New multimedia performance “Nothing bothers me”

“Nothing bothers me” is the title of the new multimedia campaign that Theatre Pi has been working on in the past period in cooperation with the Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Skopje and the Republic Centre for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA.

NOTHING BOTHERS ME is an attitude and a creative urge that we have created to survive in art and for the art to live while we survive with the art. Nothing bothers me to fantasize. Nothing bothers me to be inventive. Nothing bothers me to be different. Nothing and no one will suppress our creative urge. These thoughts were the guiding light to create and implement all the activities within this campaign.

The activities from the first part od the campaign finished with organizing a multimedia event in the park in Gjorce Petrov on 30.6.2021. People had the opportunity to see the concert of classical music and jazz improvisations with Dino Imeri, Dino Ramo, Ema Ananievska, Zlatko Mitreski, Igor Angelov, Jakov Angelov, Eva Malin, Ana Todorovska, and also to see the exhibition of photographs made by persons with intellectual disability, members of PORAKA Skopje, and pupils from the primary schools “Dimitar Pop-Bervoski”, “Mirce Acev”, “Strasho Pindzur” and “Joakim Krchovski”. Persons with intellectual disability and persons with typical development, as well as professional musicians and artists who led the workshops in the past five months took part in the performance “Nothing bothers me”. The musical workshops were led by the musician Dino Imeri, and the photograph workshops were led by the photographer Blagoja Blazevski. After finishing the first part of the campaign “Nothing bothers me”, theatre workshops and theatre performance will follow led by the actors Zlatko Mitreski and Makedonka Ilievska.

The multimedia campaign is realized in cooperation with Municipality of Gjorce Petrov and the primary schools in this municipality, and with PORAKA Skopje. The campaign is supported by the Municiaplity of Gjorce Petrov, the Ministry of Culture, Europe House Skopje and the Embassy of Republic Poland in Skopje.

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