How do the disabled persons live?
This question has been responded to the employees of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje at 4.12.2013 in the Day center for persons with intellectual disability- PORAKA Skopje.
“Poraka has been existing here for 50 years now and this is a jubilee, when we found out that we know little about these persons and wished to spend time with them to hear how they spend their time, what they want to do in the daily centers, to see their handicrafts and to hear how they spend time together, which songs they like, or to know how they spend their days” say the employees of the Bank.
Upon received information from Poraka and from a representative of the non-government organization H.E.R.A., the beneficiaries of the day center received the gifts which Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje had prepared for them.
“Independent functioning of the disabled persons and mastering the skills to perform the activities of daily living, such as cooking, house cleaning, shopping, funds management and other abilities are of essence for these persons. In those terms our gifts are support to mastering more skills to perform the activities of daily living”, said Natasha Brova, Manager of the Human Resources and general Affairs Division of Komercijalna Banka AD Skopje.
Spending time with these persons in the work premises, where with great attention many messages were exchanged for the need of solving their problems, issue in terms of the treatment they got by banks, whether persons with partial ability for work know to use cards and ATMs etc, we spent 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, at the premises of PORAKA Skopje in the settlement of Aerodrom.
Employees of Komercijalna Banka promised to come again in order to train the persons with disability use the Bank’s services.
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