Programme activities of the Republic Center – PORAKA in 2014

The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA in 2014 continuous with realization of the activities emerging from its goals and principles of work.

One of the crucial activities of RCPLIP – PORAKA is sustaining, developing and advancing the work of its day centers. In 2014, the Republic Center – PORAKA will continue to lobby for introducing the regulatory mechanisms, which will provide equal access of the NGO sector in the area of delivering social protection services by licensing and contracting for partner relations and financing the activities of the day centers. During 2014, the Republic Center – PORAKA will focus on its realization of the initiative to open a new day center for persons with intellectual disability in Skopje, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and City of Skopje. At the same time, it will continue to initiate the local self-government, in order for them to actively participate in the process of sustainability and opening new services in the community, according the Law for Local Self-Government. In 2014, the Republic Center – PORAKA will continue its activities for promoting new services for support of persons with intellectual disability focusing on the need for early intervention services.

Advancing the legislation regarding the rights of persons with intellectual disability is customary activity of the Republic Center – PORAKA. This year particular attention will be given to the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as an extremely important legally binding document. Thus, the Report on the rights of persons with intellectual disability in Republic of Macedonia will be used, which PORAKA prepared last year.

During 2014, the Republic Center – PORAKA will continue the implementation of activities concerned with raising public awareness regarding the needs and the rights of persons with intellectual disability and their families. Parts of the activities that will be realised during 2014 are continuation of the campaigns, which PORAKA has been running in the past years including the activities for protection against discrimination of persons with intellectual disability.

During 2014, the Republic Center – PORAKA will continue the activities regarding the local disability action plans for improving the condition of persons with disabilities. Thus, the possibilities for expansion or initiation of activities to create local action plans in other municipalities in Republic of Macedonia will mostly depend on the interest of municipalities of the local self-governments..

In 2014, PORAKA will continue the activities for coordination, professional and methodological support and strengthening the capacity of its local branches. Moreover, it will continue to implement the sports and recreational activities for the beneficiaries of the day centers of PORAKA, and also it will continue with the cooperation established on international level and will participate in mutual initiatives, activities and projects emerging from the membership in the associations. Another regular activity, which will be implemented in 2014, is publishing and information work.
The Working Programme of the Republic Center – PORAKA for 2014 is open and may be updated during its implementation.

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