Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Activities within the project Early Inclusion through Learning from Each Other

Activities of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

First Forum of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities in Macedonia

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Activities within the project Early Inclusion through Learning from Each Other

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Held a workshop on SWOT analysis and operational work of the local organizations of RCPLIP - PORAKA

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Sports and recreational activities for the users of day centers RCPLIP - PORAKA


Cycle of trainings within the international project "Disability Leaders of Tomorrow"

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Two informational events for multiplication were held within the framework of the European project "Early inclusion through mutual learning"

Strengthening the capacities of service providers

Held workshops for five modules in the "Disability Leaders of Tomorrow" training cycle

Activities of the NOVA International School

Humanitarian concert "Teenage Riot"

Activities in the day care centers of RCPLIP - PORAKA

Culinary workshop with the famous chef Mark De Jong

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Activities within the project Early Inclusion through Learning from Each Other

Strengthening the capacities of service providers

An introductory workshop was held in the "Disability Leaders of Tomorrow" training cycle

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Activities within the project Early Inclusion through Learning from Each Other

Повик за пријавување на обуки

Бесплатен курс за обука за Disability Leaders of Tomorrow!

По повод 3-ти Декември, Меѓународен ден на лицата со попреченост

Отворен ден на дневниот центар за лица со интелектуална попреченост – ПОРАКА Скопје во населба Аеродром, 2-ри Декември 2016 година, 11 часот

Support by the business sector

Realization of the donation from Tikves Vinery

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Guide for self-advocacy and social inclusion within the project “Towards European Values: Persons with Disabilities as Equal Citizens”

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Information and video about the project “Towards European Values: Persons with Disabilities as Equal Citizens”

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Activities within the project Early Inclusion through Learning from Each Other

06.10.2016 year, Demir Hisar

The social club for persons with intellectual disability in Demir Hisar is officially opened

Activities of the Republic Centre – PORAKA

SPORTS AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES for the beneficiaries of the day centers of the Republic Center – PORAKA

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Information about the project “Towards European Values: Persons with Disabilities as Equal Citizens”

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Activities within the project Early Inclusion through Learning from Each Other

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Final Conference of the project “Towards European Values: Persons with Disabilities as Equal Citizens”

Partnership of the Republic Center – PORAKA in European projects

Towards European Values: Persons with Disabilities as Equal Citizens

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

SPORTS AND RECREATION ACTIVITIES for the beneficiaries of the day centers of the Republic Center – PORAKA

Од членството на РЦПЛИП – ПОРАКА во ЕАСПД ЕАСПД и клучните партнери ја повикуваат Европската унија да делува во областа на социјалната грижа

Од членството на РЦПЛИП – ПОРАКА во ЕАСПД ЕАСПД ги претстави моделите на добра практика за деловната способност и раната интервенција пред Обединетите нации

Activities of the Republic Centre - PORAKА

Exhibition of graphics made by people with intellectual disabilities "The face of our world"

20 – 22 May 2016

Workshop held for SWOT analyses and operational activities of the local organizations of the Republic Center – PORAKA

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