Joint activities of the Republic center – PORAKA with the National Unions – members of the National Council of Disability Organizations of Macedonia
The Republic center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA as a member of the National Council of Disability Organizations of Macedonia (NCDOM) actively participated in realization of programme activities for observing 3 December, International Day of Persons with disabilities, together with the other members of NCDOM.
Reception at the President of the Republic of Macedonia, HE Gjorge Ivanov
The President of the Republic of Macedonia, Dr. Gjorge Ivanov, on the eve of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, December 3rd, received today representatives of the National Council of Disability Organizations of the Republic of Macedonia.
The meeting was attended by representatives of the Union of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing of the Republic of Macedonia, Union of the Blind People of the Republic of Macedonia, Union of Physically Disabled People of Macedonia – “Mobility Macedonia”, Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, Association of War Invalids of Macedonia, National Federation for Sports and Recreation of Invalids of Macedonia and the National Union of Labor invalids of the Republic of Macedonia.
The representatives of the National Council of Disability Organizations of Macedonia informed President Ivanov on the ongoing activities marking December 3rd, on the results achieved in implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as on the situation of people with disabilities in the Republic Macedonia and the challenges they face.
President Ivanov expressed support for the activities of disability organizations and stressed that he will continue to strive towards further improvement of the rights of persons with disabilities, both through improved legislation and through its consistent implementation.
“The state and the society as a whole must take care of all citizens. Caring for persons with disabilities must be continuous, both factually and legally. I urge that the improvement of the lives of people with disabilities should not only be led by the institutions of the system on the social level, but also by municipalities, through local institutions, and most importantly, through the family. Institutions and society as a whole must find mechanisms to strengthen the inherent role of the family as these are systemic, and individual problems, and support must be tailored to the individual needs”, President Ivanov stressed.
The Macedonian President told the representatives of the National Council of Disability Organizations of Macedonia that regardless of the situation, they still need to uncompromisingly advocate for promoting their needs and rights, expressing support for prompt resolution of the priority requirements of the disability organizations.
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Round table
“UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – 2 years since ratification, where we are and what are our goals”
The National Council of Disability Organizations of Macedonia for the observation of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, in cooperation with its members – national unions, organized round table on the subject: “UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – 2 years since ratification, where we are and what are our goals”.
During the round table, held on 3 December, in the Home of ARM in Skopje, it was emphasized that discrimination should be prevented and to provide better access to education, better health and social protection, access to all institutions, increasing the number of interpreters for persons with disability.
Branimir Jovanovski from the Union of Persons with Physical Disability – Mobilnost considers that it is necessary to overcome the obstacles faced by persons with physical disability regarding the access to institutions, educational institutions, and health institutions: “Accessibility is the foundation since it represents the beginning for all other problems, i.e. inability to education, employment and overall inclusion and socialization in all society pores” he said.
On the other hand, the President of the Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, Cedomir Trajkovski, considers that it is necessary to raise public awareness regarding the rights and needs of these persons. As a positive example he emphasized the last Government decision about employing 300 persons with disability.
The President of the National Council of Disability Organizations of Macedonia, Vasko Markov, pointed out that in recent years things are moving forward, but highlighted that it is important to improve these efforts in the future in order to offer possibilities for better life.
The Minister of Labour and Social Policy, Mr.Dime Spasov, emphasized that the care for these persons should not be shown only during this day, but we must give our maximum in assisting and helping make their life easier.
“Situation can never be perfect, but we as a Government and as a Ministry, will give our maximum towards improving the condition for persons with disability. We will act in communication with other institutions to provide better possibilities for these persons. We are exploring opportunities together with the Chambers of comers for creating a Special Fund that will used to help and support persons with different type and level of disability” said Spasov.
“The day center for children with autism is in its final stage, construction activities are being taken for day centers for children with intellectual disability in Strumica and for blind children in Skopje. Additional three day centers will be open next year, which will significantly increase the space where children can spend their time, said Spasov.
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