Partnership within the programme “Active Citizens” Final activities within the project “MESSAGE: Open the Windows towards Municipality without Discrimination”

The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, the Association “Open the Windows” and the Committee on Equal opportunities for women and men in Municipality of Karpos held another activity within the programme Active Citizens in the Cinematheque of Macedonia.

During this event, the four primary schools included in this project, presented their activities. The pupils from “Jan Amos Komenski”, through a video presentation, presented the workshops conducted together with the beneficiaries of the day center of PORAKA in Skopje. The motto of the two workshops was: “Differences bring us closer”. “Petar Pop Arsov” showed a video interview with a child with Down Syndrome who talked about different events from his life. With their presentations, the pupils from “Dimo Hadzi Dimov” passed their messages: Open doors of the school and open hearts for all; Our hearts are open, in Dimo Hadzi Dimov there is no discrimination. The pupils from “Lazo Trpovski” wrote and composed a song named “Under the sun we are all the same”.

The final activity together with all participants in the project “MESSAGE: Open the Windows towards Municipality without Discrimination”, The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA, the association “Open the Windows” and the Committee on Equal Opportunities of Women and Men in Municipality of Karpos held in the premises of this municipality. The final event started with the song “Under the sun we are all the same” written and performed by the pupils from “Lazo Trpovski”. Next, acknowledgements were given to the four primary schools that took part in the project, then to Mrs. Jovana Trencevska Councillor in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Cinematheque of Macedonia and the Secondary School “Nikola Karev” for their support in realisation of this project.

The activities implemented under the motto: “MESSAGE: Open the Windows towards Municipality without Discrimination” had a goal to introduce the pupils with the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination and to encourage young people to think and act in the spirit of active citizenship.

On 9th of May, the British Council in Macedonia hosted the final conference within the project “Empowering European Citizens” where the implemented activities from ten European countries were presented. During this conference, the project “MESSAGE: Open the Windows towards Municipality without Discrimination” was presented as a successfully implemented project in the Republic of Macedonia.

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