Conference "Investing in social services - Investing in people"

The new legal framework for the provision of community-based social services

Activities of the local organisations of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Celebrating December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities at the local level

Final conference of the EU project "Disability is a matter of perception"

To involve persons with disabilities in policy-making and decision-making in all aspects of life

National observance of December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

At a strong pace and with big steps, we are catching up with the rhythm of European advanced practices for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Workshop held for SWOT analyses and operational activities of the local organizations of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

EASPD Conference in Helsinki – Finland, 3 & 4 October 2019 “Staff Matters! Disability Workforce of Tomorrow”

Преземен текст од

Воведовме целосно нов модел за проценка на попреченост – Децата и семејствата добиваат поддршка за достоинствено детство во кое ќе се развиваат и напредуваат

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

New social support services in the network RCPLIP - PORAKA

UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities Easy to read version on Macedonian language

Унапредување на законската рамка за инклузивно обраование

Усвоен нов Закон за основно образование

Forum of service providers for persons with disabilities


EASPD International Conference

"Investing in social services - investing in people with disabilities"

Activities of RCPLIP - PORAKA and CPLIP - PORAKA Vinica

Opened social club for people with intellectual disabilities and CPLIP office - PORAKA Vinica

Shtip will get a day center for people with intellectual disabilities over the age of 18

Signed memorandum of cooperation between the Municipality of Shtip, OOU "Goce Delchev" and RCPLIP - PORAKA

Activities of RCPLIP - PORAKA and Theater PI

Theatrical multimedia performance OXYGEN

Activities of the local organizations of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

Activities of the local organizations of RCPLIP - PORAKA on the occasion of December 3, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Celebrating the 3rd of December – International Day of Persons with Disabilities, at the national level

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Workshop held for SWOT analyses and operational activities of the local organizations of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

The twentieth session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was held

Consideration of the initial report of the Republic of Macedonia

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Open social club for people with intellectual disabilities in Makedonska Kamenica

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

SPORTS - RECREATION ACTIVITIES for the users of RCPLIP day care centers - PORAKA

EASPD Strategy 2018-2021 COMMIT! – Delivering the support services of tomorrow

Activities of RCPLIP - PORAKA, NSIOM, MIM and MDI

First activities within the project "Disability is just a matter of perception"

NSIOM activities coordinated by RCPLIP - PORAKA

Strengthening the capacities of NSIOM and its member organizations

Activities of CPLIP – PORAKA Bitola

Event "Under this sky we are the same"

Cooperation of RCPLIP - PORAKA with HERA

Trainings to improve work with children with disabilities who are victims of domestic violence

Activities of the Peace Corps and RCPLIP - PORAKA

Strengthening families through targeted trainings

New partnership of RCPLIP - PORAKA

A signed memorandum of cooperation with the Faculty of Philosophy at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" - Skopje

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Final activities within the European project "Early inclusion through mutual learning"

Partnerships RCPLIP - MESSAGE

Art workshops and humanitarian exhibition

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