Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis
The Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis regularly conducts its foreseen programme activities for developing independent living skills. Apart from these regular activities, numerous workshops and activities have been realised relating important holidays or significant dates for our country, as well as activities with the associates of the Day Centre. The Christmas holidays brought new friends in the Day Centre who donated financial aids for educational workshops, as well as equipment that will help in gaining practical skills.
At the beginning of February, several users of the Republic Centre – PORAKA’s Day Centres in Radovis and Skopje visited Yahya Kemal Elementary School in Skopje. They had the possibility to see and take part in different activities implemented at this school. Same as previous years, Mr. Nikolajco Nikolov, long-term supporter of PORAKA Radovis and the Day Centre, celebrated his birthday together with the users of the Day Centre, to whom, in addition to the delicious snacks, he also gave financial aids. The users gave him a beautiful gift, hand-made tree in a shape of a heart, which branches have the names of each user at the Day Centre. The cooperation with the Primary School “Nikola Karev” continues in this period as well. Pupils from this school visited the Day Centre together with the school principal and a couple of teachers on 26th of February. The purpose of this visit has been initiated by the pupils themselves. They, in agreement with their teachers, decided to reallocate the collected funds from the masquerade ball for the users of the Day Centre. On 29th of February, due to the excellent cooperation with the Primary School “Nikola Karev”, the users at the Day Centre together with their parents were selling Martinki and other handicrafts. The gathered funds will be used for different materials for implementing activities at the Day Centre.
The Primary Schools “Krste Petkov Misirkrov” and “Nikola Karev” organized a March Bazaar on 1st of March, where the users again had the opportunity to present their handicrafts and sell them. The funds gathered from this Bazaar will be aimed for purchasing materials for the activities at the Day Centre. On 4th of March, for the first time, two workshops were conducted with pupils from the Primary School “Kiril I Metodij” at the village Oraovica. During the first workshop the users and the pupils made cards and flowers for the International Women’s Day. The second workshop was for making muffins that were later tasted as a real delight. On 6th of March some of the users of the Day Centre and their parents took part in the sales market organized by the kindergarten “Aco Karamanov”. On 7th of March, at the premises of the Day Centre, a workshop was held with the volunteers of the Red Cross in Radovis. The volunteers helped the users in making cards and flowers for the International Women’s Day.
On the 8th of March, the management team at the Mine Bucim visited the Day Centre, who brought gifts for the girls with intellectual disability and their mothers. This shows their thoughtfulness and their willingness to be a part of the fight for equality in society, but at the same time serves as a stimulus for others in the municipality to join this fight for equality and in raising public awareness. Also, on this day, the users had the opportunity to take part in the volunteers of the Red Cross’ action and to give flowers to the women in the municipality or to visit different institutions where women are on managing positions.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep
The programme activities at the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep have been conducted as planned in the past period. Apart from the regular activities for gaining and advancing the independent living skills, numerous activities have been realised with different associates. During January and February, in cooperation with the English teacher Mrs. Vera Popovska, seven educational workshops were held, which were adapted to learning the names of the rooms and the objects at home, as well as, relatives and relations, and also workshops for describing the physical appearance. The workshops were realized with different learning tools, like cards, pictures, and posters, and the users had the opportunity to practice and enrich their vocabulary with Macedonian and English words. As an addition to these workshops, another thematic workshop on present, past and future tense of verbs was held together with pupils from the Secondary School “Gjorce Petrov”.
In cooperation with pupils from the Secondary School “Riste Risteski – Richko” and their teachers, joint art workshop was held – painting on canvas, at the premises of the Day Centre, in the beginning of February. During February, in cooperation with one of the parents of a user in the Day Centre, two occupational workshops, in which two wooden shelves were made, that will decorate the premises of the Day Centre.
The beginning of March was traditionally observed with knitting Martiniki. This year the workshop was held together with pupils from the Secondary School “Gjorce Petrov”. Members of the association “Prerodba” visited the Day Centre and gave Martinki to the users as a token of friendship. The International Women’s Day was observed by a visit from the pupils from the Secondary Schools “Gjorce Petrov” and “Riste Risteski – Richko” who gave flowers to the girls at the Day Centre. During this day, as a sigh of respect, an activity for gifting handicrafts to some of our associates was realized as well.
Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje
During the past period the activities at the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje were held in accordance with the foreseen programme activities. At the end of January, as a result of the renewed cooperation with the Sports and Recreational Centre “Boris Trajkovski”, the users of both centres had the possibility to recreate, i.e., to bowl and to skate. The users of the Day Centres together with the users from Day Centre in Radovis had the opportunity to participate in workshops with pupils from the Yahya Kemal Elementary School in Skopje. They had the opportunity to take part in different activities that are being conducted at this school. This newly established cooperation with Yahya Kemal Elementary School continued in the following period. A group of pupils took part in a workshop that was held at the beginning of March at the premises of the Day Centre in Kapishtec. They all made Martinki, and the users of the Day Centres had the opportunity to present part of the activities that are being realised at the Day Centre.
During February, on an invitation from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the users of the Day Centres took part in the International culinary competition CUPI’S SPOON, organised by the organisation UNUO from Croatia. The preparations for the competition were carried out under the mentorship of Chef Marc De Jongh, who made traditional Macedonian recipes but with additional flavours. On 27th of February, at the Catholic Cathedral in Skopje, the culinary competition was held where the participants from the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA presented their recipes flawlessly.
