Activities of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

New cooperations of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Cooperation with the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Philosophy – Skopje

The long-term cooperation of the Republic Centre – PORAKA with the Institute for Social Work and Social Policy at the Faculty of Philosophy of UKIM in Skopje continues to be successfully realized in the past period as well. Within the subject “Social work with persons with disability”, the students have the opportunity for practical work at the day centres of the Republic centre – PORAKA in Skopje.

The students have been included in direct activities with the users at the Day Centres, in order to be introduced with the function of the Day Centres as important social services for persons with intellectual disability and their families. At the same time, they had the possibility to be introduced to the role of the social worker in the implementation of the programme activities in these social services.

Cooperation with the European Medical Student Association of Macedonia – EMSA

This year, more precisely starting from April 2023, the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA established new cooperation, which is significant for persons with intellectual disability and their families. The cooperation is established with the European Medical Student Association of Macedonia – EMSA, and included joint activities aimed at raising awareness and improving the approach of the future medical personnel towards persons with intellectual disability.

The students, divided in groups, realised several visits at the Day Centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje. They had the opportunity to be introduced to the users, persons with intellectual disability, and directly to participate in the activities of these Day Centres.

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