Conducted trainings in Municipality of Radovis
The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, in the period September – December 2010 continued the realization of the activities for creating a Local Disability Action Plan in Municipality of Radovis.
The phase consisted of trainings for the working group responsible for preparation of the Local Action Plan has been realized and included three different training seminars.
Through these seminars, the members of the working group gained knowledge from different areas related to the rights of persons with disabilities, including: local action plan as an instrument for equalization of the opportunities for persons with disability, basic concepts (definitions, medical and social model, human rights and services); international and domestic legal instruments (legal frames, strategies, situations and systems for care and protection); AGENDA 22 – an instrument for creating Local Action Plans and experiences from other countries; social services and regulatory mechanisms; decentralization and forms of cooperation between the local self-government and the civil sector; identification of the needs and resources in the local community; managing project cycles and media relations.
During the next phase of the programme, several workshops shall be held in Municipality of Radovis, where the members of the working group shall work directly on the creation of the local action plan.