Last year, users of the day center – PORAKA Skopje were included in new program activity – care and work with horses, initiated by Paulo, our friend from Portugal. This spring, users of the day center – PORAKA Skopje accompanied by the professionals from the day center, continued with the activities together with Paulo and his co-workers in “Hipodrom” near Skopje.
Following the instructions given by Paulo, the users gradually are involved in the activities regarding the care of the horses, gaining the necessary skills for maintaining the hygiene and shoeing of the horses. Also, users of the day center – PORAKA Skopje had the possibility to ride a horse, under supervision of Paulo and his co-workers (professional rider and physiotherapist).
This activity has a great impact on our users. They are leaving “Hipodrom” filled with positive emotions and wishes to spend more time with Pablo and his horses.