For the observance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Vinica held a meeting with the local authorities and discussed the problems and the needs of persons with intellectual disability in the Municipality, as well as the activities of PORAKA Vinica and the Social Club. On 3 December, at the Centre of Culture, PORAKA Vinica held an event in cooperation with the Day Centre for persons with disabilities. The aim of the event was to present the possibilities of persons with disabilities and their contribution in the everyday living, and to encourage their inclusion in society. Representatives of the local authorities took part, as well as representatives from the municipal library, the Museum of Municipality of Vinica, the youth organisation of the Red Cross, and representatives from the primary and secondary schools. During November and December, several creative workshops were held at the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Vinica. Pupils from the Primary School “Goce Delcev” and activists at the youth organisation of the Red Cross in Vinica took part and together with the users of the Social Club they all made different handicrafts for the New Year Bazaar.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Radovis followed the UN theme for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an Inclusive and sustainable future”. In order to include persons with intellectual disability in all spheres of social and cultural life, the activities for observing this day were aimed at these fields on local level. PORAKA Radovis, in cooperation with the primary schools, has announced an open call for an art competition on the theme inclusion of persons with disability. The users from the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis had the opportunity to visit the Winery Kukutanov and to be introduced with the production process of the famous Chardonnay wines, the unique Rose wines and the Merlot. They saw the large wooden barrels where the wine is stored, the place where it is bottled and packaged for distribution in our country and beyond. The users were given majun or grape syrup which is known for its use in improving immunity. In cooperation with the pupils from the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov” several workshops were held, in which the users had the opportunity to learn three traditional games that had been played in their parents’ childhood. On 3 December, at the premises of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Radovis, there was an event in which the supporters and collaborators of PORAKA Radovis took part. During the event, the implemented activities at the Day Centre in the past year were presented, as well as the cooperation with several stakeholders at the local level. Also, the most successful drawings from the art competition were announced, and the users had the opportunity to perform the traditional children’s games together with pupils from the Secondary School “Kosta Susinov”. As a token of appreciation, PORAKA Radovis awarded acknowledgements to organisations and individuals who supported the work of the Day Centre in the past year. FLEXICREDIT from Radovis donated Orbitrek fitness device for improving the physical condition of the users at the Day Centre.
Within the observance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Skopje, realised numerous activities. Part of them were implemented in cooperation with primary and secondary schools. On 28th of November, at the premises of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje, Aerodrom, activities were held with 9th graders from the Primary School “Ljuben Lape”. Through the workshops for making aromatic candles, clay moulding, New Years decorations and practical activities in the kitchen, the pupils had the opportunity to see the possibilities and potentials of the users. On 3 December, a workshop was held with pupils from the Primary School “KIro Gligorov” at the premises of the Day Centre in Kapistec. An exhibition of photographs taken by Rosalinda Trajkovska was set from 4th to 11th of December at the Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts “Dragutin Avramovski – Gute” in Suli – an. The photographs showed the gardening of the users from both day centres of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Skopje at Zelenata Arka – Bostanie. Using the photographs, the author translated the idea, and the vision of this socially responsible and inclusive project entitled “From Garden to Table” into a story in an artistic and documentary style. Within the permanent programme of City of Skopje – Department of Sports and Youth, the users of both Day Centres and their parents actively participated in sports activities organised at the Secondary School "Zdravko Cvetkovski". The sports activities were held on 3rd and 6th of December, this time together with pupils of this school. On 6th of December a workshop was held at the premises of the Centre for relaxation and joy Relax Kids in Kapistec, in which users of both Day Centres took part. At the Centre of Culture in Gjorce Petrov, multimedia performance was held on 10th of December, in which the users of both Day Centres participated together with pupils with typical and atypical development. The performance was directed by the Centre for performing arts and education Theatre Pi, and it consisted of poetry, video mapping, play and musical concert. On 13th of December, a creative workshop was hell with students from the Faculty of Fine Arts – Art Education. This workshop is a continuation of the previously launched programme for joint production of mosaics between the users of both Day Centres and students of this Faculty. The workshops are being realised at the premises of the Faculty at the Suli – an location in Skopje.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Gevgelija together with the other disability organisations organised activities for afforestation on nearby locations. Due to the bad weather conditions, it has been decided to plant flowers on several places in Municipality of Gevgelija instead. Public debate was held at the premises of the Social Club on 5th of December on advancing the rights of persons with intellectual disability. Participants were representatives of the local authorities, parents of persons with intellectual disability and the member of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, Angelina Petkova, who is also a member of the Committee on Social Policy, Demography and Youth and the Standing Inquiry Committee on Protection of Civil Freedoms and Rights. The debate highlighted the most pressing problems that persons with intellectual disability and their parents face in everyday life.
