The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA is always open for new cooperation and realization of different types of activities that arise from those cooperations.
One of those newly established cooperation resulted in organizing an event “Everyone Replete – Everyone Happy”. Namely, Makom Maja Home and MDJ Top Chef on 15.10.2015 at the City Square Macedonia from 13:00 till 18:00 held the event “Everyone Replete – Everyone Happy”. During the event a team of four Chefs, Marc de Jongh (MDJ Top Chef), Dejan Hristivski (Master Chef – 4 Seasons), Nikola Misovski (Top Chef – Kamnik) and Mile Nedelkovski (Top Chef) prepared unique specialties cooked in high quality Italian pans. The Chefs had assistants, the best students from SUGS “Lazar Tanev”. The purpose of the event was to inform the public about the way of preparing healthy meals from top chefs. Guests of the event were persons with intellectual disability, beneficiaries of the Day center – PORAKA Skopje, who received gifts from the sponsors of the event.
The concept of social responsibility of the event included fund raising and donations in order to participate in finalizing the renovation process and equipping the new social service, Day center for persons with intellectual disability of the Republic Center – PORAKA in Skopje – Kapistec. This donation will contribute to improving the quality life of a group of persons with intellectual disability, who will receive direct support and opportunity for higher quality life. The new day center will provide: support on daily basis, training for gaining and improving independent living skills, working and occupational programmes, educational programmes and social activities. At the same time, the day center will provide support to the families, by including their members with intellectual disability in certain period of the day, offering the families better conditions for family functioning and opportunities for employment of the parents, thereby increasing the modest family budgets.
The wonderful music sung by Aleksandra Janeva and the bend Wipe Out, as well as the members of the Modern Ballet Studio “Gazeli” created excellent mood at the persons present on this event.
Equally important is that this type of event contributes towards engaging the whole community and raises development of society values: solidarity, humanity, respect towards differences, and raising public awareness, moreover, breaking prejudice towards persons with intellectual disability.