Promotion of a documentary film “Day centers of PORAKA”

Within its programme for 3rd of December – The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the Republic center for support of persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA promoted the documentary film “Day centers of the Republic center for support of persons with intellectual disability – PORAKA”, in which the results are shown from the work of the day centers for adolescents/adults with intellectual disability that are set up in six cities in Republic of Macedonia.

The documentary film is a part of the promotional material of the national campaign for promotion of equality for persons with intellectual disability, which the Republic center – PORAKA is realizing within the 2007 – European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, under the motto: “Through DIVERSITY to EQUALITY in the society”, supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.

The aim of the documentary film is to show the justification for the existence of the day centers and the need for future development of this network with other types of services for persons with intellectual disability. The documentary film shall serve to inform the public and the relevant subjects in the state for the positive effects from the functioning of these day centers and the contributions from these services to the persons with intellectual disability and their families.

The promotion of the documentary film was held on 3rd of December 2007 in the Club of the Members of the Parliament in Skopje, and participants were 80 representatives form relevant institutions, mayors, associates and members of PORAKA. The promotion was facilitated by Cedomir Trajkovski – President of PORAKA, Vasilka Dimoska MD – Program Manager in PORAKA and Slobodanka Lazova Zdravkovska – Head of the Department for protection of persons with disabilities within the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy had their presentations.

The preparation of the documentary film is financially supported by the Macedonian Institute for Media through the grants for promoting results, which are part of the Civil Society Strengthening Project financed by USAID, and implemented by a partner consortium led by ISC.

The Macedonian Radio Television is the media patron of the documentary film, ALSAT Television provided translation of the film in Albanian language, and most of the national and local media are contacted for broadcasting the documentary film.

During the promotion of the documentary film and on behalf of 3rd of December, The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, The Republic center – PORAKA gave a plaque to the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia for the long-term support in the development of a network of day centers of PORAKA. Acknowledgments for 2007 were given to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Macedonian Institute for Media and to the Local Self-Governments that support the functioning of the day centers of PORAKA.

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