Within the programme for observance of 3rd of December, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA in cooperation with PORAKA Skopje organised Open Day of the Day Center for persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA Skopje. The Open Day was held on 5.12.2011 starting from ten o’clock.
The Open Day was organised in order to raise the level of knowledge and understanding the needs and problems that persons with intellectual disability face and to raise the awareness about the positive benefits of the inclusion of persons with intellectual disability in everyday life of the community. During the Open Day the activities of the Day Center – PORAKA Skopje were presented, and the participants had the opportunity to socialise with the beneficiaries of the Day Center.
Within the Open Day, and on the occasion of 3rd of December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Republic Center – PORAKA presented acknowledgements to individuals, institutions and organisations that gave their contribution for realisation and advancement of human rights of persons with intellectual disability in Republic of Macedonia in 2011.
The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA presented acknowledgements to:
- H.E. Mr. Nikola Dimitrov, Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in the Kingdom of the Netherlands as an expression of personal initiative for support of the day centers of PORAKA for persons with intellectual disability in 2011;
- The Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as an expression of acknowledgement for the support of the day centers of PORAKA for persons with intellectual disability in 2011;
- National Democratic Institute as an expression of acknowledgement for the continuous support of the programme activities of PORAKA for advancement of the legal opportunities for persons with intellectual disability in 2011;
- Foundation Open Society Macedonia as an expression of acknowledgement for the continuous support of the programme activities of the day centers of PORAKA for persons with intellectual disability in 2011;
- Health Education and Research Association “H.E.R.A.” as an expression of acknowledgement for the cooperation and support in realisation of the programme activities of the day centers of PORAKA for persons with intellectual disability in 2011;
- INCLUSION IRELAND – National organisation of families with persons with intellectual disability in Ireland as an expression of acknowledgement for the support in renovating the premises of the day center PORAKA Radovis;
- John O’Gorman from Ireland as an expression of acknowledgement for the personal commitment and support in renovating the premises of the day center – PORAKA Radovis;
- Bill Shorten from Ireland, as an expression of acknowledgement for the personal commitment and support in renovating the premises of the day center – PORAKA Radovis.
In addition, PORAKA Skopje, also presented acknowledgements to its supporters and collaborators that were included in the support of the programme activities of the Day Center PORAKA Skopje in 2011.