
Програмски активности на РЦПЛИП – ПОРАКА во 2024 година

Републичкиот центар за поддршка на лица со интелектуална попреченост  – ПОРАКА во 2024 година ќе продолжи со реализација на активностите кои произлегуваат од поставените цели и принципи на делување. Програмските активности на РЦПЛИП – ПОРАКА се базираат и се во насока на процесот на имплементација на Конвенцијата на ОН за правата на лицата со попреченост, […]

Програмски активности на РЦПЛИП – ПОРАКА во 2024 година Read More »

EASPD calls for more flexibility and concrete action in schools

The COVID-19 pandemic has hugely affected access to inclusive education for children with disabilities; therefore increasing existing inequalities. On the 10th March 2021, the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) organised a webinar to take stock of the situation of education of children with disabilities one year on from the pandemic. The

EASPD calls for more flexibility and concrete action in schools Read More »

Activities of EASPD Address the Resilience of Support Services in the Upcoming European Disability Strategy

On 24th February 2021, the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) organized an online webinar to bring to light the financial situation of social service providers across Europe. A new Study on the short-term impact of COVID-19 on social services was also presented, which highlights the lack of financial resilience of many social

Activities of EASPD Address the Resilience of Support Services in the Upcoming European Disability Strategy Read More »

Online Round Table for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities Transforming the Society: Community for All

The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in cooperation with EU Delegation in Skopje, and in co-organization with the Government of the Republic North Macedonia, the national Council of Disability Organizations in Macedonia and the National Coordinative Body for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, organized an Online Roundtable “Transforming

Online Round Table for observing 3 December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities Transforming the Society: Community for All Read More »

EASPD elected new governing bodies Vasilka Dimoska MD, Secreteray General of the Republic Centre – PORAKA, was re-elected as Board member and Chair of the Member Forum for Early Intervention

The election of Vasilka Dimoska MD represents a great acknowledgement for her work, and as a basis for further deepened cooperation of the Republic Centre – PORAKA on European level.

EASPD elected new governing bodies Vasilka Dimoska MD, Secreteray General of the Republic Centre – PORAKA, was re-elected as Board member and Chair of the Member Forum for Early Intervention Read More »

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – EASPD project “Disability Leaders of Tomorrow”

BE THE DRIVER OF CHANGE!The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) invites front-line managers and social entrepreneurs working in the service provision for persons with disabilities to apply for becoming mentees – the Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LoT project) EASPD has developed the Disability Leaders of Tomorrow (D-LoT) project to facilitate the capacity

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – EASPD project “Disability Leaders of Tomorrow” Read More »

Programme activities of the Republic Center – PORAKA in 2014

The Republic Center for Support of Persons with Intellectual Disability – PORAKA in 2014 continuous with realization of the activities emerging from its goals and principles of work. One of the crucial activities of RCPLIP – PORAKA is sustaining, developing and advancing the work of its day centers. In 2014, the Republic Center – PORAKA

Programme activities of the Republic Center – PORAKA in 2014 Read More »

Activities of the European association of service providers for persons with disabilities (EASPD), 28 January 2014

Climate and energy package: Commission’s 2030 proposals too focused on short term interests of Europe’s dirty old industries “The EU should lead by example to fully include the requirements of the convention in all its internal and external actions because it is legally obliged to do so”, Luk Zelderloo. As a signatory to the UN

Activities of the European association of service providers for persons with disabilities (EASPD), 28 January 2014 Read More »

European Parliament endorsed EDF Manifesto’s key priorities

On 11 February 2014, EDF presented its manifesto on the EU elections 2014 at the European Parliament. The event was organised in cooperation with the European Parliament Disability Intergroup and gathered a lot of MEPs; all of them expressed their full endorsement to the key priorities of EDF manifesto. MEP Adam Kosa, who is also

European Parliament endorsed EDF Manifesto’s key priorities Read More »

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