Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society
Activities on local level
Round table discussion in Demir Hisar
Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar- in the frame of the activities for launching the campaign on the local level “Through Diversity to Equality in the Society”, on 23rd May 2007 has organized round table discussion.
Representatives from the: Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, the cabinet of the Mayor of the municipality of Demir Hisar, Centre for Employment, local unit of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, members of the Executive Board of -PORAKA Demir Hisar- and media participated on the round table discussion.
Opening the event, president of -PORAKA Demir Hisar- Mr. Ljube Dimcevski emphasized that this event has been organized with the support of the Mayor of the municipality of Demir Hisar, Mr.Ljupco Najdovski under the logo “We have the right for an equal opportunity, it is your responsibility”. President of -PORAKA Demir Hisar- made a brief presentation about the structure of the organization, activities, members and future plans.
Dr. Vasilka Dimoska, Program Manager in the Republic Centre – PORAKA made a presentation relating the goal, aims, concept and activities foreseen with the national campaign.
Mr. Mise Miloseski, on behalf of the Mayor of municipality of Demir Hisar, expressed the willingness of the local authorities for support of the persons with intellectual disability in the municipality. Mrs.Valentina Pavlovska made an overview about the process of decentralization and current situation in the municipality of Demir Hisar.
Mr.Vlado Krstovski, Program assistant from Republic centre – PORAKA made a brief presentation about the rights for persons with intellectual disability within the system of social care and process of deinstitutionalization in the country.
On the end, a brief overview regarding the employment of persons with intellectual disability in Demir Hisar has been presented by Mrs. Suzana Mitrevska, representative from the Centre for Employment in Demir Hisar.
Radion “Demir Hisar” has broadcasted the event.
Promotion in Kumanovo
Under the auspices of the Mayor of the municipality of Kumanovo, Mr. Zoran Damjanovski, on 21st of June has been organized promotion of national campaign “Through Diversity to the Equality in the Society” in Kumanovo.
Representatives from local authorities, Council of the municipality of Kumanovo, Center for employment, Medical center Kumanovo, local unit of the Health Insurance Fund, Ombudsman, OSCE Mission, Red Cross, business sector, clients of the day centre, parents and local media attended on the promotion of the national campaign in Kumanovo.
After the welcome speech, Mrs. Blagica Dimitrovska, President of –PORAKA Kumanovo- made a brief presentation about -PORAKA Kumanovo- and the service (day center) created by the Republic centre –PORAKA-. Program Manager of the Republic centre -PORAKA-, Dr.Vasilka Dimoska made a presentation about the goal, aims and expected results of the National Campaign “Through Diversity to the Equality in the Society”.
Representative form the local autorities, Mr. Mile Stojmenovik, had a word about the role of the local authorities and rights of persons with intellectual disability. Representative from the different institutions gave a brief overview relating the system of social care, employment, health care and rehabilitation for persons with intellectual disability. Mrs. Sekirarska, secretary in –PORAKA Kumanovo- discussed about the priorities in the presented fields.
The president of –PORAKA Kumanovo- announced variety of activities on the local level in the frame of the National Campaign 2007.
Activities in Radovis
Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Radovis has organized different activities in the frame of promotion of the national campaign in municipality of Radovis. It has been organized distribution of the material for promotion (poster and leaflets) in the public institutions. Presenting the goal, aims and expected results of the campaign, clients of the day care centre together with the volunteers has visited the representatives of the Health Home Radovis, Centre for Social Welfare, local media. Also, in collaboration with the schools has been presented the basic information about the needs, abilities, potential and capacity of persons with intellectual disability, as well as the benefit of the day centre as a service for persons with intellectual disability. These activities tackle the public in the municipality to visit the day centre and to think about this group of citizens.
Thematic lessons in Skopje
PORAKA Skopje conducted several activities within the campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability “Through Diversity to Equality in the society” on local level. One of the realized activities were the thematic lessons and distribution of promotional material in primary and secondary schools in Skopje. Six schools were included: the secondary schools GUC “Zdravko Cvetkovski”, “Georgi Dimitrov”, “Orce Nikolov”, the primary schools “Gorgi Pulevski”, “Braka Miladinovci” and “Ljuben Lape”. The thematic lessons with the title” What is intellectual disability?” were realized by the parents, engaged persons and the users in the day center of PORAKA in Skopje. In three of the schools, the material was presented by the teachers.
Due to the positive experiences and impressions by the parents and the pupils, PORAKA Skopje will continue with realization of these thematic lessons with the start of the new school year, and will make efforts to include most of the schools on the territory of City of Skopje.