In the period from 15th till 19th of may 2008 in Maribor, Slovenia, an International Festival of dormitory hymns was held, organized by the Dormitory Antona Skale from Maribor. The festival was aimed for persons with disabilities that presented hymns of their center (dormitory, institute). Each of the following countries had one team that represented them: Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia and Slovenia were represented by two teams.
Macedonia was also represented with two teams: one was from the Center for Support of persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA Struga, and the other one was from the Center for education and rehabilitation of deaf and hard on hearing persons “Partenie Zografski” – Skopje.
PORAKA Struga presented itself on the festival with the song “This world” by Tose Proeski. The participants presented themselves with printed and video material. The town and the country, as well as the culture where they come from were also presented.
The host Dormitory Antona Skale organized a walk through Maribor and a visit to some of the sightseeing places in the city. An excursion to Pohorje was also organized with cable car. For some of the participants that was a first ride with cable car, and at the same time it was an unforgettable experience. This event offered opportunities for unforgettable time for the persons with disabilities, and at the same time an exchange of experiences between the professional teams, with a hope for further cooperation. Traveling by plane is another highlight, which was a new experience for the members of PORAKA Struga.
The host provided the accommodation and the food, and PORAKA Struga organized a fundraising action, which covered part of the traveling expenses. The Red Cross of Municipality of Struga, through a humanitarian campaign “For happier childhood” gathered 10.00 MKD. The Tourist Agency “Skipona Reisen” from Struga, where the plane tickets were purchased, gave a discount, and provided free of charge transport from Struga to the airport in Skopje and back. Other sponsors were: the Agency “Trim and Ljum” with 6.130 MKD, the Faculty of Social Studies (FON) with 13.000 MKD and Municipality of Struga with 50.000 MKD.