in the next period as well. The Mayor also emphasized his satisfaction from the work and the achieved results of PORAKA Demir Hisar. Mr. Ljupco Srbinovski, the director of the Home of Culture “Ilinden” pointed out the cooperation between the Home and PORAKA Demir Hisar. The activities of PORAKA Demir Hisar realized in the past year were presented by the Secretary of the organization, Mr. Tome Milosevski.
Within the manifestation the best three literature works from the primary education were presented, and also the best three from the secondary education. The awarded students were given books donated by writers from Demir Hisar, as well as diplomas for won I, II and III place.
Within this manifestation acknowledgements were awarded for cooperation and given contribution in the implementation of the activities of PORAKA Demir Hisar.
A brochure was made consisted of the goals, principles, priorities and activities of PORAKA Demir Hisar and a leaflet for 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.
Activities of PORAKA Radovis
The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Radovis observed 3 December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, by affirming persons with intellectual disability.
On 30.11.2010 PORAKA Radovis organised art exhibition with handiworks made by the beneficiaries of the Day Center. All interested citizens had the opportunity to see the exhibition since they have been invited by a press release in the local media. The exhibition was opened the whole following week in the Center for Culture.
PORAKA Radovis organised a public debate on the subject: “Prevention from abuse and violence of children/persons with intellectual disability” on 1.12.2010 in the city library “Braka Miladinovci” in Radovis. This public debate emphasised the different types of violence that are linked to disability, the risk factors that are connected to violence and abuse of persons with disability, as well as preventive measures for detecting and stopping the violence.
The following presenters gave their contribution: Mrs.Blaga Doldurova, president of PORAKA Radovis, Mrs.Tatjana Kostadinova, social worker in the Day Center PORAKA Radovis, Mrs.Violeta Srbakova, psychologist in DSU “Kosta Susinov”, dr.Blagoj Tenev, Association of private doctors, Ms. Aleksandra Trajanova, inspector in OVR Radovis. Participants on this debate were: Mayor of Municipality of Radovis, Dr.Robert Velkov, representatives from the Council of Municipality of Radovis, then from the primary schools, Center for Social Work, NGOs, Service for Internal Affairs, parents and persons with intellectual disability and the local media. In addition, the short documentary “Sara’s adventure” was shown.
On 3.12.2010, in the Day Center The International Day of Persons with Disability was observed. The President of the Council of Municipality of Radovis visited the day center, as well as several of the members of the Council, then representative from the Public relations office, the deputy of the General director of the mine “Bucim”, Mr.Nikolajco Nikolov, pupils from the secondary school “Kosta Susinov”, together with the psychologist and the secretary, representatives from the Fund for Health Insurance, parents of the beneficiaries in the day center, representatives from the NGO “Spaso Radoviski” and other citizens. Tatjana Kostadinova welcomed the guests by introducing the importance of 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and a brief review of the year 2010, which has been dedicated to fighting poverty and social exclusion of persons with disabilities.
The president of the Council, Mr.Saso Nikolov, addressed the media and supported our activities, emphasising the great satisfaction of the work done in the day center. He promised financial support and solving the issue regarding the new facilities for the day center.
Due to the observance of 3 December, the Mayor and the President of the Council donated a microwave oven for the Day center.
Moreover, the deputy of the general director of “Bucim”, Mr.Nikolajco Nikolov, gave each beneficiary a t-shirt. He also promised a financial support and technical equipment in the following period.
On this day PORAKA Radovis presented the acknowledgements to the mayor, the deputy general director and to the “Bucim” mine as an expression of recognition for providing the continuity of the work in the day center – PORAKA Radovis.
The day ended with a visit to the pizzeria “Dzoker” where the beneficiaries had the opportunity to taste the speciality of the pizzeria in a friendly environment. We thank the personnel and the owner Mr.Baze Pulev for the warm welcome.
