Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje
The programme activities in the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje are being implemented in accordance with the foreseen programme following the protocols for work in the day centres for children/persons with disability. In the past period, the number of users that present physically at the day centres has been increasing, but some of them continue to follow the adapted online programme for psychosocial support at home.
Within the practical activities that are being realized with the users in the day centres, we practice activities for preparation for independent living, through conversation and practical example. The importance and benefits that come from frequently repeating the activities are great. Apart from the regular activities, several workshops with discussions and making handicrafts have been realized for observing important dates and holidays: Christmas, St.Trifun, St. Valentine, Women’s Day, spring day.
Several workshops have been realized under the motto: “Everyone has the right to clean and healthy environment” and “Lets’ protect the nature” within the practical activities that are being realized with the users in the day centres. In order to raise awareness among the users regarding the reduction of pollution and preservation of a clean and healthy environment, attempts were made to select waste and give it another purpose. Lots of plastic caps, bottles, cardboard boxes and used paper turned into different decorations, like vases and candlesticks.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip
The daily activities in the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip are realized according to the programme for work. Also, several activities have been implemented in cooperation with the associates of the Day centre. The Day Centre, invited by the Municipality of Stip, took part in the New Year’s Bazaar, held at the “Sloboda” Square. The users had the opportunity to present their handicrafts and their activities. The Fitness Studio Bfit organized a humanitarian party where the guests had the opportunity to by handicrafts made by the users of the Day Centre. On 18th of January 2022, a couple of members from Bfit visited the Day Centre and donated sports equipment that has been purchased with the funds gathered at the party.
During mid-February 2022, Vera Cafovska, user at the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip took part in a workshop “Training for prevention and protection from fires”. The training is a part of the project activities realized by Municipality of Karbinci, in cooperation with Municipality of Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria. “Everything was clear and well explained about fire protection. The most interesting part for me was that we tried to activate the fire extinguishers outside. I will pass my experience to the other users at the Day Centre”, said Vera at the end of the training.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis
All planned programme activities in the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis are implemented, following the protocols for work.
The users have been included in a joint concert with the Folklore Assembly Kitka that was held in the Cultural Centre “Aco Karamanov” in Radovis. Dressed in folk costumes for the first time, donated by Nikolajco Nikolov, the users joined the performance of several Macedonian dances.
The tradition of Nikolajco Nikolov celebrating his birthday with the users of the Day Centre continued this year as well. The users gave him a modest gift and personally made birthday cards, in which they expressed their sincere birthday wishes for their greatest friend.
The warmer weather was used to realize another type of practical skills. The users with great pleasure went out in the yard to clean and arrange the outside space of the Day centre. This activity id something the users always enjoy.
The beginning of March was marked with activities regarding the spring and the nature awakening. The creative efforts for making Martinki of the users was rewarded with a sale at the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov” in Radovis. The money from the sale were given to the Day Centre, and it will be used for purchasing other working materials.
In cooperation with Krasi Salamanova from the NGO “Nov Zivot”, workshop for 8 March was held. The users made cards and flowers for Women’s Day.
On 14.3.2022, the Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia – Municipal organization Radovis, signed a Memorandum for Cooperation with PORAKA Radovis. As a part of the project “Volunteers message” joint activities together with the volunteers from the Youth Club are planned in the following period. Within the project, the first introductory training was held for the volunteers in order to get familiar with the challenges in working with this target group.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep
The Day Centre of the Republic centre – PORAKA in Prilep realizes its activity for gaining and advancing the practical, cognitive, and social skills for persons with intellectual disability, users of this service. 2022 began with activities for marking the Christmas Holidays by realizing several practical workshops. Christmas decorations were made and given to the employees in the old municipal building where the Day Centre is located and for the families of the users.
Activities for developing and advancing the independent living skills are performed daily. Using electrical appliances and other hand tools, the users can experience the practical application. The purpose of these activities is to encourage users to be more involved in the home and the family functioning.
In February, on different social networks, a video was promoted titled “Games without borders”. The video received positive reactions.
On the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day, Lions Club Prilep visited the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep. The users together with the guests took part in a workshop for life skills, i.e., daily activities related to the household, to help train persons with intellectual disability for independent living. Afterwards, the users had the opportunity to listen and talk about healthy nutrition with a doctor and a nutritionist. At the end, everything that was jointly prepared during the workshop was tasted. The aim of this activity was to raise awareness regarding a category of persons who are invisible and on the margins of our society. Household utensils were donated by Val-Home Store, fresh fruits and vegetables from Irneks Market and pillows.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica
The working activities in the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica are organized twice a week through different activities for gaining practical, cognitive-educational, and social skills. These activities are realized by discussions and practical examples.
In the past period several workshops on different topics with pupils from the Primary School “Goce Delcev” and the Secondary School “Vanco Prke” were realized. One of these workshops was for handicrafts in the New Year and Christmas spirit. The handicrafts were a part of the Christmas sale, and the gathered funds will be used to purchase materials for work in the Social Club. At the beginning of March, in cooperation with the same schools, creative workshops were held on the topic of Women’s Day. The users of the Social Club together with pupils who took part at the workshop gave paper flowers prepared at the workshops to women who happened to pass in the centre of Vinica.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola
Part of the activities at the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA, in the past period, were aimed at celebrating the religious holidays Christmas Eve, Christmas, Vasilica. For each of these holidays, traditions and customs related to them were told and educational video clips were watched. Several thematic workshops were realized using various materials for creating handicrafts, preparations for spring decorative ornaments and flowers.
The occupational activities were also regularly performed, i.e., different activities for gaining independent living skills were realized as well as sports and recreational activities for promoting the physical health, using the sports equipment at the Social Club. The ongoing educational workshops were aimed at personal hygiene and the hygiene at the premises of the Social Club, by assigning tasks to the users to maintain and take care of their personal belongings.
Also, several creative workshops were held on the theme of Women’s Day, in which paper flowers were made as well as painting jars and bottles as decorations.
The users them gave these handicrafts to the associates of the Social Club. Also, on the occasion of Women’s Day, a creative workshop was realized with pupils from the Primary School “Trifun Panovski” in Bitola, where flowers and gifts for mothers were made.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica conducts its activities on regular basis, in which the users gain and advance their practical, cognitive, and social skills. The cooperation with other organizations and active stakeholders in Municipality of Strumica continued in the past period. PORAKA Strumica together with Europe House Strumica organized a joint workshop for painting glasses with New Year’s themes, as well as other New Year’s decorations.
In cooperation with Municipality of Strumica, the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica took part at the New Year’s Bazaar organized at the City Square. The funds gathered from the bazaar will be used to purchase materials needed for realizing the activities at the Social Club.
On 13th of January 2022, in the premises of the Social Club, a joint Christmas lunch was prepared, and the users were surprised by receiving dairy products as gifts from JOKA – Strumica, a great supporter of PORAKA Strumica for many years now.
In the next period, different creative workshops were held on topics related the holidays during that period. The users were creative on themes for St. Trifun and St. Valentine, making grapes and hearts from different materials, as well as decorating wine glasses and bottles. Also, there were workshops for creating carnival masks, which the users wore at the Strumica Carnival.
On this year’s Women’s Day, the users of the Social Club conveyed a message for including the rights of girls and women with disability in gender policies and programmes ат national and local level, to promote affirmative measures, as well as measures to increase access to regular services and reasonable accommodation for all women and girls with disability.