In accordance with this year observance of 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Stip and the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip, realised many different activities as an opportunity to include and strengthen the abilities and the personal potential of persons with intellectual disability in the community. In cooperation with the Centre for Social Work, the users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip, the pupils from the State Secondary School for Education and Rehabilitation “Iskra” – Stip, the Day Centre for persons with intellectual or physical disability, the Learning Support Centre, the Primary Schools “Vanco Prke” and the special classes in this school, the Centre for Autism and the Secondary School “Dimitar Mirasciev” held a workshop on 21st of November entitled "Together towards the same goal”. The participants made brooches, which are planned to be given to citizens od Municipality of Stip on 3 December in order to raise public awareness. The users of the Day Centre, together with the pupils from the State Secondary School for Education and Rehabilitation “Iskra” had fitness training and recreational activities at the fitness centre on 26th of November. The fitness instructors modified the exercises and the games in accordance with the possibilities of the participants in these activities. Each of them had the opportunity to be an instructor and to demonstrate an exercise that he/she practices at the day centre, the school or at home. During the sports and recreational activities, the participants expressed their spirit for competition. At the end of this activity, the instructors invited the participant to be included in the afternoon group activities free of charge. On 28th of November, pupils and professors from the physiotherapy classes at the Secondary School “Jane Sandanski” visited the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip. The pupils, supported by their teachers, assessed the motor abilities for balance, coordination, muscle strength and flexibility of the users. During the visit, they also implemented different physiotherapy techniques through exercises for stretching and strengthening the muscles, exercises for balance and coordination and relaxation exercises, and recommendations were given for exercises that can be performed with the support of the educators and the family members. On 2nd of December, a workshop was held with potential carers of persons with disability, a training that is conducted by the Employment Agency. The potential carers had direct interaction with the users of the Day Centre and defined the needs and rights of persons through discussions, and towards the end they all created leaflets with the rights of persons with disability. On 3rd of December, the users of the Day Centre together with pupils from the Primary School “Vanco Prke” and the Secondary School “Dimitar Mirasciev” gave brooches and leaflets to the citizens of municipality of Stip in the centre of the city with the aim to raise awareness towards the needs and the rights of persons with disability. On 3rd of December, the users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Stip participated in a sports and recreational event organized by the Centre for Social Work and Municipality of Stip. The event was held at the Sport Hall “Jordan Mijalkov”, and the participants were supported by sports teachers. On 5th of December, Meri Sorova, MD, a transfusion specialist, visited the Day Centre and discussed healthy nutrition with the users, and how health nutrition affects people’s overall health. They also discussed the importance of maintaining personal hygiene and its impact on improving the quality of life.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Prilep realized many activities for the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The first one was implemented on 29th of November. The users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep had an educational visit to the “Museum of Icons” in Prilep. During the visit, the users had the possibility to see the icons and the frescoes that were in the churches and monasteries in Prilep and Prilep region, which date back several centuries. Also, they had the possibility to hear different myths, legends and the life of the saints depicted on the icons. On 2nd of December, the users of the Day Centre visited the Theatre “Vojdan Cernodrinski”. They had the possibility to see and to feel the theatre stage, i.e. it was their first time to stand on the theatre stage, instead of being in the audience. They visited the rehearsal premises of the actors, then the premises for the scenography equipment and the costumes, as well as the workshop where the props are made. Stepping on the theatre stage instigated positive emotions among the users, and the whole process was supported by the theatre employees. There was an opportunity to meet several actors and to discuss different topics related to theatre and acting. On 3rd of December, the users participated at the event organized by the Municipality of Prilep and the Municipal body for inclusion. The users had the honour of opening the event with the National Anthem, which was followed by a standing ovation from the audience. Vase Matevska, one of the users at the Day Centre, recited her poem entitled “3rd of December” and Hristijan Stojkoski, also a user at the Day Centre, accompanied both performances on his guitar. The Mayor of Municipality of Prilep, Borce Jovceski, participated at the event and emphasised the ongoing and future support provided to the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Prilep, as an important social service for persons with intellectual disability in the Municipality. The users traditionally visited “Dental House Kalcoski” and had their routine systematic check-up. Also, they had the opportunity to hear about the importance of dental hygiene. Representatives of “Interakt Club” and “Rotary Club” visited the Day Centre and donated magnetic board, laminator and work materials. On 5th of December the users visited the hair salon at the Secondary School “Gjorce Petrov”, which is under mentorship of Stojne Hristoska. During the visit, the users had the opportunity to learn about various hairdressing techniques and they all got new hairstyles. “Interakt Club” Prilep organised an inclusive event, in which users of all Day Centres in Prilep and pupils from the Secondary School “Mirce Acev” took part. During the event, the users of the Day Centre of the Republic Centre – PORAKA showed their creative and artistic abilities. Workshop was held at the premises of the Day Centre with members of the Association for social and humanitarian action “Prerodba” on 10th of December. The workshop was aimed for gaining practical skills, i.e. making pastries and the users were involved in the whole process. At the end of the workshop, they all had the opportunity to taste the pastries. Educational workshop was held on 11th of December with pupils from the Secondary School “Gjorce Petrov” in which the participants made New Year cards from different materials. On 13th of December, the users of the Day Centre visited the biochemical laboratory “Maksim”. They had the opportunity to have their blood count checked, but also to see the various types of laboratory equipment, and to follow the process of preparing the results.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Demir Hisar started the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in October by opening art and literature competition for pupils from primary schools. On 31st of October workshop was held entitled “Realising the Rights” in the areas of health protection, employment and social protection. Participants were representatives from the local authorities who presented their activities and the news regarding the legal regulations, and the other participants had the opportunity to ask questions and to discuss their needs and difficulties they face in realising these rights. On 3rd of December, at the Pensioner’s Centre, public debate was held. The Mayor of Municipality of Demir Hisar took part, as well as representatives from the Local Self-Government and local institutions, primary and secondary schools and citizens’ associations. The participants discussed the rights, the needs and the problems that persons with intellectual disability face in their everyday living. The mayor acknowledged his support and the support of the municipality, but also, he promised greater engagement and efforts in creating comprehensive measures and activities for inclusion of persons with intellectual disability in all spheres of life. At the end of the event, the best art and literature works were announced, and acknowledgements of appreciation were given to the associates of PORAKA Demir Hisar.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Veles, following the United Nations’ theme “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an Inclusive and sustainable future” for observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities held a panel discussion entitled “inclusive Society – what has been achieved and future challenges”, which was held on 4th of December at the European House – Veles. The aim of the panel discussion was to share experiences regarding inclusion of persons with disability in Veles among different stakeholders, whether the inclusion is in accordance with the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the National Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2023 – 2030, and what are the following challenges in the creation of successful and inclusive society for all. Participants on this panel discussion were representatives for the Local Self-Government, professionals in the disability field, teachers and pupils from the primary and secondary schools, representatives of the NGO sector, parents and family members of persons with disabilities. The panellists discussed about the achievements made so far, but also the systematic changes that need to happen in the future relating to legal regulations, working standards for professionals in the kindergarten and the primary schools, introducing changes to the Law on Secondary Education to provide educational assistants. The conclusions of the panel discussion highlighted the positive changes for persons with disability in our country made as a systematic response to their needs, but still a lot needs to be done in advancing their quality of life, their position in society and enjoyment of their rights on equal basis as others, in a community and society that provide support, non-discrimination, equality and inclusion.