Activities of PORAKA Skopje
The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Skopje, for the observance of 3 December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, organized number of activities, which have been implemented during the week around 3 December. Several activities were organised by PORAKA Skopje, but also PORAKA Skopje participated in number of activities organised by other organisations.
On 20th of November 2010, the beneficiaries of the Day Center – PORAKA Skopje attended an exhibition on the coffee bar “LEE”. The exhibition was organised by the association “Dajte ni krilja” from Skopje. The aim of the exhibition was to promote the systematic horse riding as a therapeutic method, and since the beneficiaries of the Day Center have already been included in these types of activities, we were invited to present the experiences from this treatment. The event was led by the artiste Rebeka.
Within the continuation of the already established cooperation with the Faculty for fine arts, on 3rd of December, the International Day of persons with Disabilities, the beneficiaries of the Day Center PORAKA Skopje realised a workshop in the Day Center with students from this faculty. More specifically, two different workshops were implemented. One was with plaster and the other one with clay. The sculptures, together with other handicrafts made by the beneficiaries, shall be exhibited in the Faculty for fine arts – ateliers for sculpture starting from 22nd of December 2010.
On 6th of December, the beneficiaries in the Day Center PORAKA Skopje realised a workshop with the young activists of Red Cross of City of Skopje. Christmas cards were created that shall be delivered to our supporters. With this workshop PORAKA Skopje continued the successfully established cooperation.
Activities of PORAKA Stip
The members of the Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Stip observed 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities. They participated on the observance organized by the Secondary School “Iskra” in Stip, where the Mayor of Municipality of Stip was also present. The pupils had an interesting programme, and the members of PORAKA Stip met with the teachers and remembered the days spent in these school desks.
On 4.12.2010, in the premises of PORAKA Stip, quiz competition was organized and all members participated. They received donation from “Bargala” – Stip, the Bregalnica Diocese and Kit-Go.
Great appreciation to the sponsors since they contributed for a wonderful day of the members of PORAKA Stip.
Activities of PORAKA Vinica
Due to 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, The Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Vinica, on 3.12.2010 in the premises of Municipality of Vinica, held an open public debate under the motto: “Life as a save adventure”. Participants on this debate were the Mayor of Municipality of Vinica, Mr.Emil Doncev, representatives from the local institutions, members of PORAKA Vinica with their parents, representatives from the business sector and beneficiaries of the Day Center – Berovo with the personnel. During the public debate, the Local Disability Action Plan and its importance was presented. The same day, brochures were distributed through the local newspaper “Vineam”. The brochures composed of information on how to realize social and health protection rights and information regarding protection from maltreatment, violence and abuse. Moreover, sales exhibition was placed consisted of handiworks and New Year’s cards made by the beneficiaries of the Day Center – Vinica. The local newspaper and TV Kocani covered this event.
Also, due to 3rd of December, PORAKA Vinica organized joint activity on the locality Ponikva for the children from the Day Center – Vinica and the children from the special class in the Primary School “Koco Racin” – Blatec.
Activities of PORAKA Strumica
PORAKA Strumica realized several activities for the observance of 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities. It started with a meeting between members of PORAKA Strumica and the Mayor of Municipality of Strumica, Mr.Zoran Zaev. The meeting took place in the premises of the municipality. The discussions on the meeting were about the current situations in the municipality from the aspect regarding the needs of persons with intellectual disability and the problems they face everyday, which are directly connected or arise from the disability. In that sense, it was also discussed about the difficulties the parents and close relatives face when taking care of a member from the family with intellectual disability. The possibilities for opening alternative forms of community-based services for persons with intellectual disability who have finished the educational process were also discussed.
The Mayor emphasized the readiness of the Local Self-Government to participate as a partner of the non-governmental sector in preparation of future projects and to provide adequate support.
In the afternoon, symbolic exhibition of clay handicrafts made by the children from the Social club was organized. Representatives from the Local Self-Government saw the exhibition, then representatives from other non-governmental organizations, pupils from the secondary school “Dimitar Vlahov” and other interested citizens. This event was covered by one of the local TV stations.