At the beginning of March, joint culinary workshop was held with pupils from the Secondary School “Lazar Tanev” at the Day Centre in Kapishtec. They prepared proja and dessert, which were tased at the end of the workshop. During March, a workshop was held with the photographer Mrs. Linda Trajkovska. The users from the Day Centres were introduced to the term photography, how to use a photo camera, and some of them had the opportunity to take photos and then see the photos they took.
Also in March, gardening activities were carried out in Zelena Arka – Bostanie, and Mrs. Linda Trajkovska took part in one of those activities. She had the opportunity to see the place and to take photos of thew users while gardening. During the past months the users of the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje continued to gather and recycle plastic at the vending machines.
Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip
The activities at the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Shtip are regularly implemented. Apart from these activities, numerous creative workshops and activities were held as well. Some of those were on topics referred to observing religious holidays. On 6th of January, some of the users took part in the preparations for the Christmas procession, which is traditionally held in 60 cities and municipalities in our country with the aim of reviving the songs and customs practiced for Christmas. The next day together with their parents, they took part in the procession. On 18th of January, observing the Epiphany, the users of the Day Centre visited the Church of St. Petka. They had the opportunity to hear about the traditions for this holiday from a priest at the church. At the beginning of January, a member of PORAKA Shtip initiated a cooperation for an event that she will organise on the occasion of the World Down Syndrome Day. Some of the users of the Day Centre will take part at the event together with pupils from the Primary School “Goce Delchev”. Therefore, they all have preparation activities twice a week at the premises of the Day Centre.
On 4th of February, the users of the Day Centre took part in a multimedia event organised by the National Library “Goce Delchev” in Shtip, for observing 152 years since the birth of Goce Delchev. On 8th of February, the users of the Day Centre took an educational walk through the city in order to see and learn about the important sights, as well as cultural and religious sights. The visited the ZOO, the park “Krtekje” and the Church St. Gavril. During February, three users from the Day Centre had preparations for the culinary competition CUPI’S SPOON. The preparations were under the mentorship of Chef Marc De Jongh. On 27th of February they had the opportunity to present their culinary skills at this competition that was held in Skopje. On the 8th of March, there was a creative workshop held with support from representatives from the kindergartens “Vera Ciriviri – Trena” and “Astibo”, as well as from the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of “Goce Delchev”.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica
The activities at the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica are regularly implemented. In the past three months, some of the activities were aimed at discussions regarding the importance of the New Year and Christmas holidays, as well as creative workshops in these topics. Additionally, there were activities where discussions were held regarding the winter, the cold weather during the winter, and the viruses and bacteria and how to protect ourselves from them. Several workshops were held to celebrate St. Trifun and St. Valentine. The users in the Social Club made cards with motives of vine and grapes to celebrate St. Trifun, and they made drawings on the topic love to celebrate St. Valentine. These were followed by workshops for making Martinki, and also creative workshops for making flowers, bouquets and decorations from different materials on the occasion of the International Women’s Day. At the same time, the activities for gaining cognitive, social and practical skill were regularly implemented.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola has been active in the past period, implementing its foreseen activities. At the beginning of 2024, the activities were aimed towards celebrating Christmas and Vasilica. Some of the users in the Social Club took part in the Christmas procession with their own Christmas Stars. Members of the Union of Women in VMRO and Veterans VMRO visited the Social Club and had the opportunity to learn about the activities of this service. Several creative and educational workshops have been held, in which the users of the Social Club created paintings on canvas with different motives. Also, several workshops have been held for making flowers and cards for International Women’s Day. Together with pupils from the Primary School “Todor Angelevski”, the users had a creative and inclusive workshop, in which they also made decorations for International Women’s Day. During this period, the activities for gaining practical, cognitive and social skills were regularly realized. On 3rd of February, at the premises of the Social Club, PORAKA Bitola observed its jubilee – 40 years of active work. On that occasion, a musical workshop was held with Stefanija Milevska Vranik from Anastasija Centre – Bitola, During the workshop, besides playing music, messages about non-discrimination were also written.
Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica
The Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica regularly conducts its activities followed by numerous creative workshops. The beginning of January marked the activities around Christmas holidays. The association “Samaritanska torba” visited the Social Club and gave the users Christmas presents. Representatives from the Foundation “Eleusa” also visited the Social Club and besides the Christmas gifts for the users, they took part in the ongoing activities that day.
On 9th of January, invited by the owner of the restaurant “Kaj Viktor”, the users of the Social Club took part in the traditional Christmas lunch and had the opportunity to socialize with other representatives from different associations in Strumica. On 13th of January, at the premises of the Social Club, the traditional event for Vasilica was held. The users, together with their parents, had a karaoke part.
At the beginning of February several creative workshops were held for celebrating St. Trifun and St. Valentine. During the workshops handicrafts were made.
Also, the users took part I workshops for preparing carnival masks for the Strumica Carnival, that traditionally is organized during the festivities for Forgiveness Sunday. Towards the end of February and the beginning of March, workshops for making cards for the International Women’s Day started, as well as for different other handicrafts and decorations.