Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKA

SPORTS - RECREATION ACTIVITIES for the users of RCPLIP day care centers - PORAKA

According to its 2018 Programme for Work, the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, in the period from 3 to 7 September 2018, organized and conducted sports and recreational activities for the beneficiaries of the day centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA.

As a result of the positive effects from conducting the sports and recreational activities in the past years, the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA has foreseen organization and realization of this type of activities in its 2018 Programme for Work.
The main goal of these sports and recreational activities is to promote a new form of inclusion of persons with intellectual disability in the society through sports and recreation and contribution in the development of the independent living skills for these persons. Also, these activities offer opportunities for improvement of the psychophysical condition of the beneficiaries with intellectual disability.
The sports and recreational activities in 2018 were held in the period from 3 to 7 September in Mavrovo, in Hotel Bistra, which is part of the Sports Centre – Mavrovo and has its own sports fields.
The sports and recreational activities included persons with intellectual disability, beneficiaries of the day centres managed by the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje and Radovis. The conduction of these activities also included leaders of the teams (personnel from the day centres) and professionals from the Republic Centre – PORAKA.
The sports and recreational activities provide number of different opportunities: development of the sense of and spirit for competition amongst the adolescents with intellectual disability; the experience of being a part of a sports team and to feel the unity in the team; motivation for competition and victory, but at the same time experiencing and coping with being defeated in sport games.
On the other hand, these activities represent opportunities for the personnel of the day centres to be 24 hours together with the beneficiaries of the day centres, allowing them to understand the life rhythm and behaviour of each person with intellectual disability.
Furthermore, the observation of the beneficiaries in a new environment, without parental influence, offers the personnel new insights regarding the possible improvements of the independence and self-esteem among the beneficiaries and the unselfish support and friendly behaviour between themselves, which cannot be perceived during the activities in the day centre. Moreover, these activities provide opportunities for improving the personal hygiene skills, social interactions skills etc.
The sports activities were divided in the following disciplines:
– Athletics (competitions in running and jumps in distance),
– Competitions in small football,
– Competitions in basketball;
– Competitions in rope pulling.

The recreational part of the programme included different games, drawing, as well as parties with music and dancing in the evenings. Thanks to the good weather, on several occasions in the afternoons, the beneficiaries were able to recreate at the beach.
It may be concluded that the goals of the sports and recreational activities were fully realised. The beneficiaries of the day centers were actively included in the sports and recreational contents, and the personnel from the day centers of the Republic Center – PORAKA had opportunity to find out important information regarding the behaviour of the beneficiaries outside the day centers.
This will be of enormous significance in their further work within the individual work with the beneficiaries and improvement of independent living skills.

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