For the observance of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities the Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Bitola implemented several activities at the premises of the Social Club and with other stakeholders, including persons with intellectual disability. In accordance with the theme for 3 December, PORAKA Bitola held an inclusive recital “Bridges of Friendship – for a Society without Prejudices” on 5th of December at the Museum in Bitola, in cooperation with pupils from primary and secondary schools in Bitola. Eight users from the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Bitola independently recited poems from Macedonian authors. Together with pupils from the Secondary School “Josip Broz Tito” and the Primary Schools “Kole Kaninski” and “Todor Angeleski” recited other poems also from Macedonian authors. The users of the Social Club, persons with intellectual disability, demonstrated that they are able and can actively be included in the cultural life of the community. Pupils from the State musical school in Bitola accompanied the recital playing on different musical instruments, and pupils from the other schools created art works on the theme “Bridges of Friendship – for a Society without Prejudices”.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Kavadarci held different activities for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Members of PORAKA Kavadarci had a meeting with representatives of the Local Self-Government where the problems of persons with intellectual disability and their families were discussed. Also, there were discussions about opening new social services in the local community. At the premises of the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA a workshop was held where the persons with intellectual disability had the opportunity to express their artistic abilities. Another workshop was held in cooperation with the Red Cross in Kavadarci, in which the users of the Social Club had the opportunity to learn about the organisation of Red Cross and its activities in the local community. Also, there were discussions about the ways to provide first aid to others as well as to themselves. The users also had the opportunity to hear about the ambulance services, the police, the fire department, how and when they can be called and reached. Under the auspices of the Local Self-Government and in cooperation with several sports clubs in Kavadarci there was a sports event held at the Sports Hall in Kavadarci “Partizan”. Participants were persons with disabilities and basketball players from the Basketball Club “Tikves”, who competed in small football, goal ball, basketball. Also, contacts were established with the local institutions, cultural centres and civil organisations, discussing the needs of persons with intellectual disability and their active participation in the community.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Strumica organised numerous activities for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. There were online activities, interaction with the public through the social media, as well as participation in joint actions with other civil organisations and institutions. The aim of these activities was to raise awareness and understanding within the community regarding the importance of inclusion, equality and support for persons with intellectual disability. In cooperation with the Secondary School “Dimitar Vlahov” there was a creative gastronomy workshop held on 26th of November. Pupils from the tourism and catering classes visited the Social Club of the Republic Centre – PORAKA in Strumica and together with the users prepared various cakes and fruit cocktails. This activity encouraged teamwork, and at the same time the pupils had the opportunity to meet the persons with intellectual disability. On 16th of December the users of the Social Club visited the music school AVISTA led by Vasko PIlicev where they had the opportunity for artistic and cultural engagement, reinforcing the idea that music is a universal language that unites people of all abilities. In partnership with the NGO NOVUS, PORAKA Strumica participated on a Bazaar at the Home of Culture “Anton Panov” on 21st of December with handicrafts made by the users of the Social Club. The Bazaar offered persons with intellectual disability a possibility to present their artistic talents providing them with a platform for sharing their work in the wider community. The event was a part of the initiative “Girls-led youth community actions” implemented by the Centre for research and analyses NOVUS. Representatives of the Union of Women of the political parties SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE visited the Social Club. These visits emphasise the importance of sustainable cooperation for improving the quality of life of persons with disability, as well as encouraging continuous support and advocacy on local level.
The Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Kriva Palanka realised its activities for observing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities in accordance with the theme “Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an Inclusive and sustainable future”. Art and literature competition were organised at the primary schools in the municipalities of Kriva Palanka and Rankovce during November. The event for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities was held on 2nd of December at the premises of the Day Centre in Kriva Palanka. The Mayor of Municipality of Kriva Palanka attended the event as well as representatives from the primary schools and other associates of PORAKA Kriva Palanka. They all discussed about the needs and problems that persons with intellectual disability face in their everyday life but also the activities that PORAKA Kriva Palanka continuously undertakes to improve their situation. At the end of the event, the award-winning pupils from the art and literature competition were announced.
















