Campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability “Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society”

Realized activities and achieved results

The Republic center for support of persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA with its 20 local branches, and supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, during 2007 – the European year for Equal Opportunities for All, realized national campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability under the motto: “Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society”.

Within the campaign 100.000 leaflets and 1.000 posters were distributed to target groups of the campaign (relevant institutions/factors and the public). Due to the support of Media Print Macedonia, the leaflets from the campaign were inserted twice in the daily newspaper “Dnevnik” (on 8th of May and on 4th of December 2007).

Many initiatives were taken on national level, as well as lobbying for advancement of the legal opportunities:

  • The need of adopting anti-discriminatory legislation for persons with disabilities in Republic of Macedonia is initiated;
  • Wide action is taken for withdrawing the text of the Draft for adopting a new Law for Social Protection and Social Security, due to its inadequate content regarding the rights of persons with intellectual disability. Meeting with representatives from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy were realized, then with parliamentary groups in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and Commissions in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia. In December 2007 this law is withdrawn from parliamentary procedure.
  • On national and local level, activities have started for introducing the public with the objectives of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as lobbying the competent institutions for ratification of this Convention. PORAKA translated and put the Convention on its web site in order to provide access to all interested in this important international treaty. Also, a review of the UN Convention is prepared and published.
  • PORAKA participated in the preparation of the National Strategy for De-institutionalization of the Social Protection System in Republic of Macedonia

On local level, promotions of the campaign were held in Skopje, Demir Hisar, Prilep, Kumanovo, Radovis, Vinica, Debar, Kriva Palanka, Stip, Gevgelija. The local branches of PORAKA, in close cooperation with the Mayors and representatives of the local self-government held public debates and round tables on topics that are priorities for persons with intellectual disability. Within 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, public events were organized in Kocani, Struga, Ohrid, Skopje, Kumanovo … Also, many exhibitions of handicrafts, different social activities were realized.

On national level, more than 100 thematic lessons were held in primary, secondary and tertiary educational institution on subject: “What is intellectual disability?”.

Within the activities of the campaign documentary film for the day centers of PORAKA was prepared and promoted.

National and local media continuously covered the activities of the campaign.

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